The House Early Learning and Elementary Education Subcommittee heard a presentation on efforts to boost literacy rates among elementary school-aged children through teacher development.
Third-grade reading proficiency is seen as an indicator of how successful a student will be, both in school and in their adult life. Currently, fewer than three in five Florida third-graders read at grade level.
“There’s an enormous body of research spanning decades that speaks to the importance of teaching literacy. While our teachers are dedicated to their profession there needs to be a greater focus on making sure our teachers have the resources they need to effectively teach literacy,” committee chair Vance Aloupis said ahead of the presentation.
In 2017, the Legislature tasked the University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for Learning and the Department of Education’s “Just Read, Florida!” Office to develop training for teachers, principals, and coaches on evidence-based reading strategies and instruction.
The end product is the Flamingo Literacy Matrix, described as a “competency-based, online professional development system that improves teachers’ ability to effectively teach reading, diagnose reading issues, and intervene appropriately to support struggling readers.”
Dr. Paige Pullen, chief academic officer at the Lastinger Center, gave lawmakers an overview of program content, including strategies to recognize and more effectively teach children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia.
The program is also a route for teachers to earn a Reading Endorsement certification, which is required for Kindergarten through sixth-grade teacher candidates, summer reading camp instructors, and those teaching students who were held back in third grade.
Pullen also told committee members there is “strong evidence” that the program is getting results.
In 2019-2020, just 9% of participating teachers demonstrated mastery of literacy content in the pre-test before they began the Literacy Matrix program. After the professional development, 98% achieved mastery.
One comment
andrew sanders
February 18, 2021 at 1:06 pm
You forgot to mention that the Flamingo Matrix costs $600. Do you know teachers that just have $600 laying around?
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