Sanibel City Councilman Jason Maughan has the support of the entire Estero Village Council.
“I am grateful and humbled by the Council’s endorsement of my campaign to represent them in the Florida Legislature,” said Maughan, who is running to succeed Rep. Ray Rodrigues in House District 76.
Maughan faces Bonita Springs businessman Adam Botana in the Republican primary.
Since announcing his candidacy, Maughan made regular attendance of municipal meetings a priority as he built up support. So it’s not a huge surprise he’s lining up support from elected city officials in the region.
“The Estero Council serves as a role model of what can be accomplished in a short time when our elected leaders truly fight for the people they represent. In Tallahassee, I will follow the lead of these public servants and will tirelessly work on behalf of the Village of Estero and all of House District 76 for clean water, home rule, controlled government spending and lower taxes.”
Estero’s council is made up of seven members, including Mayor Bill Ribble and Council members Howard Levitan, Jon McLain, Katy Errington, Jim Boesch, Nick Natos and Jim Wilson.
Estero officials praised Maughan’s city government background.
“Jason Maughan is a strong supporter of home rule, allowing our community to decide what is best for the Village of Estero,” Levitan said. “As a conservative and a businessman, he will bring honor and principles to Tallahassee.”
Ribble made a pointedly partisan statement in support of Maughan.
“Jason is a lifelong conservative who has been a champion of smaller government, lower taxes, and protecting our Second Amendment rights,” Ribble said.
Batos, who is also running for Lee County Commission against incumbent Ray Sandelli, stressed Maughan’s environmental record.
“Jason has been a fearless champion for our waters,” Batos said.
“He has rallied our community, business leaders and elected officials to make actual changes to restore the Everglades and send the water south. I endorse and support Jason Maughan for Florida House 76 in the upcoming Republican Primary and General Election.”
Lee County’s youngest municipality, Estero incorporated at the end of 2014.