A compilation of Independence Day messages from Florida’s elected officials and politicians:
President Donald Trump:
Attorney General Pam Bondi:
“On this day, 242 years ago, 13 American colonies united in signing the Declaration of Independence becoming the United States of America. Since its inception, the USA continues to ensure our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. American men and women throughout our history have severed to protect these inalienable rights and I am forever grateful for their sacrifice. This Fourth of July, let us celebrate American bravery, exceptionalism and strength. God Bless America.”
Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis:
“The freedom and independence we cherish can often be taken for granted. As we celebrate the 242nd birthday of our great nation, with, as John Adams put it, “pomp and parade,” it’s important we remember the courage and sacrifice made by the many who came before us. This Fourth of July, let’s take a moment to reflect, and honor all Americans who love and serve our land of the free and home of the brave. Have a happy and safe Independence Day!”
Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera:
On this day in history, the greatest nation in history was born and today we celebrate the freedoms & rights we enjoy in the U.S.A. I hope you enjoy celebrating with your families #HappyBirthdayAmerica & #Happy4thofJuly! pic.twitter.com/dT0nKizvur
— Carlos Lopez-Cantera (@LopezCantera) July 4, 2018
Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum:
“The Fourth of July is a day for many to enjoy time off with friends and family, cookouts, parades and fireworks — but I hope you find some time to stop and reflect on its meaning too.
“In the Declaration of Independence, our Founding Fathers wrote that we are all ‘created equal’ — and that we all have certain rights, including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” that cannot be taken away from us.
“Today, let’s re-commit ourselves to a lesson my grandmother taught me as a kid — that we’re all in this together. That if I went far, we all went far. That if I succeeded, we all succeeded.
“It’s time for us to restore our belief in the collective, and work together for a country where every one of us has an opportunity to succeed.
“I’m so thankful to have you fighting by my side, and I hope you have a great Fourth of July.”
Gubernatorial candidate Gwen Graham:
“That our freedom is worth celebrating reminds us our freedoms are worth fighting for. Your activism is inspiring, and it is necessary. After the fireworks, renew your commitment to speak up, speak out, organize and VOTE. This is the least we can do for the country we love.”
Gubernatorial candidate Chris King:
Today, we celebrate 242 years since the founding of our country — and this year, like so many of you, I’m conflicted.
While more than two centuries of our vibrant, diverse experiment in democracy is certainly something to be celebrated, I can’t help but think about the crisis at the border right now, where families who have come seeking liberty have instead been met with separation and detention.
The only way we’re going to make change here is through sustained, public pressure — and that means all of us making our voices heard every single day until this crisis is resolved.
For the parents still looking for their children, this holiday isn’t a reprieve. Let’s make sure they know we’re still on their side.
Gubernatorial candidate Philip Levine released this digital ad:
Attorney General candidate Sean Shaw:
#HappyFourthOfJuly! I hope everyone has a peaceful & safe holiday spent with friends & family as we celebrate the founding of our great nation! pic.twitter.com/UE83FrH7cP
— Sean Shaw (@SShawFL) July 4, 2018
Agriculture Commissioner candidate Nikki Fried:
The Fourth of July is about enjoying family, friends, fireworks, and food grilled on a fire, but it’s also about remembering our nation’s roots.
Since America’s birth, we’ve obviously grown in size, but we remain fiercely committed to our independence and freedom. Times may be tough right now and tensions may be high, but we’re all proud to live here and be a part of this democracy. Let’s keep fighting and voting to honor our forefathers’ vision, while tweaking it to the needs of the 21st century.
Wishing you a safe and happy holiday.
U.S. Rep Matt Gaetz:
“Tomorrow is Independence Day, when we celebrate the founding of the United States of America, the world’s greatest experiment in self-government, liberty, and justice. The words of the Declaration are no less shocking and no less radical today than when they were drafted two hundred and forty-two years ago: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their CREATOR, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that Governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient Causes, and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies, and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. These are truly revolutionary words (no pun intended!), and they raise deep and profound philosophical questions about the purpose and the composition of government.
“The ability to define universal truths about humanity (the Declaration), then transform them into law (the Constitution), and eventually a government itself, was a monumental and brilliant achievement, unparalleled in human history. It is worth taking a break from the festivities of the holiday, even for just a few moments, to think about what America means to you, and the many reasons we all have to be proud of America. I encourage you to reflect on our country, and its past, present, and future — as well as acknowledging the courage, bravery, and sacrifice of the men and women who have given so much to defend and protect it. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Independence Day.”
U.S. Rep. Val Demings:
“As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we celebrate American values.
“Our country was founded on the principles of freedom, liberty, courage, and basic human rights. We must continue to uphold our principles of human dignity, accountable governance, and liberty and justice for all.
“The strength of America grows out of the heart of America. AMERICA is not easy, but she is worth the fight. Fight on in the name of Freedom and Justice. Happy Independence Day, take care and be safe.”
Former Jacksonville Mayor and candidate for Congress Alvin Brown:
“Today we celebrate our country’s birth and independence. That independence is neither something we can simply learn about in the history books nor take for granted, but we must fight for it every day. From our people to our spirit, there is so much good in our country, and yet, racism, sexism, bigotry and other forms of societal oppression continue to exist. We must recommit to making sure everyone in this country is treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. We have to look after our military families and veterans who have fought for our freedoms. We must ensure everyone has opportunity and that every child gets a quality education. We owe it to our communities, children and fellow Americans to rededicate ourselves to the ideals of liberty, equality and humanity on which our country was founded. Santhea and I wish our fellow Floridians and all Americans a happy and safe Fourth of July holiday.”
Congressional candidate David Shapiro:
Happy Fourth of July!
Independence Day is one of my family’s favorite holidays to spend at home.
Summer days in Florida can be scorching, but when the sun goes down and the temperature drops, there’s no better place to celebrate with friends and family.
Today’s holiday comes two days after the 54th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act — and to me, that’s fitting. Independence Day is about recognizing the great strides this country has made since our founding, and thinking about the progress that still lies ahead.
We are living at a time when American values have never felt more threatened by politicians in Washington. But if there’s anything I have learned from knocking on doors and talking to the hardworking people of Florida’s 16th District over the past nine months, it’s this: Florida voters are more committed to democracy and equality than ever before.
Last Saturday, my campaign met our end-of-quarter fundraising goal with help from people like you. We have the momentum and we have the energy — now let’s go win this!
Happy Independence Day and thank you.
State Rep. Tracie Davis:
State Rep. Chuck Clemons:
Today as we celebrate the birth of our nation, we must always hold true to the core principles of our Republic; Freedom, Democracy, and Liberty. Happy Fourth of July! 🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/plbBuxwspN
— Chuck Clemons (@ChuckClemons21) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Paul Renner:
Happy #FourthofJuly! Wishing everyone a safe and fun Independence Day. pic.twitter.com/2LJJWaVAh7
— Paul Renner (@Paul_Renner) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Bob Cortes:
Happy Independence Day! I hope you and your family have a fun and safe celebration! #Happy4th #Freedom pic.twitter.com/nC2loeZO0n
— Bob Cortes (@CortesBob) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Blaise Ingoglia:
“The most patriotic man, ladies and gentlemen, is sometimes the man who goes in the direction that he thinks right even when he sees half the world against him. It is the dictate of patriotism to sacrifice yourself if you think that that is the path of honor and of duty.
“Do not blame others if they do not agree with you. Do not die with bitterness in your heart because you did not convince the rest of the world, but die happy because you believe that you tried to serve your country by not selling your soul.
“Those were grim days, the days of 1776.
“Those gentlemen did not attach their names to the Declaration of Independence on this table expecting a holiday on the next day, and that 4th of July was not itself a holiday. They attached their signatures to that significant document knowing that if they failed it was certain that every one of them would hang for the failure.
“They were committing treason in the interest of the liberty of 3,000,000 people in America. All the rest of the world was against them and smiled with cynical incredulity at the audacious undertaking.
“Do you think that if they could see this great Nation now they would regret anything that they then did to draw the gaze of a hostile world upon them?
“Every idea must be started by somebody, and it is a lonely thing to start anything. Yet if it is in you, you must start it if you have a man’s blood in you and if you love the country that you profess to be working for.” — President Woodrow Wilson, Presidential Address at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 4, 1914.
State Rep. Amber Mariano:
State Rep. Jake Raburn:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” — Thomas Jefferson.
“As we celebrate Independence Day, let’s pause to remember and honor the sacrifices of so many in order that we may have liberty and enjoy the gift of freedom. Melissa and I wish you a safe and Happy Fourth of July holiday.”
State Rep. Chris Sprowls:
Via Twitter: “The true heroes of the 4th of July are those who bore the burdens of war, the challenges of peace, & had the courage to declare that all men are created equal. Their descendants perfected that vision & rightly carry the title — hero. God bless America!”
State Rep. Dane Eagle:
“As we join with family and friends this week to enjoy festive celebrations complete with fireworks, let us pause to celebrate and give thanks for that historic day in 1776 when men of resolve came to a crossroads of conviction. From that moment, the Great American Experiment has been transforming the world.
“Whether inward or outward, the light of Americanism has shined favorably. The windows of history are forever etched with the imprint of Americanism. And even today Lady Liberty continues to lift her lamp beside the golden door. The world is a different place because the tenacious thirst for liberty that consumed our Founders has been propelled across land and sea.
“Freedom is the right of all people; America is her flagship. We pledge allegiance to a nation that embodies the Founding Fathers’ vision for an indivisible republic. We pledge allegiance to a nation that guarantees liberty and justice to all. We pledge allegiance to a country that gives us one nation under God.
“Tyrants and terrorists come and go. Recessions and economic conditions ebb and flow. But what I believe will stand the test of time is the spirit of America.
“For as long as God allows, let the Stars and Stripes wave over this: our very own land of the free and home of the brave. May God bless America and those who defend her still today.”
State Rep. Bill Hager:
Happy 4th of July! pic.twitter.com/Or2FrwSh8H
— Bill Hager (@RepBillHager) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen:
“Today marks one of my favorite holidays of the year. It’s a day spent with delicious food, great company, and exciting community events—but most importantly—it’s a day to pause, take a moment and acknowledge that I live in the greatest nation in the world.
“Wishing you and your family a very happy and safe 4th of July!”
State Rep. Bryan Avila:
Celebrating the #4thOfJuly with the residents of @MiamiSpringsFL. One of the best parades in @MiamiDadeCounty. #IndependenceDay #District111 pic.twitter.com/TO0nQgtgNv
— Rep. Bryan Ávila (@BryanAvilaFL) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Nicholas Duran:
Wishing everyone a Happy Fourth of July! pic.twitter.com/BPMj23Pv2U
— Nicholas X. Duran (@DuranForFlorida) July 4, 2018
State Rep. Holly Raschein:
Happy Fourth of July from District 120 and #teamholly! pic.twitter.com/FrOPxBP6jW
— Holly Raschein (@HollyRaschein) July 4, 2018
Pasco County Commissioner Mike Moore:
“This country was founded and built by people with great dreams and the courage to take great risks.” — President Ronald Reagan. Today, please join me in honoring those who have gone before us, many making the ultimate sacrifice, so that we may live in freedom.”
House District 39 Republican candidate Ardian Zika:
House District 69 candidate Nick DiCeglie:
On July 4th, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the greatest nation on earth was born. Let us honor the heroes who make our country great, from our Founding Fathers to those serving our country overseas this very week. #IndependenceDay pic.twitter.com/nTdKLtNdLz
— Nick DiCeglie (@NickDiCeglie) July 4, 2018
Lara Trump, senior adviser to Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.:
“On this Independence Day, we join the rest of America in celebrating all of the God-given freedoms that our founders sacrificed so much for. And now under President Trump’s leadership, we can all celebrate the renewal of so many of our individual liberties as American citizens. Today, we are especially grateful for the brave men and women of our Armed Forces stationed overseas away from their families, who continue to fight to preserve these rights we hold so dear. We wish every American a very happy 4th of July!”
Republican Party of Miami-Dade County Chair Nelson Diaz:
Happy Fourth of July!
“Americans fill the world with art and music. They push the bounds of science and discovery. And they forever remind us of what we should never forget: The people dreamed this country. The people built this country. And it is the people who are making America great again.
“As long as we are proud of who we are, and what we are fighting for, there is nothing we cannot achieve.
“As long as we have confidence in our values, faith in our citizens, and trust in our God, we will not fail.
“Our families will thrive.
“Our people will prosper.
“And our Nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free.”
— President Donald Trump, State of the Union, January 2018.
Happy Fourth of July, may we continue to elect Republicans who uphold our values and more importantly uphold our freedom and liberty.
The Fiorentino Group: