Democrats are launching a new digital and radio advertising effort targeting Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Florida, encouraging them to vote, and to consider Democratic concerns when they do.
The Democratic National Committee announced a six-figure effort in Florida targeting Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The effort will start with WAVS-AM radio out of Davie and two publishing groups that market to Asian American audiences, Saathee and Desh Videsh, the latter based in Tamarac.
The messages are simple: Consider what’s at stake. Make a plan to vote. Visit the Democrats’ how-to-vote site.
“We are in the midst of a global pandemic, an economic collapse, and a reckoning on civil rights. We need leaders with a plan to protect and expand our access to affordable health care, invest in our community, and fight for equal justice,” the commercial states. “Asian Americans have the power to elect those leaders who will represent all Americans. To make that happen we all have to make a plan to vote. Visit IWillVote.com today to check your registration status and make your plan to vote. Make sure your voice is heard. It has never been more important.”
The state voter registration book closing data for the Nov. 3 election shows Florida has 298,185 voters who have identified as Asian Americans or Pacific Islanders. The largest concentrations are in Orange and Broward counties, which each have more than 35,000; Hillsborough County with 28,000; Duval County with 22,000; Palm Beach County with 20,000; and Miami-Dade and Pinellas counties, with more than 18,000 each.
“Democrats are meeting AAPI voters where they are by making historic investments to ensure AAPIs in Florida and across the country have the information they need to make their plan to vote,” DNC Chair Tom Perez stated in a news release. “The stakes have never been higher — especially for AAPI communities — and we are committed to making sure voters have the tools to make their voices heard at the ballot box, and elect leaders like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris who will fight to build a brighter future for AAPI families.”