Most campaigns are suspending fundraising efforts as Floridians struggle with the economic fallout of the new coronavirus pandemic. Rep. Jennifer Webb isn’t.
Over the weekend, the Gulfport Democrat sent an email to supporters asking them to scrape together what they could to help her fend off a challenger in her District 69 seat.
“This is not your weekly scheduled Covid-19 update. I am writing today to give you news about my 2020 campaign — The Republican Party filed an opponent against me,” Webb wrote.
The first-term lawmaker’s plea summarizes her 2018 campaign’s effort to flip the seat, which had previously been held by now-County Commissioner Kathleen Peters, a Republican.
She continues, “while we did an amazing job, this is still a district that Trump won in 2016 and was held by a Republican for quite a while. They want this seat back and are ready to spend as much money as that takes. So, if you are able, I need your help. I am raising money, getting petitions signed, and reaching out to expand upon the support we have earned so far. “
As far as pandemic fundraising emails go, it’s nowhere near the worst. She at least acknowledges that “times are tough right now.” Still, there’s no way to spin it as an acceptable venture. To be fair, new filer Linda Chaney is also sending fundraising emails.
Putting your hand out during an economic downturn on par with (and probably worse than) the Great Recession is cringeworthy.
Webb wraps up her pitch by making a trio of pledges to her supporters. Two are rather innocuous, but one exposes a startling lack of self-awareness: “I promise to continue putting you first by focusing on the problems that are important to you.”
Here’s something most of the people who received her email might agree on: Her campaign account is not important right now, and it won’t be until the current state of emergency is over.
Campaign donations won’t fix the unemployment debacle or put food on the table — just two of many issues Floridians want their leaders working on right now. And a laser focus on those fronts will produce more votes for Webb than whatever she manages to collect from donors during the pandemic.
Webb is better than this.
Edward Freeman
April 28, 2020 at 3:22 pm
Why the hit piece on Rep. Webb? I still get plenty of fundraising appeals everyday from politicians across the political spectrum. I’ve seen no attacks on the conman in the White House for his constant attempts to put America’s money in his family’s pockets by any means, be it “fund raising”, fraud or outright theft. Until we have public campaign funding, this is what America unfortunately requires of its political leaders.
Jim Donelon
April 28, 2020 at 3:58 pm
Right on !!
April 28, 2020 at 3:33 pm
Apparently, Webb is not better than asking for campaign dough during this crisis. Even the comments she makes, clearly shows that she is more interested in her re-election than her constituents.
Jim Donelon
April 28, 2020 at 4:01 pm
The Republicans with their dark money will try to unseat her, but with the IDIOT in the White House at the top of the ticket she will coast to re-election with or without money !!!!!
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