Your daughters are watching how you vote, and your decision will shape not just their political future, but who they are.
That’s the message in the latest creative from the Lincoln Project, the group of Never Trumper exiles from a previous Republican era who have devoted this cycle to taking down the President and his acolytes.
“Girl in the Mirror,” a 90-second video released Friday morning, spotlights what a media release describes as Donald Trump‘s “demeaning, misogynistic rhetoric.”
The greatest hits, so to speak, are all there.
Included in the montage is video of the press conference where Trump berates a reporter for “asking a lot of stupid questions.” Also featured in the spot: the President’s description of the first Black woman to be nominated as a major party’s vice presidential pick as a “monster.”
And then there was his description of a woman, then Fox News host Megyn Kelly, as having “blood coming out of her wherever.”
“Your daughters are listening and absorbing that message,” intones a White female narrator in a direct address to women across the country appalled by the President’s rhetoric.
Democrat Joe Biden, in contrast, “offers a different future,” as evidenced by his selection of Senator Kamala Harris of California to be his running mate.
“A strong woman, a woman with compassion, a woman not afraid to take on a bully,” asserts the narrator, over video where Harris blocks a mansplaining Vice President Mike Pence from a debate interruption with a perfectly-timed, “I’m speaking.”
The ad urges a “vote for change,” a “vote for her.”
“Being an intelligent, strong woman is not a partisan endeavor,” said Sarah Lenti, Executive Director of the Lincoln Project. “As a nation, we’ve been blessed to have amazing women as role models in both parties, but only ever one President who treats our gender writ large with such disdain. It’s time for a President who celebrates the perspective women have to offer, and who acknowledges their inherent worth, skill, and place in our government.”
Sonja Fitch
October 16, 2020 at 9:05 am
As old white southern woman this is beautiful and prophetic ! Women it is ours with the vote! The message is clear WE ARE HERE😍! WE WILL VOTE! Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common good!
Harold Finch
October 16, 2020 at 10:59 am
That is a stupid comment and near sighted. Republicans are just as pro-women as the Democrats. Your husband or boyfriend, if you have one has most likely said many things over the years that would be considered misogynistic. Get a grip!!
Ocean Joe
October 16, 2020 at 2:26 pm
Republicans maybe pro-women, Trump is not. That’s why he has to pay them to sleep with them.
James Robert Miles
October 16, 2020 at 5:47 pm
The GOP is still trying to undue Roe V Wade. Pro-women the GOP extremist party is NOT. Get F’ing real!!!
Kevin Kent
October 16, 2020 at 11:12 pm
Do you prove her comment about misogyny right by being so condescending to her? What a dickhead.
Frankie M.
October 17, 2020 at 9:21 am
Using the old locker room talk defense I see Harold. Time to come up with a new playbook.
Laurene Conrad
October 17, 2020 at 5:33 pm
The Lincoln Project took down the video attached to the link you used but they have since put it up again with a new link. Letting you know in case you want to update your article. https://youtu.be/VlJqf_9YYj0
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