The President of the United States pulled off a Twitter permaban tonight and a U.S. Senator from Florida is howling about censorship and double standards.
Sen. Rick Scott, in a pair of Tweets posted Friday night, bemoaned the platform’s censorship of the President even as it leaves other controversial world leaders to speak freely.
“Twitter has now permanently banned President Trump’s account. Meanwhile they allow the Chinese to openly brag about genocide and the Ayatollah to talk about wiping Israel off the face of the map. How can they defend this? Their attacks on conservatives are shameful,” Scott contended, via the @ScottForFlorida account.
The Senator took a second bite at the apple with his second Twitter account, @SenRickScott.
Scott, a former Governor of Florida who ran on a public safety platform in both campaigns, disputed Twitter suspending Trump for “incitement of violence.”
After all, he posited, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro tweets without censorship.
Twitter was “showing a blatant bias.” Maduro: “a thug who jails & silences his dissidents, controls the judicial branch & starves his people.”
“Maduro commits genocide, but is allowed to use Twitter to spread propaganda with no repercussion. Shameful,” Scott contended.
The Senator has gone to the wall for the President once this week.
Unlike a few Republican Senators who reneged on pledges to challenge election results in the wake of the deadly violence at the Capitol, Scott held fast in his contention that the Pennsylvania results were not legitimate.
And even as Republican Senators distance themselves from the White House in the wake of the terror attack, Scott has acted as if the President is in position to begin a traditional period of national reconciliation after months of scabrous rhetoric delegitimizing the election process and result.
Scott released a statement Friday imploring President Donald Trump to attend President-elect Joe Biden‘s swearing-in on Jan. 20.
That concession, said Scott, would demonstrate a “peaceful transfer of power to the world.”
“I am urging the President to reconsider his decision to skip the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He is, of course, not constitutionally required to attend, and I can imagine losing an election is very hard, but I believe he should attend. I plan to attend and believe it is an important tradition that demonstrates the peaceful transfer of power to our people and the world,” the Senator asserted.
Sonja Fitch
January 9, 2021 at 4:39 am
Stfu Nazi Rick! Nazi Rick you have the blood of those folks that died because of the domestic terrorist attack on America! Nazi Rick get out!
Ocean Joe
January 9, 2021 at 7:23 am
The rioters must have used Rick as a battering ram, he will regain his senses in a few days and start screeching about Venezuela again.
The only value of having Trump at the inauguration is as a human shield against further acts of violence. If he shows, hope he wears the John Gotti overcoat so popular in Queens.
January 9, 2021 at 8:09 am
Anti-American, Anti-Democracy Florida Senator Rick Scott is officially the proud third tier leader of the US Senate’s sedition caucus. The Lincoln Project has yet to label Scott as such ….. but I believe the label is coming soon.
Retired Governor and Trump boot licker Niki Haley should also be chastised for her continued support of Donald Trump.
Let’s be perfectly clear, Twitter has nothing to do with constraining ‘First American Rights’ ……they are not a function of government denying Trump, Michael Flynn, or Sydney Powell of anything. Twitter is a PRIVATELY OWNED COMPANY that has rules and regulations. If you don’t want to follow their club rules ….. than start your own club.
Trump and his ilk should be forced into the KKK Stormfront dot org rabbit hole where Patriotic Americans in the FBI can easily monitor their conversations from one single deplorable source.
At this point it is my hope that the FBI is not simply monitoring these sedition insurrectionist social media accounts …. but also their phone calls and emails. Indictments and convictions need evidence and it’s the FBI’s job is to use all available tools to find and disable all threats to our country and Democracy.
Palmer Tom
January 9, 2021 at 6:15 pm
How can Scott defend anything? He has no morals.
S Dickens
January 12, 2021 at 1:48 am
I emailed Scott to let him know I support the removal Trump from office. Instead of addressing or acknowledging this, Scott emailed me back stating he intended to push forward legislation in support of his viewpoint that the PA election results posed a threat to our nation!
I am aghast that he is blinded to the national threat that Trump poses and is more concerned about the statues and governance of PA citizens then he is about his FL constituents or our President inciting violence and insurrection.
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