It’s Tax Day, so national Democrats are seeking to convince voters in targeted districts that they didn’t get anything out of the Republicans’ big tax reform bill of 2017.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has launched a social media advertising campaign for April 15 keyed to its #GOPTaxScam theme, declaring, “Thanks for Nothing”. It’s running in a handful of contested congressional districts held by Republicans who voted yes on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, and charges that the tax breaks went to the wealthy, and little or none to middle-class voters.
The ads are running in California, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, and Texas, though not Florida yet.
Democrats are backing up the campaign with a citation to a news report from CBS News that declares that voters in such states that have high real estate taxes are being hit with federal income tax increases as the result of caps on their state and local taxes deductions.
“This year’s tax day is just another painful reminder that many everyday working people are paying higher taxes because Republicans in Washington wrote a giant handout to their special interest backers, paid for by the rest of us,” DCCC spokesperson Cole Leiter stated in a news release. “Voters sent a message when they booted Republicans out of the Majority last November, and today their message is the same, ‘thanks for nothing.’”
April 15, 2019 at 9:06 am
I notice the Socialist media and the DNC fail to use actual statistics. It is so much easier to LIE and don’t let the facts get in the way. In fact, the average tax payer who makes under $100,000 are paying $2,000 less this years in Federal Income tax. Thankfully, in Florida we have no state Income Tax which is basically theft for the pay and benefits of the Socialist Oligarchy in charge of those states.
Scott Thatcher
April 15, 2019 at 8:22 pm
All I hear from the liberals is “Fair Share”. Well, everyone needs to pay their “Fair Share” of federal taxes, despite what their states charge.
If you don’t like your state taxes, change them or move.
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