A highlight reel of Florida’s political Twitter from over the weekend.
Saturday was filled with photo opportunities for Democrats who marched in Homestead in protest of the federal government’s decision to detain migrant children and separate them from their parents. Meanwhile, candidates across the board kept busy campaigning through the hot summer sun ahead of the August 28 primary.
Starting at the top…
Via his U.S. Senate campaign account, Gov. Rick Scott touted the public-private partnership announced to build a high-speed passenger rail from Tampa to Orlando:
I’m for growing jobs. Bill Nelson is for growing government. That’s why he wanted to risk hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on a government project. With private investment in high-speed rail, we will now protect taxpayers-something career politicians don’t understand.
— Rick Scott (@ScottforFlorida) June 22, 2018
Scott’s chippy talk of incumbent Democratic U.S. Senator Bill Nelson preceded this:
Another example of the poor job Rick Scott has done as governor. It only took a flip-flop and 7 years for him to figure out Florida needs high-speed rail. It wouldn’t come as a surprise if he's trying to make money off this, knowing how he’s enriched himself as governor.
— Bill Nelson (@NelsonForSenate) June 23, 2018
All Democratic candidates for Governor marched in Homestead in solidarity against separating migrant families.
Former Congresswoman Gwen Graham posted this photo with her current competitor Chris King:
This campaign is about more than just winning an election — it’s about transforming our state. Working every day to do that, I am grateful to have become friends with @ChrisKingFL. I won’t forget walking alongside him and his daughter Mary Grace today. #KeepingFamiliesTogether pic.twitter.com/vQNEQVHQg5
— Gwen Graham (@GwenGraham) June 23, 2018
This collage from former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine pictures every major Dem candidate sans Jeff Greene:
Relatively new to Twitter, Greene shared this image with his followers:
My sons and I were glad to run into @ChrisKingFL and his daughter at the #MarchforOurFamilies — Democrats committed to turning Florida blue and supporting immigrant families against the Trump agenda. pic.twitter.com/5wns1AFuMt
— Jeff Greene (@JeffGreeneFL) June 23, 2018
One marcher caught this telling photo of Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum:
.@AndrewGillum is the real deal. #BringItHome pic.twitter.com/l3bavzLXJ2
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) June 24, 2018
Following the Homestead march, King caught up with the St. Petersburg Pride parade:
Here we go St. Pete! Love wins! pic.twitter.com/5jjdTJ8gPT
— Chris King (@ChrisKingFL) June 24, 2018
Meanwhile, on the Republican side of the Governor’s race, Congressman Ron DeSantis stumped in Jacksonville alongside U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz. DeSantis was tailing off another Twitter endorsement from POTUS:
Great to be in Ponte Vedra Beach this morning for a St. Johns Meet and Greet with Congressman @MattGaetz! I’m incredibly thankful for the outpouring of support as we fight for Florida’s future! #sayfie pic.twitter.com/yACnYIoF7D
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantisFL) June 23, 2018
But Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam hasn’t given up on the Donald Trump train:
RT if you’re on the team that’s putting #FloridaFirst pic.twitter.com/nggpaHTjJW
— Adam Putnam (@adamputnam) June 23, 2018
In statewide races for Cabinet seats, the digital campaign trail continued apace.
State Sen. Denise Grimsley, a Republican option for Agriculture Commissioner, touted appearances in several counties this weekend. She’s pictured in the top left photo alongside Ocala Republican State Sen. Dennis Baxley:
Democratic Attorney General hopeful Sean Shaw traveled from Tampa to Polk County:
#ontheroadagain to join the @polkdec for their 2018 Blue 🌊 Gala! #shawforflorida
— Sean Shaw (@SShawFL) June 23, 2018
Matt Caldwell, a Republican Agriculture Commissioner candidate, was in Richloam:
The Richloam Hoopla was fantastic. Congrats to Eric and his family on the new historic marker! #2lanetravels #flapol pic.twitter.com/NDwwytcHaO
— Matt Caldwell (@mattcaldwell_fl) June 23, 2018
David Walker, a Democratic candidate for Ag Comish, went to the Washington County Watermelon Parade:
Great Saturday to have a Watermelon Parade and hang out with Washington County Democratic DEC. #Democrats #PeoplesCommissioner pic.twitter.com/6V2S0LkonB
— Roy David Walker (@WalkerForFL) June 23, 2018
Incumbent CFO Jimmy Patronis, who’s seeking reelection, took some time to share the state’s recent credit rating boost:
Sound fiscal policy and strong leadership have provided a platform for growth and continuous improvement in Florida's economy and finances over the last seven years. We must continue doing everything we can to reinforce Florida's strong economic security. https://t.co/PLN0mkdlpD
— Jimmy Patronis (@JimmyPatronis) June 23, 2018
Democratic members of Congress from Florida have continued their assault against separating migrant children from their parents.
Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who was denied entry to a Homestead center housing unaccompanied minor children last week, isn’t giving up easily on fixing the issue:
It's clear the Trump Administration is not doing nearly enough to reunite young children with their families. This is not a one-person job, and right now at the Homestead facility I visited today, they only have one person doing it. That's unacceptable. #FamiliesBelongTogether
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) June 23, 2018
Likewise for Democratic Congresswoman Lois Frankel:
From what I’ve seen so far at the #Texas border, there are a lot of young girls and their mothers packed into cement cell blocks. They don’t look like criminals to me, but they are definitely fleeing from criminals in their home countries.
— Rep. Lois Frankel (@RepLoisFrankel) June 23, 2018
At a federal courthouse in Broward County, state Rep. Shevrin Jones, a West Park Democrat, is pictured here passionately speaking about keeping families together:
From the sands of the FL Keys to the gates of the White House, we are letting it be known that they are wrong and the PEOPLE are RIGHT and we will WIN!
“We will NOT stop, no matter the strain on our bodies, not until our souls are at rest.” #FamiliesBelongsTogether #FlaPol pic.twitter.com/Ghv4uCIbvL
— Shevrin “Shev” Jones (@ShevrinJones) June 25, 2018
Fort Lauderdale state Senator Gary Farmer chatted with the League of Women Voters of Florida:
Great day yesterday w/ .@LWVFlorida .@LWVBCFL at St. Nicholas Episcopal w/ .@RepTedDeutch & .@ShevrinJones talking gun safety & fight against NRA for sensible gun legislation. I filed bills to ban assault weapons & close background check loophole & will never give up that fight!! pic.twitter.com/ODYs4pEWeW
— Senator Gary Farmer (@FarmerForFLSen) June 24, 2018
And like the weather, Rep. Bob Cortes‘ campaign activity stayed hot this weekend:
Another successful walk knocking on doors in HD30. Over 500 homes and still counting. Thank you to those that decided to work on their suntan today. Boy it was a hot one. #eyeonnovember#TeamCortes pic.twitter.com/qmCtFSG3dJ
— Bob Cortes (@CortesBob) June 23, 2018
State Rep. David Richardson, a Democratic Congressional candidate, appeared at Saturday’s march:
Proud to be here at the #KeepFamiliesTogethermarch!
We must come together and support the families separated at the border and all those hurt by Trump’s immigration policies until something is done. #KeepFamiliesTogether #WhereAreTheGirls #Progressive pic.twitter.com/wGzji9Xex9
— David Richardson (@david4florida) June 23, 2018
As did incoming state House Minority Leader Kionne McGhee:
I’ve never been denied this many times in one week to check on the well-being of our Children in my district. Reunification of the children and their parents is nonnegotiable. See y’all at the March! pic.twitter.com/HbdFvlE9o8
— Kionne “Commish” McGhee (@kionnemcghee) June 23, 2018
In Tampa, Sen. Dana Young knocked door-to-door for her reelection bid:
Just wrapping up another big Saturday walking door to door! I appreciate the many voters who took a few moments away from watching World Cup Soccer to talk with me about my re-election campaign for the Florida Senate. It’s truly an honor to represent SD 18!#teamyoung
— Dana Young (@DanaYoungFL) June 23, 2018
State Rep. Bobby Olszewski battled the heat per usual:
What’s a heat index? Working hard meeting the voters of FL House District 44! #VoteBobbyO pic.twitter.com/nanfJLZVIo
— Bobby Olszewski (@BobbyOlszewski) June 23, 2018
In Pasco, Republican Ardian Zika stayed busy as he seeks to replace term-limited House Speaker Richard Corcoran:
Great to see many supporters this weekend while on the campaign trail! Humbled by your support. #ArdianZika #FloridiansFirst #PascoProud #Pasco pic.twitter.com/DzFCSu0Qkg
— Ardian Zika (@ArdianZika) June 25, 2018
Berny Jacques, pictured here with flyers and an umbrella, is clearly campaigning through a Florida summer:
Finishing the weekend strong! #ProtectPinellas #flapol 🇺🇸☔️💪 pic.twitter.com/11MDaA6PSh
— Berny Jacques (@bernyjacques) June 24, 2018
Orlando Democratic House candidate Anna Eskamani has a rain-or-shine policy for her campaign:
Rain or shine, #TeamAnna is HUSTLIN! We know our bid to #TakeBack47 is more than just a campaign, it is a movement — fueled by people like you. Got some time to give and want to help? Contact Anna at [email protected] & we’ll get you plugged in! ✊🏽❤️ #sayfie #flapol pic.twitter.com/V6mCAqJl2r
— Rep. Anna V. Eskamani 🔨 (@AnnaForFlorida) June 24, 2018
And state Senate candidate Carie Pilon was sure to have a presence at the St. Pete Pride Parade:
Team Pilon is ready for Pride! #loveislove #Pride2018 pic.twitter.com/QSBS0zrGmu
— Carrie Pilon (@CarriePilon) June 23, 2018