Ahead of President Donald Trump‘s appearance Sunday night in Miami, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio praised a group of Trump supporters that surrounded a Joe Biden campaign bus while it was traveling on a Texas interstate en route to Austin.
The FBI is investigating the Friday incident, caught on video, after Biden campaign officials described the “Trump Train” as trying to slow down the campaign bus and drive it off the road. The President had defended the actions of those supporters, who drove pickup trucks bearing Trump and American flags.
Rubio appeared to join in support Sunday evening.
“We love what they did, but here’s the thing they don’t know,” Rubio said. “We do that in Florida every day.”
On Saturday, Trump tweeted a 26-second video clip of the incident, writing, “I LOVE TEXAS!” After the FBI confirmed Sunday that it was investigating the event, the President came out in support of the “Trump Train.”
“In my opinion, these patriots did nothing wrong,” he wrote. “Instead, the FBI & Justice should be investigating the terrorists, anarchists, and agitators of ANTIFA, who run around burning down our Democrat run cities and hurting our people!”
Texas Republican Party Chair Allen West, a former South Florida Congressman, dismissed a Texas Tribune reporter’s question about the incident, instead pointing to assault, robbery and looting committed by Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters as real violence. He named the deaths of three Trump supporters in Portland, Denver and Milwaukee and threats against a St. Louis couple, who were ultimately charged last month for pointing guns at protesters.
“Where is the liberal corporate media’s concern about that real violence?” he asked, calling concerns about the Interstate 35 incident “more fake news and propaganda.”
“Prepare to lose … stop bothering me,” he added. “Maybe (George) Soros can cut y’all another check in 2022.”
Democratic strategist Steve Schale weighed in on Rubio’s late-night comments during a press call Monday afternoon.
“It was ridiculous last night that Marco Rubio basically endorsed what they did in Texas on the road,” he said. “I had a guy try to run me off the road on 75 a couple days ago. It’s awful.”
Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, the lone statewide-elected Democrat in Florida, criticized the Senator over Twitter.
“No, @MarcoRubio. In Florida we do not run our political opponents off the road, threatening their lives and the lives of innocent motorists,” she tweeted.
Rubio’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
At the rally, the Senator railed against socialism, noting the diverse crowd of Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Dominicans, Colombians and, ultimately, Americans. Many of the rally-goers or their families had seen socialism face-to-face before fleeing to the United States, he noted, adding that voters have a clear choice on Tuesday.
“That is the point,” Rubio said, interrupted by USA chants. “This President has united tonight in one place at one time people from all over the world united by one thing: they are proud Americans.”
At the mention of Biden, who the Senator joked was already asleep at 10:30 p.m., the crowd erupted into “Sleepy Joe” chants.
“Don’t wake him up,” he repeated, shushing supporters.
Rubio praised Trump for unilateral foreign policy in the Middle East against Iran and ISIS
“The Biden plan when he was Vice President, ‘We’re going to bring a group of people together and our allies and we’re going to round up the world and we’re going to do a deal with Iran,'” Rubio said in a mocking tone. “You know what the Trump plan for (Qassem) Soleimani was? He’s dead.”
November 2, 2020 at 11:27 am
Rubio supports the violence of trumpers? What does that make him? A radical right wing racist authoritarian, in my opinon. Odd for a Cuban.
Claire Z.
November 2, 2020 at 11:36 am
Rubio has no shame or decency. My hope is Democrats will have a solid contender to unseat him in 2022–Anna Eskamani, perhaps?
We need Nikki Fried for governor, and Val Demings to take on Rick Scott in 2024.
Claire Z.
November 2, 2020 at 11:40 am
Is Rubio claiming that Florida law enforcement is complicit in allowing violent road rage incidents since, according to him, this happens “every day” in Florida? Where exactly does this occur every day, Senator?
This was an obviously dangerous stunt. People have been hauled away to jail in this state for far less serious incidents.
Marco, when are you gonna share details about that late night encounter in the park back in the 1990s when you and a male “friend” were stopped by cops?
James Robert Miles
November 2, 2020 at 12:39 pm
Rubio proves that he is a lawless little twit! The entire GOP extremist party hate democracy and any GOPer who supports what happened with the Biden bus in Texas proves that they don’t respect law and order. Had the situation been reversed the whiny bitch (Trump) would have been ranting about it endlessly!.. Just shows you the double standard the the GOP is all about. We have seen this with the Supreme Court nomination which was not supposed to happen in an election year if the President is a Democrat. The endless lawbreaker Trump gets away with multiple Hatch Act violations with no repercussions because the GOP controls the Senate. If their is a God than the GOP will be put out to pasture in this election. If that doesn’t happen, than get ready for a civil war as this nation has to decide what it wants to be. That is, a lawless nation run be a fascist wanna-be dictator with his sucker and loser supporters or a nation of laws equally enforced for ALL of its citizens!
November 2, 2020 at 1:11 pm
Does Rubio have any integrity? If a window gets broken at a protest, he screams that these allegedly radicals leftist must be punished harshly. When Trump supporters attempt to commit possible vehicle manslaughter, he laughs it off. Will Little Marco ever grow up?
Brian Ketterley
November 2, 2020 at 1:51 pm
Typical Republican hack spewing unapologetic and shameless hypocrisy. That’s Marco Rubio for ya’.
But from a purely political standpoint, what other choice does he have other than to kiss Trump’s obese ass? He’s permanently aligned himself to the orange one, and Rubio knows that a loss in Florida for Trump will almost certainly preclude a potential loss for him and Desantis in 2022.
Rubio and Desantis remember 2018. And 2022 will look even more promising for Democrats, especially if Biden wins here, and Democrats are able to remind voters that Rubio prioritized supporting a defeated president’s every crazy whim over the health and safety of Americans.
November 2, 2020 at 2:26 pm
I cannot believe that anyone in public office on public payroll would endorse dangerous behavior on any highway , interstate or county roads. It is dangerous and stupid and and should be fined. Every darn on of them. Marco you are an embarrassment. Find your spine and step up or resign I have had enough of your stupidity.
Sonja Fitch
November 2, 2020 at 2:45 pm
Rubio is a candy butt goptrump death cult looser! Vote Democrat up and down ballot for the common Good!
Palmer Tom
November 2, 2020 at 8:03 pm
Rubio has become a disappointment. He does need to go.
Jeff King
November 2, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Little Marco.
Plant lady
November 3, 2020 at 12:18 am
I didn’t vote for Marco Rubio but I thought he was a decent man. I can’t believe he has forgotten what Trump has called him. That aside, no one, especially in Rubio’s position should be condoning violence on the highway!
Ocean Joe
November 3, 2020 at 6:01 am
In 1961, a Greyhound Bus with Freedom Riders aboard was fire bombed, other buses were targeted and people harassed. There is very little difference between that and this interference.
Change is coming. Get out of the way Marco, stop acting like white trash.
November 3, 2020 at 1:21 pm
I remember in 2016 when I considered Marco a candidate for president as a possible choice for me.
But now…
He just ruined any chance of ever being president of the United States by this one action. Congrats! And it has nothing to do with his weight gain, or HIS small hands but rather irresponsible behavior like this.
We are getting rid of an irresponsible president. We will never want another one. Buh-bye, Mario.
November 3, 2020 at 1:28 pm
Trump was right about one thing in his political life……….. he spotted the true nature of “lil” Marco.
The best thing about being a Floridian is that I will have a chance to vote Against him, next time around.
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