Joe Biden and Donald Trump are clashing on race relations, as the former Vice President calls the current President “one of the most racist Presidents we’ve had in modern history.”
Biden said Trump “pours fuel on every racist fire” and noted that at his last debate the President wouldn’t condemn white supremacy and told an extremist group to “stand down and stand by.”
Trump portrayed himself as a champion of Black people. Repeating his standard line that no President has done more for Black Americans than anyone other than Abraham Lincoln, Trump accused Biden and former President Barack Obama of ignoring issues of racial justice.
Trump told Biden: “You’ve done nothing but the crime bill which put tens of thousands of Black men in jail.”
Biden said he’s been trying to change drug sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed African Americans and that the public knows his record.
Trump, touting criminal justice reform and opportunity zone bills he signed, said: “I am the least racist person in this room.”
Sonja Fitch
October 23, 2020 at 4:37 am
Pours filth hate and lies on every issue! Trump is for Trump! Trump loves him some Putin and any DICtator! Trump is a paranoid delusional racist sexist liar! Vote Democrat up and down ballot!
James Robert Miles
October 23, 2020 at 10:16 am
The lying ego maniac will tell you “I’m not a racist!” Teah, just like HITLER wasn’t a Nazi. The lying SOB wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on his fat a$$ and neither would his supporters! VOTE HIM OUT, LOCK HIM UP!! DUMP TRUMP 2020!! Return credibility to the U.S. Government!!
Dr John McMahon
October 23, 2020 at 3:28 pm
It’s time for your meds again JAMES! You and your cell mate the wicked witch of Sunny Florida SONJA , have to stop hiding them under your tongue . Sorry that sane America loves Trump, which kills you sodomites. JAMES you need a SAFE hobby so try to find something else to do every week other than making a complete fool out of yourself. James don’t cry into your pillow again tonight . Time to get ready for more padded cell isolation therapy after November 3 James . Also for the sake of your family, PLEASE take a DEEP breath before you babble on this forum like a brain washed little 13 year old geek Marxist wannabe OK? Stay safe little guy! Phew!
James Robert Miles
October 24, 2020 at 8:44 am
The quack “doctor” comes out from under his rock. Where have you been? Thought you might be in jail for being a phony “doctor.” I’ll continue to bash Trump if only to just obviously annoy you. Can’t stand the truth can you? Your dear fascist leader is going down. Get used to it. Get into your fetal position and get lots of kleenex, as your going to need it!!
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