Rep. Tina Polsky managed to have her top fundraising month so far this cycle, bringing in $6,500 in July.
And it’s almost all thanks to Disney and beer.
A trio of Disney-related entities each forked over $1,000 to Polsky, according to the latest documents filed with the Florida Division of Elections.
Disney Gift Card Services, Inc., Disney Vacation Development, Inc. and Magical Cruise Company all donated a cool $1,000 to Polsky. Those donations totaled $3,000.
Another $1,000 each was earned from Gold Coast Beverage, LLC, Brown Distributing Company, Inc. and the Florida Beer Wholesalers Good Government Committee. Those contributions added up to another $3,000.
The remaining $500 was earned from the Florida Podiatry Political Committee.
Polsky took over the Palm Beach County seat from Rep. Joe Abruzzo after defeating Boca Raton Democrat Mindy Koch in the 2018 primary.
The district is comfortable Democratic, though it remains to be seen whether Polsky will face another primary challenge. So far, nobody has filed to contest the seat.
Polsky may be looking to ramp up her fundraising pace just in case.
Things were slow during the Spring, thanks in part to a bar on incumbents raising money during Session. But, like many other incumbents, Polsky’s post-Session fundraising in June was also light. She raised just $1,000.
July saw Polsky spend just over $3,000. Polsky paid Johnson strategies $1,000 for consulting. The other money went toward appearances at Democratic events and miscellaneous expenses such as gas and mileage reimbursements.
In total this cycle, Polsky has raised just over $20,000, while spending about $9,500.