Sen. Lori Berman and Rep. Richard Stark are again backing legislation that would allow family members of potentially dangerous individuals to petition a court to restrict that person’s access to weapons.
The two backed similar legislation during the 2019 Session. But that bill died before advancing out of committee.
The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act (SB 7026), passed into law in 2018, allowed for guns to be restricted from individuals showing “red flags,” or warning signs, of potential violence.
That law does not allow family members to petition a court directly. Instead, the Act limited that ability to others, such as law enforcement officers or an individual who adjudicated someone as mentally defective.
That means family members would have to first report potential warning signs to one of those individuals, who would then be able to petition the court.
But following a pair of mass shootings over the weekend, Berman refiled the bill (SB 114) in the Senate for the 2020 Legislative Session.
“These senseless massacres could have an added piece of potential prevention if we simply allow those closest to those with mental illness an opportunity to come forward,” Berman said.
“We are taught, if we see something, say something, yet that very principle is meaningless if the information shared lacks the ability to be enforced.”
In addition to those two deadly shootings in Texas and Ohio, another pair of potential attacks were stopped after authorities were alerted of disturbing behavior.
After a Pennsylvania man made threatening remarks while trying to purchase weapons at a Walmart, employees contacted law enforcement, and they arrested the man.
And in Texas, a 19-year-old was arrested after his grandma told police he planned to shoot up a hotel.
Both the El Paso and Dayton shooters also expressed violent intent before committing their attacks.
“Reducing gun violence requires a multi-prong approach,” Stark said.
“One area most legislators agree on is preventing people with mental health issues from carrying out the harming of themselves or others. Family members are best at recognizing warning signs and too often need to work directly with the courts. This is a bipartisan bill that will greatly help reduce preventable gun violence.”
Under Florida’s “red flag” law, if a court agrees to issue a Risk Protection Order (RPO) against an individual, that person would have their guns taken for one year before a judge decides on whether to keep the restriction in effect.
Critics have argued that the one-year restriction infringes on individuals’ Second Amendment rights.
Given that these petitions are not full legal cases, individuals facing seizure of their weapons aren’t guaranteed an attorney. That means those individuals must argue their own case to push back against a declaration that they are a danger.
“It’s just a fear that since a lot of these cases target people with mental illness, you’re essentially asking someone with a mentally ill person to make their own case to the judge,” said Tom Hudson in an interview with NPR on the effect of “red flag” laws.
Berman challenged Republicans, who have historically been reticent to expand regulatory authority regarding guns, to consider the bill during the upcoming Session.
“As I enter my 10th year of legislative service, I have proposed bills in all but one of those years to address some aspect of meaningful, responsible and sensible gun control,” Berman said.
“Unfortunately, until the Republicans summon the courage to overthrow the hold of the National Rifle Association, and embrace some of these measures, the growing threat of gun violence will continue to be an all-too-familiar part of Floridians’ daily lives.”
Kurt Baschab
August 6, 2019 at 8:06 pm
Every communist, Socialist, & police State would be Proud Of this Law, to ask the children, Family Members, Friends, Neighbors, EX – Girlfriends, Wives, Boyfriend,Husbands Etc to turn in there parents , friends, etc for a crime they have yet to commit. Then to demand they pay out of pocket for there own legal defense, knowing most American citizens do not have $10,000 to pay the deposit for the lawyer, let alone the $100,000 to $100,000,000 to pay for the legal defense against the city or state that has unlimited tax payer funds .
This is a unjust and unconstitutional, that we the American citizens do not need .
Why is no Asking why Broward County Sheriff didn’t do there Job,when called to Cruz home over 42 times ?
When Cruz Assaulted his mother on domestic violence? If they had arrested and the county prosecutors had prosecuted Cruz would have been a prohibitive processor .
Why is no one asking why the Broward County Sheriff Officers didn’t Arrest Cruz when he brought guns and knives to school, when he threatened teachers & students with verbal and physical violence.
Why didn’t the Broward County School Administration Baker Act Cruz when teachers & students begged them to ?
Why is no one asking why Law Enforcement isn’t enforcing current law ?
Let take the Parkland school shooting, the student Cruz posted on social media that he was going to shoot up the school, two different citizens contacted the FBI on two different occasion, the 1st time in sept yet the FBI didn’t investigate, Why ? The 2nd time the FBI was Notified was in JAN one mo before the shooting, yet the FBI once again failed to investigate. Why?
Did the News Media ask Why ?
It against Federal law to post threats on social media so why didn’t the FBI investigates?
Did Congress hold hearings?
Did the state of FL hold hearings asking why the FBI didn’t investigate?
Could it be they all were to busy blaming a inanimate object, NRA, law abiding Gun Owners, ETC
gary lopez
August 7, 2019 at 7:20 pm
They were not permitted to do anything to Cruz because he was a protected minority under the Obama created Promise program!
The answer to this problem is simple. Open carry for all!
August 6, 2019 at 8:26 pm
As usual, scribes in the media are pure Nazis, Communists or Satanist or some combination of the 3. Red Flag laws can work both ways. In case you don’t get that meaning; Red Flag laws can be applied to all Politicians and anyone that draws a check from the government.
Hey what happened to the goon in full body-armor and with helmet and face-shield, firing an exotic weapon a teacher saw close up at the Parkland school?
Nazi spooks are at work and the paid weasel scribes in the media all go along with it.
August 8, 2019 at 4:41 pm
The anti-civil rights movement is in full swing. We now have the Marchman Act, Baker Act and Red Flag Act. The only thing that’s happening is the redefining of due process.
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