A second federal relief fund has been rolled into Florida’s aid programs, giving the state three pots of money from which to now provide unemployment insurance benefits for Floridians who’ve lost their jobs since the coronavirus crisis crashed the economy in mid-March.
On Thursday, the Department of Economic Opportunity began detailing the numbers of Floridians deemed eligible for the federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance fund. That’s now on top of the other federal assistance fund, the pandemic unemployment compensation program, and the state’s reemployment assistance program.
In the department’s daily activity report released Thursday covering efforts made through Wednesday, the state was able to approve 40,248 Floridians for the new federal fund, 9,679 of whom received checks. The new fund paid out $4.2 million Wednesday, an average of about $436 each.
Yet it was unclear from the report how that affected the overall pool of hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million, Floridians who have applied for unemployment compensation but still have not had their applications processed.
It also was unclear how many of the people getting aid from the new federal fund were transferred into it from the state’s fund or how many were approved as authorities processed new claims.
In the end, the number of Floridians getting some form of unemployment assistance went up 14,337 Wednesday.
The department did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the changes.
According to the latest report, Florida now has received 1,856,040 unemployment claims, though that likely includes a few duplicates from people who applied more than once.
Of that total of applications in hand, 1,210,168 now have been confirmed as unique claims, while the others remain in the stack, yet to be sorted.
Of those confirmed as unique, 814,560 have been processed, or roughly two of every three.
A total of 469,210 Floridians have been deemed eligible for the state’s reemployment assistance program and 40,248 for the newly itemized federal pandemic unemployment assistance program, while 264,854 other Floridians seeking unemployment aid have been rejected.
Both eligible ineligible applicant numbers declined Tuesday to Wednesday, suggesting many of those newly listed as eligible only for the new federal program were drawn from both stacks.
Overall, Florida now has rejected about 34% of all the claims that have been deemed either eligible or ineligible for some type of relief.
Florida now has sent unemployment checks to about two of every five people who’ve submitted applications that have been confirmed as unique claims.
As a result, unemployed Floridians now have received almost $354 million from the state program, more than $702 million from the old federal program, and $4 million from the new federal program, for a total of just over $1 billion in unemployment payments.
May 7, 2020 at 8:26 pm
This state is being run by a bunch of hillbillies. HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO submit “proof” of five job applications per week to be able to get our benefits the end of this week????? WHO the hell is “hiring”. Not to mention I am self employed!
May 8, 2020 at 5:54 am
I am sorry, but all this data are bs#. The number doesn’t match. It is unbelievable how the Government treat people; we are asking for something already paid in our taxes. Are we in a 1st world country???
May 8, 2020 at 8:00 am
I have been waiting since March 22nd
May 8, 2020 at 10:37 am
Same here. Single parent on top of that, but extremely happy they processed claims last in first out and left everyone who was furloughed FIRST waiting with Zero relief. It’s beyond shameful.
May 8, 2020 at 11:23 am
I am a Lyft/Uber driver. I filed on March 30. My status says “pending”, “active” and “under review”. It’s like I am a forgotten soldier. Totally unacceptable. I am out of resources to pay mortgage, car, etc. It won’t be long before ending up out on the street. Maybe then I will be approved for food stamps, public housing, etc. In my mind, that is a bigger price tag than to justly approving my unemployment application!!
Scott E Mach
May 8, 2020 at 5:38 pm
Same thing..single parent…no daycares yet.. unemployment still pending, not 1 cent yet and it seems like florida is starting to move forward , but now I’m broke and still unable to work due to having to homeschool son …No relief at all
May 8, 2020 at 5:38 pm
I have been for that long too I have gone ineligible and then I called they had all my information I try logging back in and they said no application found filled it out again and it’s been pending for two weeks they are a bunch scammers and they should even say that many people got it when u have people that have been waiting giving us the run around. There’s prostitutes who didn’t even work collecting that’s facts and sad at that. I am also getting harrassed by my landlord for not being able to pay rent this is crazy we should all protest I don’t under stand how in closing down jobs and business u should have known how many people that would be unemployed counted it up by county for a rough estimate that’s common sense let alone if people are self employed it’s easy to prove there’s no way they gave that much money and there’s no way fraud isn’t being committed there’s just no way
Tammie Williams
May 15, 2020 at 11:07 am
I am a single parent also and a waitress one of the first to file due to covid 19 I was deemed ineligible was told by an agent to file an appeal an fax a paper claim my last day of employment was march 20th now im eligible for 1 week I have not worked for 8 weeks and they are only going to pay me for 1 week can we say scammers how can you even condone this people are suffering and florida governor dosent care im about to lose everything as is many others but all I get when I call DEO is excuses I pay my taxes so pay us what we are entitled to I really feel sorry for ll of you come election time for treating the people of your state this way.
Leon Tilton
May 8, 2020 at 5:02 pm
Jan here
Jamia R Harris
May 8, 2020 at 5:05 pm
Ok well I am 419,659 that haven’t received any unemployment at all. I also did my a whole month ago and any answers at all. All I get is hung up on or lies. It’s been over my process date but I can’t get thru the 1800 2042418 number at all. I just want a lil help because I have a family of four.
May 8, 2020 at 5:33 pm
I applied 7 March finally received first payment 1 May. The only way I could communicate was by DEO email.
Natalie Milner
May 8, 2020 at 6:16 pm
This is ridiculous I spoke to someone to day for the 1st time in a month and they told me all I can do is wait to see if it’s approved or disapproved it is bed and pending for almost 2 months
May 9, 2020 at 8:38 am
Jamia having a family of four in this situation must be horrible! Remember on April 4, 2020 remember when DeSantis said……
hundreds of new customer service call-center representatives began training over the weekend. Normally, training lasts for three weeks but 250 new call center employees began work Monday morning and another 500 are expected to start Tuesday
More than $100 million of that spending was split between several large contracts for call center services. And I haven’t heard anyone say they have ever gotten anyone to answer the phone LOL
Lisa Parisi
May 8, 2020 at 7:29 pm
I applied for several of my associates. 6 claims processed the week of March 23rd. The 1st of the 6 associates received payments on May 7 & 8th. The 1st check was from the Fl DEO & the 2nd was for $600 from my PUA application submission. Keep checking your snail mail. Even with direct deposit information recorded upon applying, paper checks were received. I hope & pray you’re next! 😉
May 8, 2020 at 7:39 am
You don’t have to submit proof of that at this time. The governor waved that part.
Donna Juzkiw
May 8, 2020 at 6:14 pm
Please let me know a phone number to ask at least if they received my application. I’m in Fort Myers.
Donna Hilbert
May 8, 2020 at 8:08 pm
I have been trying since March 9, 2020 and because I’m a singer musician I fall between the application lines and I can’t get anyone on the phone so what are supposed to do to pay our bills and put food on our table
May 8, 2020 at 7:46 am
Alyr, You don’t have to submit proof of looking for jobs at this time. The governor waved that for 3 months because with quarantine and everybody closed it is impossible to look for a job. So don’t worry about that part. I believe they took it off of the application. If you are still seeing it on the application then you are using the old application. Use the new unemployment mobile application and it is half as long as the other one and simple to fill out. I’ve been waiting since March 15th for unemployment , but I have I received a lot of knowledge about this situation during this pandemic. Good luck to you and your family.
May 8, 2020 at 8:01 am
Yes Chris the unemployment site is still requesting job search or you cannot claim your benefits and the payments are pending for over 6 weeks. Not sure how to claim the additional 600. weekly benefits some are getting either.
Michael Elder
May 8, 2020 at 2:20 pm
The website still says it expires the week of 5/9
Marjorie G Barch
May 8, 2020 at 9:30 am
Still trying . Sent out paper application since unable to get online . That wad 6 or 7 weeks ago been working forever . No reply at all soo frustrated .. no one to call since it is extremely annoying to call and get no response meanwhile it just keeps going on
Carmen Cumpston
May 8, 2020 at 10:04 am
You don’t need to its been waived.
Maureen Solis
May 8, 2020 at 10:41 am
That’s for damn sure..The unemployment benefits website (Florida) was designed by teabagger Rick Scott designed to fail.
Constance Freehill
May 8, 2020 at 10:47 am
It is absolutely criminal what the State of Florida is doing to people who desperately need unemployment!
Arthur C Phillips
May 8, 2020 at 12:18 pm
Unemployed since March 15th Bill’s behind
Barbara mead
May 8, 2020 at 8:07 pm
Ok so why are we paying these people that finally call u back to tell you that the system is down the lady I talked to said she hasn’t been able to submit any apps.for 4days.why are they getting paid for doing nothing cause the systems down.
May 9, 2020 at 12:49 pm
I don’t think we have to submit 5 job application, but I just read we will have to claim weeks starting May 10, 2020. This is SO confusing and we are all still pending in the system, no one to call and just ask question. It is hard not to think they mean it to be this way. This is going to be the death of the GOP in FL.
Nathan Biddle
May 7, 2020 at 10:46 pm
“went up 14,337 Wednesday”…So 2,000 DEO workers could only process 7 people each in a day??? At that rate, all the unemployed people need to be hired to do their own application. Only government would pay over $110 million to payout less than a Billion. One for me, 9 for you. What a joke!!!
Won't voteforD
May 8, 2020 at 6:05 am
My application has been submitted for more than a month and it’s still processing / pending. I will not be voting for DeSantis.
May 8, 2020 at 7:51 am
I am in the same situation since March 15th. Absolutely insane
Lessa A Thrun
May 8, 2020 at 9:12 am
I feel for you. I have been in the under review process since April 29. Stating for me to check back in 72 hrs. I’m in 72 hr limbo land.Today is May 8. Still waiting. Very frustrating. Very sad. You do what they ask. And than you get this in return.
May 8, 2020 at 6:11 am
My boyfriend applied for Unemployment March 17 and to this day is still pending. Category Disaster Unemployment no further action needed. This is absolutely unacceptable.
May 8, 2020 at 7:52 am
Me to since March 15th. Absolutely insane
May 8, 2020 at 6:30 am
I have applied over a month ago and have heard nothing. I have called and nothing. This is a damn joke and shame on the people who sit by and explain circles with different wording. DeSantis and Scott should be removed. Neither will get my vote.
May 8, 2020 at 7:32 am
Rosamarie disanti
May 8, 2020 at 12:52 pm
I was on unemployment for12 wks had to put job search in on connect site my check ended may5 at 275 per week no help for anything but push which I don’t qualify for but the other two programs I do no we’re to apply for the and when I called to get information the people r nice but they keep saying system down and I just have to wait it should have changed over on it own wtf is going on it’s bs Disantis has lost my vote
Had enough, giving up.
May 8, 2020 at 9:13 am
I have been waiting since March 27th. My husband applied 2 weeks after me and he is getting unemployment. Makes no sense, big issues with this system.
Rick Whiting
May 8, 2020 at 6:43 am
I applied back in February and still have not received any form of payment they keep saying that the money is being processed well how fucking long does it take to process a payment you can barely get through to unemployment and the system is always down
Vote this fool out
May 8, 2020 at 6:44 am
I am one of the lucky ones who have been paid something. BUT, it is so inconsistent. One week I may only get $275, then the following week $600. This week I received only 275 again. Ive never received $550 in 2 week period and never received $600 every week. It’s supposed to equate to $875 each week and it comes nowhere near that. Sometimes it comes in the mail, sometimes its direct deposited. It makes no sense. I’ve been laid off since march 18th. Desantis is an absolute clown. And the people he put in position to handle this are a reflection of that.
Where is the backpay? Where is our money?
May 8, 2020 at 1:10 pm
I’m with you. Applied March 26th, site said eligible two weeks ago but “Determination not Available “. Then this week says “Eligible Redetermined”. Still says no determination available and you can’t do anything without a determination. I’ve called up to 50 times every day and get hung up on when they say the representatives are all on other calls. No option to wait for a rep, unable to provide call back service at this time, no way to leave a message. Then I get a random $600 check two days ago???? WTF is going on with these incompetent fools?! I called the FAQ line…got someone pretty quickly but he couldn’t look at my claim. I asked what “Eligible Redetermined “ means. He apologized and said he’s gotten several calls about that but didn’t know what it means. Today it shows that my weeks claimed ( which was only one week claimed since DeSantis waived the reporting requirement). Says all the weeks are disqualified for not requesting them. Seriously?! I wrote my State Senator this morning. I’ve emailed the DEO office on Monday with no response. I’m over it.
May 8, 2020 at 7:28 am
This is rediculous. This state is ran by a bunch of brain dead peckers. It is absolutely horrible what thousands of Floridians are going through. How dare these state officials do this to us. There is absolutely no reason for bull crap. 2 months and nothing. Every state head needs to get the hell out of office. Most of all Rick Scott and our disgrace of a governor
David Hurwitch
May 8, 2020 at 7:29 am
After 8 weeks this system is totally dysfunctional. In one day 400,000 people were marked as enelegable. Not one of those people knows why. The phone lines are down. The system is down. Even DEO employs are of no help because they can’t even get into this system. No wonder the economy is a rack. These checks represent billions not reaching the economy. Not to mention the hardship people were put through. Forth largest economy in the country. $275.00 fifth lowest payout. They should be ashamed.
May 8, 2020 at 7:33 am
I know many people in NY who are getting their state benefit along with their federal benefit at the same time every week. No one at the DEO in Florida can comment on the accountability of the Federal unemployment compensation. I too was lucky to finally receive my state benefits after 5 long weeks of “pending monetary” status. The DEO website breaks the state benefit down week by week. I can’t seem to find any information or talk with anyone who knows how the federal benefits are distributed. Why do they not go out hand-in-hand with the stare benefit? Floridians are entitled to this benefit for each week they are unemployed as of March 29th. Where are the weekly federal checks??
Won't voteforD
May 8, 2020 at 8:53 am
Me too, I know several people in NY getting their unemployment plus the 600 from Mr. Trump, plus the back pay, and in California same thing, I heard someone say recently, “Florida is dead last or near dead last in processing unemployment claims” I am sure it’s dead last. I will not be voting for DeSantis, and most of all Scott,,,,, expletives inserted here
May 8, 2020 at 7:57 am
I have still not received any of my unemployment benefits – still pending or the additional weekly $600. WHY? Yes it keeps requesting for a job search when that is not required due to furlough and mandatory Stay at Home Order by Governor DeSantis. There is also no waiting week due to furloughs for Covid19. Some of the best IT in the world and DeSantis and Scott don’t hire them to fix the broken Florida Unemployment site. I’m sure it would be fixed if his paycheck or any politician for that matter were not being paid. Besides that some free testing sites are a scam and saying its not free after a doctor comes and asks you a few questions. 7-10 days to get results while President Trump and VP Pence get tested several time free every day. We’ve become a country where only the rich people have a voice.
May 8, 2020 at 2:58 pm
I am in Florida, applied for unemployment March 30th….had to mail it in, still absolutely nothing! No Stimulus, Taxes, or unemployment. I’m trying to be patient, but it’s becoming life changing, I need help, I have been a server over 30 years😪
Laura segundo somoano
May 8, 2020 at 8:13 am
I lost my job on March 13, once school closed. I applied on the website and nothing then once it crashed I applied on the new link . Still says pending-submitted. I have no clue what is next is now may 8 and nothing.
May 8, 2020 at 8:47 am
My wife and I wait since mart 15 never recive anything I em apruve but money do not come to my acount my wife still inelegble you gays will make big problem in country we are HUNGRY when come time for wote you gays will see.If you gays don know how resolve this problem resing from this position God will penalize you wery son.
Lisa L Segler
May 8, 2020 at 9:00 am
How come everyone that i worked with got there ui from other states. But i just get pending from Florida? I havent got anything from anyone. How do we get our bills paid if we cant go to work??
Carolyn Foy
May 8, 2020 at 9:04 am
The numbers being projected by DeSantis and the DEO are BS. GET ON FACEBOOK and TWITTER you will see the 1000’s not getting anything since mid March. They say that anyone from March early April is pending because there is a problem with their application, I call BS on that too. There are many college graduates like myself whom have applied and are stuck in the pending vortex who know how to fill out paperwork.
Many of us are self employed and do not even qualify for the state benefit but should be eligible for the PUA fed cares act money. What could take so long to possibly verify that. I along with many others have been waiting 5+ weeks and now are being screwed because we won’t receive any back pay from the federal PUA and the DOE won’t even mark us ineligible to be able to apply. Oh yes let’s not forget the webpage STILL is not working and it’s ridiculous to try to reach anyone by phone. So that 3k I have lost. I am sorry but I don’t believe the broken system is the only thing holding things up. I believe they are feeding us and the media a bunch of crap to hold onto that money. I will not forget to remind people come November about this unconscionable behavior. There are states 3 times the size of ours getting their benefits to people. Oh yeah they are not run by republicans who want their workers to go back to work at all costs with no mandatory work requirements.
Big shoutout to all the meat plants too. Thank you for helping me decide to become a vegetarian you greedy pathetic plant owners.
May 10, 2020 at 11:51 pm
That’s because democratic states want their people living off the government… Your so unhappy in this republican state, move to a democratic one. Lets see how happy you will be, where a lot of them are still under stay at home orders and cant even go to the beaches to get some fresh air..The website is not desantis fault, it was like that when he came into office… no one knew this was going to happen. I understand everyone is frustrated but that leads to nothing but anger. Yes this system needs to be fixed, trust me… I’ve called, emailed to no avail to get them to answer some questions for me and nothing… but i’m not ranting over it, why because i’ve learned to be patient because being angry and frustrated gets you no where.
May 12, 2020 at 9:26 am
If Democrat states want people living off the government, how come it’s all the Republican states that take more money from Washington that they send, while so many Democrat states send more money to Washington that they receive back in benefits?
The Democrat states fund the Republican states. It’s national welfare.
Geoffrey Caran
May 8, 2020 at 9:25 am
I was notified mid march that due to covid19 my company was restructuring, sent home, my last official day was the 23rd.
I’m a w2 employee with a sufficient work record, documentation I was fired specifically for covid19. I applied for unemployment (it took two weeks) almost 8 weeks later it came back as ineligible without explanation nor recourse for appeal.
I reapplied and still waiting and hoping.
I think the bigger issue is why on earth are people who are obviously eligible being rejected and essentially being put at the bottom of the list yet many of us have been unemployed the longest.
I’m goingbto point out that I was paid both hourly and commission which fell to almost nothing the last few weeks of my employment (as were people who reieve tips, dependent on customer volume etc.) So I was hurting financially before losing my job.
I keep seeing people who normally would not be eligible for unemployment now are eligible yet people who would normally be eligible are not.
Lindsey Brilhart
May 8, 2020 at 9:43 am
I am in the same boat, I have 2 kids to feed and a ton of bills that are 3 months behind, I am a waitress at Sunflower Cafe, my name is Lindsey Brilhart, If the governor is reading please help, im about to loose everything, I lost my job because dining rooms were told to shut down, and why am i not getting approved, i was denied benefits once now im in my second round of approval, this is BS.
May 8, 2020 at 10:14 am
Hey Florida Dept of Revenue. As a self employed business owner I have collected on average ~ $50,000 / year in taxes for the past 14 years. I do want to let your know I will be “shorting” Florida tax collection about $1,000 / week and putting it in my pocket in the future do to the lack of action for DEO to process my claim. This will make up DEO’s incompetence. If the first thought that comes to mind is that this is a fraudulent action, I will whole heartedly agree with you that DEO has committed fraud on its citizens during the past several months. 🖕
Karen G
May 8, 2020 at 10:25 am
Governor ” Nosanris” should be a shamed! Though he does look heavier since this all started! Guess he has no problem eating! Let’s take his job and not give him or any Florida official any income for almost 2 months and let’s see how that works! Joke!
Jennifer Spielvogel
May 8, 2020 at 10:35 am
I am happy for the ones who received help and I understand that they are doing everything they can! HOWEVER I applied March 16th and have been trying to reach out unemployment since. I went from INELIGIBLE due to not enough work credits. That was a glitch. I did have enough three yrs at same job. Then we were told to re apply if we applied before April 5th and you had an ineligible. So I did! Now when you look at my case my new date is up and back to the pending/active stage and when I press mondentary determination to the left it shows my application from March 15th as yes eligible however still NOTHING AND I FEEL I AM BEING OVER LOOKED!!! OR HALF LOOKED AT WITHOUT ANYONE DIGGING DEEP INTO MY APPLICATION THEY ARE skimming the surface only and not finalizing my application and I still have no financial relief with unemployment 😭😣.
May 8, 2020 at 11:09 am
i have been waiting since march 19 and still says pending.
Georgette Winters
May 8, 2020 at 11:20 am
I applied 4/9 on new site. Found out that was a holding site. Finally my application merged to connect site had to get on and finish application. Then went to pending/ under review check back 72 hours. After a week finally got ahold of someone at call center and they told me it could be another 4 weeks. Wow…it’s been 4 weeks now and I have another 2 weeks to go hopefully not longer. And I was furlough!!!?
May 8, 2020 at 11:21 am
It is absolutely sad how people are being treated in Florida as it comes to the unemployment! Even before all this started Florida had one of the lowest paid unemployment in the country and one of the hardest to get approve for. We can all say big THANK YOU to Rick Scott who made the changes to the Florida unemployment in his early years as a Governor of the Sunshine State and wasted millions of dollars 77 to be exact for computer system Connect. From now on the system should be called DISCONNECT. All this is so frustrating! I can’t stand all those reports about how many people got paid or that dashboard is showing 100% eligible claims being processed and paid! 100%??? What about me? I have not received no one penny yet!I applied for unemployment the first week of April after working full time for the same company since November of 2008!!!! Twelve years full time job the same company, still waiting! And they dare spreading lies that agency processed and paid 100% eligible claims! Sad,sad,sad! All this experience make easy to me to make future choices as it comes to the elections.
May 8, 2020 at 11:24 am
I am a Lyft/Uber driver. I filed on March 30. My status says “pending”, “active” and “under review”. It’s like I am a forgotten soldier. Totally unacceptable. I am out of resources to pay mortgage, car, etc. It won’t be long before ending up out on the street. Maybe then I will be approved for food stamps, public housing, etc. In my mind, that is a bigger price tag than to justly approving my unemployment application!!
Paula McConahay
May 8, 2020 at 12:08 pm
I applied March 29th was just deemed ineligible last week but no tab for me to apply for PUA (I am self-employed) so after reading all the updates I was told if you applied before a certain date you will have to reapply. So I reapplied April 26th. Still pending. The worst part is I already know it will be denied as I am self employed only for me to have to then apply for PUA – Meanwhile I am getting nothing at all. This is ridiculous. What are people supposed to do? There is no way they have paid out what they are claiming in this article. I dont know anyone here who filed and recieved a check. Meanwhile the team I work with on this contract I have – have all been paid. Kudos to Colorado and Montana for having their crap together. It is possible so the excuses have all worn out.
May 13, 2020 at 12:20 pm
I am retired. My husband is self employed. HE applied march 29 and was deemed ineligible so he applied again and it has said resolved duplicate for the past couple of weeks. I don’t know what that means. We also have had not stimulus. This is so frustrating…at this point we don’t care about state just want to know if we will get federal 600.00.
May 8, 2020 at 12:28 pm
I have worked since I was 18 I’ve had to draw unemployment one time in my life. The one time I desperately need it I get put into check back in 72 hours that’s been a week now. This is awful our Florida system is broken and needs to be fixed by someone who cares about the people. I guess I’m going to have to see an attorney.
Idanys S Miyares
May 8, 2020 at 1:10 pm
I have been waiting since March 23rd. Everytime I call they say the system is down and thats if they even answer. My family is about to stay in the street. Not to mention my husband has had two heart attacks and I am afraid of a 3rd one dur tp all the BS we keep getting from the government. WHERE IS OUR GOVERNOR???????????
Esteban yu
May 8, 2020 at 1:42 pm
Enough of blaming the system, some examples: The PEUC federal program (for those who have run out of state benefits):
Michigan – Started paying it on April 15.
Alabama- ” you don need to reapply ,as soon as you exhaust the state benefits we will start paying you the PEUC federal ones ( more 13 weeks of state ones and $ 600 weekly”
FLORIDA – 15 days ago “We are building the system to be able to accept those applications because these are federal dollars,” Satter said.” AND WE ARE STILL WAITING. Simple they dont want to pay
May 8, 2020 at 2:14 pm
The one billion dollars went to less than one-quarter of the people that have applied. So that equals an average of $2,000 per claimant. Now if you divided that by eight weeks, it is an average of $250 a week for less than 25% of the total applicants. Let’s keep Florida in business and give DeSantis a big round of applause!
May 8, 2020 at 2:44 pm
I submitted my claim on March 11th! It’s been pending ever since. Have not received anything! I’ve emailed and have been trying to call daily to no avail. All this money spent on a faulty system and even more faulty government. It’s bad enough that they think that $275.00 a week is enough to live on but then to do this the people is an insult to us all!
Debra L Robinson
May 8, 2020 at 4:00 pm
not me I’ve been unemployed since March 14th I’m actually getting physically sick from this experience with unemployment I still have not been able to fill out a form for the Pua I suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and this experience has read triggered it I have no health insurance I don’t receive any government assistance and I feel no faith right now that I will get my money it’s been 8 weeks I don’t feel like anybody cares
Barbara Jozefowicz
May 8, 2020 at 4:24 pm
I have been waiting since the week of March 15th. I was one of the “lucky ones” who got dumped as ineligible during the wage erase snafu on April 27th and had to refile. I am personally tired of seeing people who applied 2 weeks after me getting money or people who quit their jobs getting approved, and I am furloughed from a 19+ years job, and have still gotten no notification. I am still submitted/pending. I can’t take much more. Everything being reopened and we will really be forgotten, or they’ll tell us there’s no money left. I have worked for 44 years of my life and I have always worked very physical jobs that weren’t high pay. We need to get paid. We are people too and we should matter. I am truly sick and tired of seeing our governor go on TV and praise the unemployment for how many claims they have processed and what a great job they’re doing when over half of us have received nothing. There are no pats on the back until everybody has been taken care of. Now I read some people are receiving a 3rd source of income while the majority of us have seen not one dime. This is inexcusable. I really feel like we are being swept under the rug and forgotten about. I have emailed the DEO, news outlets, the Lieutenant Governor and the White House,and not a single response. I am seriously on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Someone help us PLEASE!
arlene Basnight
May 8, 2020 at 6:08 pm
Florida D.E.O.sucks!! directly in that term! my hours was cut back due to covid 19..to 12 hours a week…i applied for assistance and still havent heard if I’m eligible or enegibile for benefits. the system is broken just like the government. I’m sadden by those who have families especially small children.i haven’t been able to access information. or get through to phone calls repeated hang up.
Mary Henry
May 8, 2020 at 6:28 pm
This should be the Gov’s # 1 priority ! My daughter is “pending” since mid March also.
Gov DeSantis we voted for you. GET TO WORK for the poor people of your state who are owed nemploment checks . Hire DEO personnel who can actually read and process these applications!!!!
Karole Miele
May 8, 2020 at 8:36 pm
I’m an Event Planner and I haven’t worked since the end of December when this all started to come out. By mid-January I was completely shut down and already looking at the upcoming events that would be canceled. I’m self employed and it’s been a nightmare trying to survive. I was turned down for state unemployment and I haven’t received a dime from PUA OR STIMULUS. YEAH, GO FLORIDA.
Kareem W Williams
May 9, 2020 at 3:19 pm
I am homeless and now jobless, I have applied March 30th 2020.i got ineligible status. I reapply April 26th 2020 still processing it is now May 9th 2020. System is down for the weekend. Government has done nothing to house the homeless. I can’t eat the food given out cause i’m diabetic. So you can only imagine the daily battle. And sure enough the citizens of this community including myself is but not limited to this region or Areas is suffering. Hash tag #We Are The ECONOMY .
Esteban yu
May 11, 2020 at 8:03 am
The state of Florida owes me $ 3000 in federal unemployment money.
How is it possible that the state of Florida can retain my money without paying for it?
How is it possible that I do not have a way to claim what is mine?
How is it possible that the press does not pressure the governor with that?
Is this the United States of America or a banana republic?
May 12, 2020 at 2:30 am
So, the class action suit was dismissed… hmm… Not surprising. What is the interest Florida is collecting on funding that should otherwise have already been distributed? <— Curious, huh?
I'm self employed, filed March 29th; deemed ineligible April 28th, no option to apply for PUA; filed appeal & filed another claim, for the 2nd quarter, because apparently that's a requirement. But, also, news agencies stated "Desantis/FL has removed the requirement to login every two weeks and claim your weeks" then, two days later, a news article said THE EXACT OPPOSITE. So, if you have the federal funding, i.e. $600/wk for ALL OF US WHO ARE UNEMPLOYED. Then why are 100's of thousands wondering if they're going to be homeless… Not to mention, WHY ARE THE STATES RESPONSIBLE FOR A FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT PROGRAM DURING A NATIONAL EMERGENCY!??!??!?!?! WT&*#%^&*^#$*&@?!?!?!?
May 12, 2020 at 10:58 am
Hi John,
What the interest on the funds the state has already received from Washington…. it HUGH, FL is the only state that their unemployment fund has GROWN since COVID-19. You know I read Trump said he was against the Democrat Governor being in charge of the 600.00 a week with their out-date computer system. Hummmmmm maybe someone forgot to clue him in on DeSantis and Rick Scott complete FAILURE. I’m self employed too, I’ve given up on getting the Federal Unemployment Benefit from the CARE ACT. As soon as they lift the lockdown in south FL. It will take me two year to dig out of debt. I wont vote for any of these GOP Rep’s in FL or any of the new one running for office. I will vote for Trump, because if Biden win China will be SO HAPPY, him and his son are best friends with Xi Jinping. I blame CPC on this COVID-19. I want China Communist Party officials to collapse
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