U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio took to national airwaves Tuesday with increasingly familiar warnings of a potential Marxist menace in the Senate race in Georgia.
The Senator, on Tuesday’s edition of the Guy Benson Show on Fox News Radio, reiterated criticisms of the Rev. Raphael Warnock as cozying up to communists.
Warnock is one of two Democrats challenging Republican incumbents in the Peach State, and Rubio has repeatedly messaged on how a church Warnock pastored at in the 1990s hosted Cuban strongman Fidel Castro. Tuesday’s radio hit was no exception.
“Castro gave an anti-American speech, blasting and ripping the country right there in Harlem, attacking the United States,” Rubio said, noting that Warnock has not renounced that decision by his former church.
“When he was asked the question, he should have said ‘I repudiate Fidel Castro and all he stands for,'” Rubio said. “You know why he doesn’t do it?”
“I can’t tell you what he believes about Fidel Castro,” Rubio said. “But what I am certain of is this. The reason why he won’t do it and why others like him won’t do it is they want the people who think Fidel Castro is a great guy to vote for them.
“They want the people who associate with Marxism and socialism to vote for them,” Rubio added, saying that “there are people who are Marxists and socialists who are key parts of the donor base of the Democratic Party.”
“Not just fringe members,” Rubio added. “These are the people on magazine covers, who raise a lot of money online. These are the influencers, the people who the media pays attention to.”
“I can’t tell you whether he sympathizes with Castro or not,” Rubio added, but “I can tell you that the people who sympathize with Castro, Marxism and socialism, he wants their vote. He needs their vote in order to win.”
Rubio’s comments cover much the same ground as those of Sen. Rick Scott, who said Monday that Warnock was a “Marxist or socialist.” Scott’s National Republican Senatorial Committee is also making similar arguments about “Radical Raphael.”
Expect more along these lines from the duo, and presumably other Florida Republicans, in the news cycles headed up to the Jan. 5 runoff elections.
November 17, 2020 at 6:26 pm
“I can’t tell you what he believes about Fidel Castro,” Rubio said. “But what I am certain of is this. The reason why he won’t do it and why others like him won’t do it is they want the people who think Fidel Castro is a great guy to vote for them. They want the people who associate with Marxism and socialism to vote for them,” Rubio added, saying that “there are people who are Marxists and socialists who are key parts of the donor base of the Democratic Party.”
I can’t tell you what Rubio believes about Donald Trump. But what I am certain of is this. The reason why he won’t repudiate a racist, misogynistic dictator, and why others like him won’t do it, is that they want the people who think Donald Trump is a great guy to vote for them. They want the people who associate with racism, misogyny and xenophobia to vote for them. There are people who are racists, misogynists and xenophobes who are key parts of the donor base of the Republican Party.
November 17, 2020 at 6:28 pm
P.S. Little Marco. You’re out of your element. Not a lot of Cuban Americans in Georgia that you can con. Your roadshow only works in South Florida.
Sally Savannah
November 17, 2020 at 7:16 pm
Lifelong Georgian here, and I’ve voted for Democrats AND Republicans in my 44 years on Earth, and living in Savannah.
But never have I ever voted out of concern over Fidel Castro. LOL. Marci Rubio is absurd.
Those dog whistles only work on Florida’s apparently easily mislead Cuban population in Miami.
Perhaps someone should remind Rubio that Republicans ran millions of dollars in ads with that same garbage here and Georgia still turned blue.
Ocean Joe
November 17, 2020 at 8:18 pm
Get out the limbo pole again…Marco is going extra low!
Sonja Fitch
November 18, 2020 at 6:32 am
Marco you stupid and an embarrassment! Stfu!
James Robert Miles
November 18, 2020 at 6:36 am
Marco who?
November 18, 2020 at 12:45 pm
Idiot “Cuban-Americans” still fighting the Bay of Pigs are like crackers still fighting the War of Northern Aggression.
P.S. History Lesson: While the Bay of Pigs fiasco took place just a couple of months into JFK’s presidency, it was planned and scheduled by the Eisenhower administration. It had too much momentum for the new president to stop. Just think what poor Joe Biden is going to face in his first few months/years.
November 19, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Does Rubio ever do anything for anyone except look for political opportunities. Name a relevant piece of legislation he has Sheppard through while in office.
Get a real fucking job, you’ve been mooching off the government since your 26 years old .
Your spineless!!!!! Your boos trump loves dictators, hates the press and our intelligence agencies. He is the real communist.
Jaime Fabara
November 23, 2020 at 11:27 pm
This is not a socialist country. We have to stop the Radical Left that is out of control. If we don’t our current systems will continue to deteriorate. Our federal deficit is too big and the ‘radical left’ only wants to spend money that we don’t have. The radial left (democratic party now) will destroy this country. We have to fight for our values, (our political values, family values, economic values, religion values, etc,.).
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