President Donald Trump retweeted video of a resident of The Villages shouting “White Power!” at protestors. He appeared to praise the man and others waving Trump signs from golf carts.
“Thank you to the great people of The Villages,” Trump wrote in a since-deleted tweet. “The Radical Left Do Nothing Democrats will Fall in the Fall. Corrupt Joe is shot. See you soon!!!”
He retweeted a video posted by a progressive account Fifty Shades of Whey (@daveneworld_2) filmed from within a group of anti-Trump protestors. The video begins with a driver of a golf cart with a Trump 2020 sign in the front and Trump flags flying from the back, shaking his fist at protestors and shouting “White Power!” multiple times. A roadside protestor repeats the phrase, saying “white power, there you go.”
Later in the video, a protestor shouts at another driver “Nazi racist pig.” The driver responds “We resemble that remark and we love it.”
The video also shows the anti-Trump protestors shouting expletives at those passing by and antagonizing Trump supporters.
It’s unclear how the original tweet came to Trump’s attention but within a couple hours, he deleted the tweet. The original video is still viewable.
The driver led a parade of Trump supporters through one of several commercial areas in The Villages.
The retweet of the video drew wide criticism.
Florida Democratic Party Chair Terrie Rizzo issued the statement: ““Donald Trump is now thanking white supremacists for supporting him. Let that sink in. Every single Floridian needs to join our effort to defeat him. Without Florida, he can’t win and we simply cannot allow him a second term in the White House.”
Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, a Republican and one of the only black members of the Senate, told CNN posting the video was “indefensible” and the entire video was offensive.
Neither of Florida’s Senators, Marco Rubio nor Rick Scott, have weighed in.
The anti-Trump Republican group The Lincoln Project tweeted: “I thought we were at least a few more weeks away from the President tweeting “White Power,” but I guess that’s what happens when you get caught letting Putin kill our soldiers.”
The Villages, the nation’s largest single-site retirement community, spans parts of Lake, Sumter and Marion counties. The right-leaning area has been a critical place for turning out Republican votes in Florida.
Seniors from The Villages in Florida protesting against each other: pic.twitter.com/Q3GRJCTjEW
— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) June 27, 2020
Ocean Joe
June 28, 2020 at 12:40 pm
The Villages have way more than one idiot.
Democracy in action with a bit of profanity thrown in as icing on the cake of political discourse.
By 5 pm these folks were all in the communal hot tub having drinks together.
June 28, 2020 at 7:52 pm
That place is full of aids.
Sonja Fitch
June 28, 2020 at 12:58 pm
Trump is a damn traitor! Rubio is a damn traitor! Both losers committed treason by ignoring that Putin put a damn bounty on our troops!! Treason! Desantis and Curry are criminally negligent by ignoring the pandemic to kiss trumps butt. Damn bunch of goptrump cult sociopaths!
June 28, 2020 at 1:24 pm
Anyone who is not blind, hard of hearing or completely brainless can see that while Trump has been racist since he was knee high to his Father, he’s seems freer now to really be himself. What an ugly, vile excuse for a human being. This will be his strategy for winning apparently. We deserve better than this.
The anti-Trump Republican group The Lincoln Project tweeted: “I thought we were at least a few more weeks away from the President tweeting “White Power,” but I guess that’s what happens when you get caught letting Putin kill our soldiers.”
Have a look at that last bit. Widely confirmed and reported. He has betrayed not only the country and the military writ large, he has betrayed our men and women risking their lives for us. Thrown them under the bus. He is a traitor for doing so. No, a real traitor. Not a pretend one.
Unfamiliar with The Lincoln Project? These are highly intelligent and powerful REPUBLICANS who cannot support Trump as he, and Congress, have hijacked their party. They are not alone. Check them out on YouTube,Facebook, Twitter. You will be both shocked and inspired.
June 28, 2020 at 1:42 pm
Although I abhor the use of the term “white power,” I also abhor the term “black power”, as equally offensive.
But somehow, only white power seems to be racist, while black power is not.
If race relations, and not politics, are really the issue, why the double standard?
June 28, 2020 at 3:59 pm
Nobody is saying “Black Power”. That is just a construct you came up with to throw shade here. Maybe the Black Panthers from the 60s. Are you confusing it with “Black Lives Matter”? Not sure who you are talking about with “Black Power” yelling, haven’t seen it. Are you saying that the “White Supremacist” movement is the same as “Black Lives Matter” protestors?
Tampa Reader
June 29, 2020 at 9:56 am
Glad this video used ALL of the crystal clear language for folks like you. In addition to shouting “white power”, this exchange also occurred:
A protestor shouts at another driver “Nazi racist pig.” The driver responds “We resemble that remark and we love it.”
Is that clear enough for you? We’ve got Trump supporters shouting “White Power” and self identify as Nazis and racists. Or are we really going to debate whether the 1960’s Black Power movement is equivalent to Nazism and the millions murdered in the name of Nazism?
June 28, 2020 at 3:25 pm
It’s obvious he’s being a smart ass because we r all fed up w/being called racists/homophobes/xenophobes/sexist. It is a liberal weapon. I’ve heard Obama call all white cops racist. How many households use the words cracker, white trash and hillbilly in their households? No, really? Racism does exist today. The brunt of today’s racism does exist on the left. What’s the difference between racist and bigoted statements yesterday and today? My conservative biracial sons have been told they are not black enough and are traitors to their race. I’ve seen over and again folks on MSNBC/CNN bash “old white men” of which I have 2 in my family and from whom I’ve never heard a racist word or comment out of their mouths in my 65 years of life. I remember when JayZ said that “It’s about time we got the white out of the White House” just days after Obama’s inauguration.
June 28, 2020 at 3:54 pm
Three of my favorite terms: cracker, white trash, hillbilly.
You forgot “redneck” and “honky.”
“Semi-literate” and “knuckle-dragger” work for me, too. So many choices!
June 28, 2020 at 4:02 pm
If it quacks like a duck… People who hate Blacks are called “Racists”. Just the way it is.
Tampa Reader
June 29, 2020 at 10:16 am
You’ve got to be joking. This video showed multiple Trump supporters shouting “white power” and one agreed to being a Nazi racists – this is all explained by being “fed up” with cable news? Are we going to become a country of Nazi apologists? The white old man got his feelings hurt, so of course he called himself a Nazi! I mean, he was really left with no choice. Saying “no, I am not” would look, what, weak? If you’re called a Nazi 10 times, and agree on the 11th that you’re a Nazi, it can only mean you are offended by being called a genocidal murderer, so you gave up and agreed?
The only thing obvious to me is that a subset of Trump supporters are openly ok with being identified as racist, white power Nazis. And the balance of Trump supporters are making apologies for these idiots. Instead of disavowing this language and any element of this racism in your party, you are here making excuses for why one would identify as a Nazi.
Also, please get back to us on how many of the following have been targeted and murdered by Nazi racial cleansing: cracker, white trash and hillbilly. The real snowflakes are coming out strong.
June 29, 2020 at 8:33 pm
You have never heard President Obama say all white cops are racists. Why do people have to lie to make themselves look better ?
June 28, 2020 at 7:49 pm
Those old diaper cockers in the villages have about 10 minutes left to live.
June 28, 2020 at 7:56 pm
Those old bastards are fuckin and suckin over there 👉🏾 in the villages. STDs run like wildfire.
June 29, 2020 at 7:27 am
HUGE mistake on Trump’s part. He saw the pic showing support and retweeted it. He couldn’t have clicked on the video. Anyone knows he would never purposely do something so foolish. My best advice? Don’t retweet unless you know fully the content. My very best advice? Don’t tweet at all.
Tampa Reader
June 29, 2020 at 10:42 am
If true, the “defense” is that our President is stupid or inept. A President who uses Twitter as his main form of communication didn’t take 2 minutes to listen to the video before blasting it out – with a glowing endorsement – to millions around the world. The same day our President unironically tweeted about Biden’s “low IQ”.
Also, if this “defense” is to be believed: where is his Twitter apology? If you shared a video showing people adore you, Bob, and later found these Bob fans were actually shouting White Power and identifying as Nazi racists, wouldn’t you feel compelled to something about who you are as a person, Bob? Crickets from Trump.
June 29, 2020 at 8:51 pm
Come on. He watched. “White Power” is 8 seconds in. He DOES retweet a lot of White Supremacist garbage. He is himself a White Supremacist. Get it straight.
June 30, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Never moving to The Villages, yikes what a hell hole.
Isn’t it a private community, why would they allow this travesty to occur on its properties?
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