If the 2020 election were held today, President Donald Trump would be in a tight race, losing slightly to a generic Democrat, according to a new Mason-Dixon poll released Thursday.
The poll finds Trump underwater in favorability ratings and one point behind an unnamed Democratic opponent a result well inside the poll’s margin of error.
If a vote were held today, 45 percent of Florida registered voters would vote to re-elect him, and 46 percent would vote to replace him with a Democrat, the poll found.
The poll found that 42 percent of Florida voters have a favorable opinion of Trump, while 45 percent have an unfavorable rating.
“President Donald Trump remains a divisive figure in Florida, a state he narrowly carried in 2016,” Mason-Dixon observed in the poll’s report. “Still considered by many as the most important ‘swing state’, Florida has had a series of very close statewide political races over the past several election cycles. The stakes are high for Trump in Florida.
“With that as the backdrop, Trump is slightly underwater at present,” the polling firm stated.
The poll was conducted through telephone interviews Jan. 14-17 of 625 registered Florida voters. Mason-Dixon reported a margin of error of 4 percent.
Surprising no one, the poll found opinions about Trump breaking solidly along party lines: 85 percent of Republicans are ready to vote to re-elect him, while 88 percent of Democrats are ready to vote to replace him. Independents slightly favor re-election, by 44 percent to 41 percent.
In North Florida, 53 percent of registered voters would vote to re-elect, while in Southeast Florida, 57 percent are ready to vote to replace.
Trump is in trouble with young Florida voters, with 61 percent under the age of 35 wanting to vote to replace. On the other hand, he gets the most support from those aged 35 to 49 in the poll.