Florida Polytechnic University is now accredited by the Computing and Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET for some of its bachelor’s degree programs, the school announced Wednesday.
Four degree programs in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering now have the global accreditation group’s seal.
The accreditation is retroactive to Oct. 1, 2017, which means previous graduates in those degree programs now have accredited degrees.
The accreditation provides guarantees to students that the school’s program meets certain standards and produces graduates who will be ready to enter professional careers that use the skills offered by the accredited degrees.
The school targeted accreditation to ensure students can enter burgeoning fields in innovation and emerging technologies.
“Achieving this critical milestone is a remarkable accomplishment for Florida Poly,” said Florida Poly President Randy Avent. “Securing ABET accreditation for these four degrees proves the University’s commitment to provide students an excellent education through quality and effective programs.”
ABET accreditation is a worldwide program sought on a voluntary basis through a peer-review process that looks at academics, technical disciplines and ensures quality, precision and safety in school curricula and programs.
The ABET accreditation process focuses on student experience and learning including the quality of academic programs, faculty, facilities and institutional support.
“Our outstanding faculty worked tirelessly every step of the way to ensure success throughout the process,” said Florida Poly Provost and Executive Vice President Terry Parker. “We congratulate our faculty as this accomplishment belongs to them. We are incredibly grateful for their diligent efforts.”
ABET currently accredits more than 4,000 programs at more than 793 colleges and universities in 32 countries.