Deep South Magazine named Florida Polytechnic University one of the five best universities in the South for tech students, the school announced Friday.
Florida Poly is the only public university in Florida exclusively dedicated to STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). It shares the top 5 with renowned institutions such as Georgia Tech and the University of South Carolina.
Florida Poly, in Lakeland, was also recently recognized as No. 14 in student career outcomes, right behind Harvard and ahead of Stanford University in WalletHub’s 2021’s Best College and University Rankings report.
“To be listed among universities with such impressive histories and outstanding reputations shows just how far we’ve come as a young institution, and highlights our University’s limitless potential,” said Ben Matthew Corpus, vice provost of enrollment at Florida Poly. “The quality and nimble structure of our academic programs allow us to provide a world-class STEM education in a small and selective setting that values students’ technological contributions.”
Deep South Magazine lauded Florida Poly’s commitment to innovation.
“If you are looking for a university in the Southern states that offers cutting-edge programs and supports innovation, this is your best pick,” the magazine wrote.
The publication also highlighted Florida Poly’s national rankings and its regular inclusion on lists of top schools in the nation.
The University made its first appearance in the national rankings of the U.S News and World Report this year as a top 75 engineering college without a doctorate degree, and in the top 40 of those that are public. It was the only institution in this category in the state of Florida and the school nabbed the honor after only six years in existence.
Florida Poly also ranked third in the State University System for top performance at a low cost, as well as No. 2 in the nation for affordability among quality engineering institutions.
“We are excited to see the hard work and determination of our entire campus recognized again and again by observers at all levels,” said Randy Avent, president of Florida Poly. “We’ve come a long way in just six years and look forward to continuing to break new ground in the years to come.”