Coronavirus on the First Coast showed little change Sunday, continuing a streak of flattening figures in Northeast Florida in recent days related to the pandemic, according the Florida Department of Health.
There were 1,528 total cases of COVID-19 in five First Coast counties Sunday. That’s up just 23 over Saturday’s figure of 1,505 in the region.
Deaths were revised down one in Clay County, bringing the total number of recorded deaths there to 13 and regionally to 38.
The agency has routinely adjusted the figures on coronavirus statistics. Clay County’s other statistics remained unchanged Sunday with cases and hospitalizations holding at 267 and 56, respectively.
Regionally, 214 have been hospitalized.
Duval County accounted for 19 additional cases of COVID-19 and three new hospitalizations. There were a total of 984 cases as of Sunday in Jacksonville and 100 hospitalizations, up three from Saturday. Deaths in Jacksonville remain at 18.
Nassau County ticked up by three cases Sunday, landing at 53. No one in the county has died from the virus and only 12 have been hospitalized.
St. Johns County added just one case, with 204 now confirmed. Deaths remain at 4 and hospitalizations at 38.
Baker County remained unchanged.
Statewide 31,528 cases of coronavirus are confirmed including 1,074 deaths and 4,957 hospitalizations.