Hillsborough County confirmed 1,213 new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend, according to Florida Department of Health data released Monday.
The county saw 769 cases Saturday and 444 cases on Sunday, a dip consistent with less individuals testing on Sunday. The county is inching closer to 100,000 total cases since the start of the pandemic, so far reporting 92,981 cases.
Hillsborough County reported 27 new deaths in Monday’s report, a higher number than usual in a single-day report for the county. The county’s death toll now stands at 1,202. The county also confirmed three additional hospitalizations in Monday’s report.
Pinellas County reported 620 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend — 296 on Saturday and 324 on Sunday. The county also reported nine additional deaths, bringing its death toll to 1,184. Eleven new hospitalizations were also reported.
Pinellas has reported 54,529 cases since the start of the pandemic.
As far as positivity rates, Pinellas County has stayed relatively low the past few days while Hillsborough is reporting higher numbers.
Over the weekend, Hillsborough County saw a 11.38% positivity rate on Saturday and a 9.21% on Sunday, bouncing around the 10% marker of mass community spread. These numbers are in line with the past week, which reported numbers around 9-11%.
Pinellas County, on the other hand, reported positivity rates at 6.31% and 6.97%, numbers close to the 5% marker the county wants to achieve.
In Pinellas, 45,408 in have been vaccinated, including 6,765 who have completed the series, according to the state’s latest vaccination report. Hillsborough has vaccinated 49,966 individuals, of which 7,758 have completed the doses.