Students could get the day off after Halloween under new legislation filed by State Sen. Annette Taddeo.
The Miami Democrat is responding to a student-led petition that went viral after hundreds of thousands of people in the state signed a change.org petition seeking extra time to recover.
“I started hearing from so many kids, parents,” she said. “And frankly as a parent myself, I know how tough it is the day after to drag them to school.”
Taddeo’s bill (SB 1462) would require district school boards to designate the day after Halloween as a school holiday unless it lands on a Friday or Saturday, in which case students would already have the following day off. If passed, the bill would take effect on July 1st. But this year Halloween is on a Saturday anyway.
Parents she’s heard from say the candy kids eat on Halloween makes it hard for them to fall asleep. Taddeo said she’s concerned about their ability to pay attention in class and learn the next day.
“I drafted the legislation in response to what I heard from students and others in the community,” she said.
Taddeo said she has not heard from any school districts or state education associations about her legislation.
Last year, plenty of debate was had across the internet about whether Halloween should be moved to the last Saturday of October rather than October 31st.
The Senator said she’s also aware of a national movement to move Halloween to the last Saturday of the month. The trade group Halloween and Costume Association started a petition to do that in 2018. However, it has since modified its position to keep Halloween’s original date and add a Saturday celebration. The petition currently has more than 156,000 signatures.
The Swampfox
January 7, 2020 at 8:50 am
Another waste of taxpayers money giving not only the students but the teachers the time off. Halloween is not what you would call a national holiday. Another payoff tot he teachers union from this liberal senator. Perhaps she dresses up as a teacher and goes door to door for candy and needs the following day off to recuperate. Another dumbing down of our educational system!!
January 7, 2020 at 8:52 pm
😂 You do realize they would just take the day off from somewhere else on the calendar and move it to the day after Halloween right?
Karen Jaroch
January 7, 2020 at 9:35 am
These decisions are and should remain within the purview of local school boards.
January 8, 2020 at 7:38 am
This is a joke, right?
Sandra Dent
January 8, 2020 at 9:51 am
Giving teachers, staff and all those that observe the Catholic Feast day of ALL SAINTS DAY off? (A holy day of obligation = you are supposed to go to Mass on this day)
Wonderful!!! About time! Thank-you! Instead of going deeper into the secular swamp, you are returning to allowing us to practice our faith and beliefs without having to lie about the reason why we are taking time off. Thank-you.
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