- Adam Hattersley
- Ana Maria Rodriguez
- Anna Eskamani
- Anthony Rodriguez
- Bobby DuBose
- Carlos Guillermo Smith
- Chip Lamarca
- Chris Latvala
- Cindy Polo
- Cord Byrd
- David Smith
- Gary Farmer
- Holly Raschein
- James Buchanan
- James Bush III
- Jason Pizzo
- Jennifer Webb
- Joy Goff-Marcil
- Katie Edwards-Walpole
- Keith Perry
- Kristin Jacobs
- Lauren Book
- legislative
- Lori Berman
- manny diaz
- Margaret Good
- Mike Beltran
- Mike Gottlieb
- Mike Grieco
- Mike Hill
- Scott Plakon
- staffing merry-go-round
- Toby Overdorf
- Tom Lee
- Tommy Gregory

With a tip of the hat to LobbyTools, here are the latest movements – both on and off – of the legislative merry-go-round.
On: In the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Cindy Kynoch is staff director. Jamie DeLoach and Ross McSwain are deputy staff directors. McSwain worked previously as staff director of Regulated Industries.
Off and on: Elizabeth Ryon became deputy staff director for the Senate Committee on Community Affairs. She was previously director of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space and Domestic Security.
On: David Sikes became director of the Senate Committee on Education.
Off and on: Dawn Roberts replaced Cameron Ulrich as staff director for the Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections.
On: Allen Brown became the staff director, and Phil Williams became the deputy staff director, for the Senate Committee on Health Policy. Williams previously served as staff director for the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.
On: Booter Imhof comes out of retirement for serve as staff director for the Senate Committee on Innovation, Industry and Technology. Imhof served the State of Florida for nearly 40 years, most recently with the Committee on Regulated Industries in 2016.
On: Joe McVaney became staff director for the Senate Committee on Governmental Oversight and Accountability. McVaney previously served as general counsel & deputy staff director for the Senate Committee on Appropriations.
On: Diana Caldwell is staff director for the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs and Space. She served as staff director previously for the Senate Committees on Governmental Oversight and Accountability and Communications, Energy and Public Utilities.
On: Robert Babin is the deputy staff director for the Senate Committee on Finance and Tax.
Off: John Piskadlo is no longer legislative assistant for Plantation Democratic Sen. Lauren Book.
On: Daniel Martinez and Judith Ruiz joined Hialeah Gardens Republican Sen. Manny Diaz‘s office as legislative assistants.
Off and on: Jay Shannon and Jennifer Gottlieb returned, and Dana Quist has left as legislative assistants for Fort Lauderdale Democratic Sen. Gary Farmer.
On: Natalie Brown became legislative assistant for Brandon Republican Sen. Tom Lee.
Off and on: Stephanie Tuten and Robert Vogan became legislative assistants for Gainesville Republican Sen. Keith Perry. David Winialski is no longer Perry’s chief legislative assistant.
On: Linda Kraft is legislative assistant for Miami Democratic Sen. Jason Pizzo.
On: Mike Norris is legislative assistant for Lithia Republican Rep. Mike Beltran.
On: Dione Ramos and Chris Hodge are the new district secretaries for Sarasota Republican Rep. James Buchanan.
On: Rubin Young is legislative assistant and Delores Staten is district secretary for Miami Democratic Rep. James Bush III.
Off and on: Kyle Irwin is no longer legislative assistant and Katherine Woodby moved from district secretary for legislative assistant in Neptune Beach Republican Rep. Cord Byrd‘s office.
On: Ryan Horland became district secretary for Fort Lauderdale Democratic Rep. Bobby DuBose.
On: Lauren Cooper became district secretary, and Alex Weeden became legislative assistant, for Orlando Democratic Rep. Anna Eskamani.
On: Cody Rogers is district secretary for Aventura Democratic Rep. Joseph Geller. He previously served with Rep. Kristin Jacobs.
On: Joseph Goldberg is legislative assistant for Maitland Democratic Rep. Joy Goff-Marcil.
On: Elizabeth Wilson is district secretary with Sarasota Democratic Rep. Margaret Good‘s office.
On: Evelyn DuPlecy is legislative assistant and Linda Segall is district secretary for Davie Democratic Rep. Mike Gottlieb. DuPlecy previously worked for Sen. Lori Berman, and Segall previously worked for Rep. Katie Edwards-Walpole.
On: Michele McCloskey became district secretary for Rep. Tommy Gregory. McCloskey previously worked as administrative support for the House Commerce subcommittees.
On: Gianfranco Puppio became legislative assistant, and Kavanjote Kaur Birdi became district secretary, for Miami Beach Democratic Rep. Mike Grieco. Birdi previously worked for former Rep. Robert Asencio.
On: Amy Bolick is legislative assistant and Cassidy Whitaker is district secretary for Riverview Democratic Rep. Adam Hattersley.
On: Mariya Calkins became legislative assistant, and Kelley Seward became district secretary, for Pensacola Republican Rep. Mike Hill.
On: Karina Pereira became district secretary for Coconut Creek Democratic Rep. Kristin Jacobs.
On: Corey Staniscia is legislative assistant for Lighthouse Point Republican Rep. Chip LaMarca.
Off: Sue Berfield is no longer legislative assistant for Clearwater Republican Rep. Chris Latvala.
On: Stephanie Benedict became legislative assistant for Ormond Beach Republican Rep. Tom Leek.
On: Brooke Evans is district secretary for Palm City Republican Rep. Toby Overdorf.
On: Eddie Thompson returned as district secretary for Longwood Republican Rep. Scott Plakon.
On: Daphnee Arana became legislative assistant for Miramar Democratic Rep. Cindy Polo.
On: Julio Rodriguez is legislative assistant for Key Largo Republican Rep. Holly Raschein.
On: Ray Quintero is district secretary for Doral Republican Rep. Ana Maria Rodriguez.
On: Eva Martinez became district secretary for Miami Republican Rep. Anthony Rodriguez.
Off: Ida Eskamani is no longer legislative assistant for Orlando Democratic Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith.
On: Joseph Darcy is district secretary for Winter Springs Republican Rep. David Smith.
Off and on: Grace Moseley is legislative assistant for Gulfport Democratic Rep. Jennifer Webb. She was previously with Rep. Good’s office.