The never-Trumpers at The Lincoln Project continue to embrace mainstream Democratic candidates, cutting a new ad promoting former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in his campaign against Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin.
McAuliffe was already Governor once, from 2014 until 2018, and he seeks a return to the office in 2022. The new Lincoln Project spots will be part of a barrage of stretch run ads totaling more than $5 million between the two campaigns.
Polls are tightening down the stretch, and the reformed Republican political consultants’ new ad poses the non-rhetorical question: “What’s the Virginia Governor’s race really all about?”
“It’s about you. Us. It’s about who we are. The choice is stark,” a gravel-voiced White man intones over aspirational keyboards, before a minor chord sounds and the narrative darkens.
“Glenn Youngkin is Donald Trump‘s candidate,” the narrator warns. “Anti-Semitism. Racism. Denying gay couples the right to marry. That ugly Charlottesville hate.”
The tone brightens again, with McAuliffe introduced to voters as the antidote to the Youngkin/Trump malady.
“Terry McAuliffe believes in a different Virginia,” the narrator asserts, asking voters which Virginia they believe in.
A co-founder of the Lincoln Project says the ad delineates the “stark” choice between McAuliffe, a former chair of the Democratic National Committee, and Youngkin.
“The choice Virginians face on Election Day is stark — a candidate handpicked by Donald Trump or an honest and decent leader: Terry McAuliffe,” said Lincoln Project co-founder Reed Galen. “Glenn Youngkin has run a campaign fueled by racism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia. He pretends to be two different candidates in two very different parts of the state, playing Virginians as fools. Voters are smarter than Youngkin gives them credit for and they’re going to prove it on November 2 by rejecting the kind of hate-driven politics Youngkin represents.”
Much of the messaging in this race from Republicans has attempted to yoke McAuliffe to President Joe Biden. But messaging steeped in negative national associations goes both ways.
McAuliffe fundraising appeals also make the case that Youngkin would stooge for the former President, including from Mary Trump, the 45th President’s niece.
“Glenn Youngkin has said that Donald Trump represents so much of why he’s running, and he’s even endorsed another four years of Donald Trump’s presidency,” Mary Trump laments in a fundraising appeal sent out Wednesday. “Polls show that Youngkin is gaining momentum, with three even showing him ahead. That’s potentially fatal with only days left in this election.”
Ron Ogden
October 26, 2021 at 1:50 pm
What does this have to do with Florida politics, other than The Rick Wilson, who’s a buddy of yours, I guess?
October 26, 2021 at 5:25 pm
Absolutely nothing.
Corrupt org. Pop goes weasel peter h. promotes this predator org.
It’s is a joke organization. Limited media buys. The consultants made a career living off of Rep election committees, always discouraging conservatives. They are extreme liberals.
They are cut off so it’s attack the right period.
Haters of Trump.
October 26, 2021 at 5:54 pm
So where is the Lincoln Project fanboy PeterH to comment on this and endorse McAuliffe? Is that how ‘true conservatism’ is ‘remade’ by electing every skunk Democrat like Terry McAuliffe? These reformed Republican political consultants the article alludes to are a craven cluster of VIchy Republicans and grifters who fed off the electoral system like hyenas and, post-Trump, have concocted a new game.
October 26, 2021 at 8:13 pm
Well said ZHombre and Ron.
Peter H. is a agent and Lincoln activist.
He’s anti conservative, he detests Trump and GOP. He is a liberal period. Former Sen Lowell Weicker and Cong Silvio Conte are his models. Northeast Patricians of yesteryear.
Peter H is a RINO.
The Federal Treasury recently reported that they collected over $4 Trillion in revenues, a record in revenue taxation. He openly says that GOP tax cuts don’t pay, which is a lie. The feds collected over $4 trillion in revenues.
He openly lies, he denies we have 1.75 million illegals crossing southern border! He says it’s legal.
Florida politics is anti Gov. Ron and is promoting a predator org. cause they support them targeting Gov Ron.
Pete H is a joke, just like Lincoln org.
Thank you both for what you do.
Austin Williams
October 27, 2021 at 3:13 am
When are we going to start calling The Lincoln Project what the really are? If they walk, talk, and vote like Democrats….shouldn’t we stop call them Republicans? These men and women went from being simply ‘Never Trumpers’ to being the total embodiment and shills for the Jackass Political Party. Hey RNC, you’ve got some excommunicating to do. They’ll be fine, they’re all well paid by Maddow/Haynes/Reid, Inc over at MSNBC.
William Robbin
October 27, 2021 at 10:33 am
So one the one hand they are making fun of Trump saying Younkin wants to have nothing to do with him. On the other hand they are saying not to vote for him because he is “Trump’s” candidate.
I’m guessing The Lincoln Project paid for this article to be written.
Ringo Lapua
October 29, 2021 at 9:02 am
The Lincoln Project is a totally leftist Marxist and globalist organization which claims to be anti Trump republicans but in reality is dedicated to the leftist Democratic Party and it’s ally the Chinese Communist Party. They support puppet President Traitor Joe and all leftist governors in the USA.
October 29, 2021 at 9:20 am
Today “This video is unavailable.” Good. Maybe the LP scumbags pulled it. Youngkin has pulled ahead of McAuliffe according to recent polling. Good. McAuliffe losing would be a well-deserved slap in the face to these LP bottom feeders, and to Obama, Biden and rest of the Dems who campaigned in Virginia.
John Tucker
October 29, 2021 at 6:00 pm
This group was caught pretending to be white supremacists. They are lining scum.
Lance Sjogren
October 30, 2021 at 2:32 am
With Youngkin surging into the lead, it appears that hate may not be as useful a tool as the Democrats and their incredibly slimy supporters like the Lincoln Project thought it would.
Lance Sjogren
October 30, 2021 at 2:35 am
On the other hand, the Lincoln Project’s insane hate campaign will make for a handy excuse for the Democrats if McAuliffe loses, which appears increasingly likely at this point.
October 30, 2021 at 8:55 am
McA’s campaign has hired former Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias possibly to contest the election, if they lose. https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/10/29/mcauliffe-campaign-caught-trying-to-kill-fox-news-story-about-marc-elias-hire-n1527977
October 31, 2021 at 3:47 am
This Lincoln group is a disgrace to politics and campaigns.
They have contributed $250,000 to McAuliffes campaign. Dressing up paid hacks as white racists is a low scum ball tactic. Shameful.
Peter H. defends and supports Lincoln all the time. This is a very large low point.
November 7, 2021 at 3:28 pm
Charlottesville city council calls out the pathetic racist Lincoln org.
The mayor and 2 council members call out racist org to go pound sand.
They are through. Peter H, how do you like your guys now. LMAO
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