Casey DeSantis presided over her first meeting as Chair of Florida Children and Youth Cabinet since being seated in April.
As Chair, Florida’s First Lady is responsible for strategizing and making plans that further the advancement of Florida’s youth. One of her duties is to hold regular meetings to discuss progress.
The First Lady’s appointment came during a speech given by her husband, Gov. Ron DeSantis, during Child Abuse Prevention Month in April.
Friday, First Lady DeSantis was joined by a panel of other cabinet members that includes Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran, Agency for Health Care Administration Secretary Mary Mayhew, Department of Children and Families Secretary Chad Poppell, Agency for Persons with Disabilities Director Barbara Palmer, Department of Juvenile Justice Secretary Simone Marstiller and Florida Sen. Lauren Book.
In a news release, the Governor’s Office stated, “The Florida Children and Youth Cabinet was created to ensure that the public policy of Florida relating to children and youth promotes interdepartmental collaboration and program implementation.”
DeSantis wants to make Florida a safer, better place for children by ensuring they are aware of the existing resources available to them.
Sunshine State News reported, DeSantis will be partnering with “faith-based and community partners”.
“As I began learning about the critical work of the Cabinet and its mission, I immediately knew I was going to be a part of something special,” said the First Lady in a news release.
“I believe this is a unique opportunity to work alongside an amazing group of individuals who are committed to ensuring that Florida’s children and families have the right resources and tools to succeed.”
The Cabinet will plan, manage and deliver solutions that are intended to improve health, self-sufficiency, safety, economic stability and quality of life for children, starting with the inaugural Hope for Healing Campaign designed to improve the mental health of children through a multi-agency coordinated plan.