A digital billboard on Cleveland Avenue challenges Fort Myers voters to question President Donald Trump’s reaction to an impeachment inquiry.
The ad, paid for by Republicans For The Rule Of Law, shows Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Advisor John Bolton, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani with duct tape across their mouths. “What is Trump hiding?” the ad blares in loud type.
It’s a similar message to the one heard in broadcast ads appearing on Fox & Friends in Florida’s 19th Congressional District. Those spots, which started airing the first week of December, called on U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney to start questioning why the White House won’t produce critical witnesses to testify on Trump’s behalf.
This week, Rooney did just that.
Now the new ads no longer challenge him by name, though similar spots in U.S. Rep. John Katko’s district call the New York Republican out directly. Rule of Law spokesperson Carson Putnam says the group may release ads in Florida soon with a message like ‘Rep. Rooney is right” or thanking him for listening to their plea.
Sarah Longwell, executive director for the group, said to date, Rooney is the only Congressman in the country to respond to targeted ads by doing precisely what the group hopes for: demanding the White House stop fighting subpoenas and send firsthand witnesses to answer questions on communication between the White House and Ukraine.
“Polling shows 87 percent of Americans think these key witnesses should testify,” Longwell tells Florida Politics. “This is not a point anyone should just move on from.”
For Longwell, the testimony is more significant than even the issue of impeachment itself. She hopes members of Congress see the inherent threat of setting a precedent that an administration can ignore subpoenas.
“There are a lot of Republican Congressmen who if you ask them directly if Rudy Giuliani should testify, and you press them on it, they will say, yes, he should,” Longwell said.
But the issue seems mostly ignored as media discuss quid pro quos, whether impeachment should occur before the election and how Trump feels deep inside about proceedings.
In fact, House Democrats this week unveiled impeachment articles that include obstructing Congress’ investigation. It seems likely those will be voted on and sent to the Senate before any fight over subpoenas gets settled in court.
Rule of Law, the most prominent GOP voice in the country to support impeachment proceedings, asserts that adhering to subpoenas is a huge issue in and of itself.
“If Presidents can ignore subpoenas in the future, that is what they will do,” Longwell said. “If Congress can’t be a check, then the executive holds too much power.”
Longwell hopes if the witnesses never come forward for the House, that the Senate will demand they speak there.
“People have to be serious about getting facts,” she said.
The targeting of districts of GOP Congressman who have shown some interest in the investigation aims to rally bipartisan support for testimony. But Longwell also hopes to reach media in these markets. “I think part of the reason Congressman Rooney said something is that you asked,” she said.
Longwell said she’s disheartened to see so many Republican members of Congress dismiss impeachment.
“One of the frustrating things as a lifelong Republican, I came of age in the Clinton impeachment,” she said. “I remember Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell giving speeches about the importance of oversight and subpoenas, and that the President can’t lie to the American people. That was the party I wanted to be a part of. Now I hear them all saying the opposite, and partisanship is overtaking fidelity to these higher ideals.”
The Swampfox
December 12, 2019 at 1:58 pm
Research shows we’re dealing with Rino’s placing this ad. Rino’s are worse then democrats because they are 2 faced, like Mitt Romney for example. Take their comments with a grain of salt….
Plain Dark Sedan
December 14, 2019 at 9:26 am
What you fail to comprehend is that YOU are the RINO. Lifelong corporatist and fake Democrat tRump, is the RINO. Get out of our Republican party, and go back to Russia, where you belong, fake. You ARE the swamp
Plain Dark Sedan
December 14, 2019 at 9:29 am
Trumpers fail to properly assess the gravity of this situation. Or the threat to our nation that they, and their cult leader, are. The Russian coup is, essentially, victorious.
December 15, 2019 at 8:07 am
Oh be quiet, why aren’t you focusing on Hillary whom cost us millions of tax payers dollars for her corruption right under our noses and still walks around like a queen. Her voice needs to be stifled, enough is enough
Plain Dark Sedan
December 14, 2019 at 9:31 am
It is high time to put safeguards in place against this kind of Republican party coup re-occurring. This party over nation mentality MUST NOT be allowed to stand.
The Swampfox
December 14, 2019 at 10:10 am
The last three comments are from a delusional person that either is unable to comprehend the events that occurred over the last week, and or who did not read the report and understand the “gravity” of the report itself, notwithstanding of the impeachment trial that was nothing short of a kangaroo court hearing laced with phony lies, events and assumptions. NOT ONE PRIOR WITNESS COULD SITE A VIOLATION! THE ALLEGED VIOLATIONS WERE SECOND HAND INFORMATION, CONJECTURE AND ASSUMPTIONS ONLY! EXAMPLE: “WELL THAT IS MY OPINION” NOT THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! IN A COURT OF LAW THIS ENTIRE THING WOULD BE THROWN OUT FOR A LACK OF EVIDENCE. THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL WAS TANTAMOUNT TO BEING TRIED IN NORTH KOREA.
December 23, 2019 at 10:00 am
Plain dark horse is smart, informed and spot on in his assessment. Ya’ll should bother to do a modicum of research and stop being a low information voter. Remember,Trump loves the poorly educated.
The Swampfox
December 23, 2019 at 2:13 pm
Poorly educated are the byproduct of the democratic party. aka. their farm team!!
December 23, 2019 at 10:10 am
Why run from the police if you didn’t do anything wrong?
Why hide from Congress if you didn’t do anything wrong?
The Swampfox
December 23, 2019 at 7:15 pm
Nobody ran or hid. Their isn’t anything more to give the democrats other than more information that they can twist into more fabricated lies and stories like Adam Schiff’s parody of the conversation the president has with the leader of Ukraine
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