- 2020 election
- Annette Taddeo
- Bernie Sanders
- Boricuas con Biden
- Colombianos con Biden
- Cristóbal Alex
- Cubanos con Biden
- democrats
- Dominicanos con Biden
- Florida Todos Con Biden
- Florida's presidential primary
- hispanic voters
- Joe Biden
- Jose Javier Rodriguez
- Latino voters
- Leopoldo Martinez
- March 17 primary
- Venezolanos con Biden
- Victor Torres

Florida’s presidential primaries are Tuesday. Remember?
The Joe Biden campaign is trying to not just win in Florida but to send a statement regarding Latino voters, as his campaign, sans traditional campaign methods, announced its newly-formed “Florida Todos Con Biden” effort after organizing calls Sunday with Puerto Rican, Colombian, Venezuelan, Cuban, and Dominican community leaders.
With no ability. in the new coronavirus crisis. to organize rallies or gatherings, the effort relies now on statements from surrogates identified in specific Florida Hispanic communities, in an effort to acknowledge the diversity of the Florida Latino community.
From state Sen. Victor Torres of Orlando, who represents Boricuas con Biden: “We cannot allow this president to continue in office. I’ve never seen in my lifetime a president who hasn’t fulfilled his duties to the country and to his constituents. We cannot allow Donald Trump another four years. Joe has the best plan for our country. He is battle tested and will be ready on day one. I hope we all join together to deliver the largest Hispanic turnout here in Florida for Joe Biden on March 17.”
From state Sen. Annette Taddeo of Miami, representing Colombianos con Biden: “We must continue to defend our democracy. This crisis reminds us of the importance of electing the right person to take us away from this nightmare we are living in. For that reason more than ever we need someone like Joe Biden who has experience, who can bring us together and calm us. When we heard him speak the other day he was clear and calming and understood what we needed to do next. Our lives depend on this election. We’re at a time when we not only need leadership in the United States but in the world.”
From state Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez of Miami, representing Cubanos con Biden: “No one else running has more experience and more to bring to the table than him. He has been fighting for us and our issues for a very long time. All the issues on the campaign trail, health care, job security, foreign policy, we need Joe’s experience. The Hispanic vote is so important in Florida. We are the most diverse in the country and even within the Cuban-American community, we are diverse. I’m looking forward to mobilizing our diverse and broad coalition. I am so excited about what Tuesday is going to represent for our campaign.”
From DNC Member Leopoldo Martínez, representing Venezolanos con Biden: “What we confronted in Venezuela has very similar traits to what we see in Donald Trump. As a Venezuelan, American it is very difficult to stand on the sidelines and see the president attack our community, our values, on what being an immigrant means, and also on our democracy – the heart of the United States.”
From Biden for President Senior Advisor Cristóbal Alex, representing Dominicanos con Biden. “It is so important to show our widespread support across our communities now before we turn to the general election when we intend to win from Florida. In all of these states voting on Tuesday, we have the chance to change the narrative that Bernie Sanders is the preferred candidate for Latinos. It’s up to us.”