- 2020 Democratic Primary
- 2020 election
- 2020 presidential election
- Amy Klobuchar
- Bernie Sanders
- Bobby DuBose
- Broward County
- Cory Booker
- Elizabeth Warren
- Evan Jenne
- Joe Biden
- Lauren Book
- Mark Bogen
- michael bloomberg
- Michael Gottlieb
- Perry Thurston
- Perry Thurston Jr.
- Pete Buttigieg
- poll
- Real Solutions Caucus
- Richard Stark
- Shevrin Jones
- Steve Geller
- straw poll

Current and former Broward County elected officials are still standing behind former Vice President Joe Biden as he competes for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
The group, dubbed the “Real Solutions Caucus,” consists of 22 current and former Democratic election officials from Broward.
To rank their preferences, members were given a list of the top Democratic candidates and told to select three of their choosing, in order. First place votes were worth three points, second place votes were worth two, and third place votes were worth a single point.
Topping the list easily was Biden, who received 60 points in total. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg came in second, with 27 points. He was followed by a recent entry into the race, Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg netted 17 points in total.
Seven candidates took the stage to debate Thursday night. According to odds at the betting site PredictIt, Biden’s odds rose the most overnight with Buttigieg receiving a bump as well. Bloomberg did not qualify for the debate.
The Real Solutions Caucus is chaired by Broward County Vice Mayor Steve Geller. The caucus also consists of state Sens. Lauren Book and Perry Thurston Jr., state Reps. Bobby DuBose, Michael Gottlieb, Evan Jenne, Shevrin Jones and Richard Stark, and Broward County Commissioner and former Mayor Mark Bogen.
The group’s most recent survey had U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota receiving 10 votes, followed by U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with 9 votes. The list rounded out with U.S. Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Booker and Sanders receive 4 votes and 1 vote, respectively.
The list shows a lack of support for the more liberal-leaning Warren and Sanders relative to their polling nationwide. The two are typically among the top 3 candidates in those surveys.
The results of the group’s straw poll haven’t changed much since the last edition in late October. Biden and Buttigieg led that edition as well, while Klobuchar tied U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California for third place.
Harris has since dropped out of the race, with Bloomberg recently stepping in.
One comment
December 20, 2019 at 12:01 pm
In other words, life is good for the 22 members in the “Real Solutions” Caucus and they see no need to support either of the two candidates who are pushing for substantial change to a system that is inherently corrupt and has fostered an extreme income inequality, health crisis and is ushering us toward a climate crisis that cannot be reversed. If only we all enjoyed the power, wealth and comfort of Broward County’s democratic elite. Then this straw poll would have some form of relevance to the country at large.
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