Florida’s Governor has a pair.
That’s the slogan emblazoned on new merchandise — golf balls — that debuted Wednesday as the Legislature made a decisive drive toward passing legislation Gov. Ron DeSantis called for to fortify Florida against those pesky federal vaccine mandates.

“Hold the line,” says the box, under the line about the Governor having a pair.
Even if the line isn’t specified on the new merchandise, there’s plenty of double entendre.
Allusions to anatomy abound.
“Standing firm and setting an example for the rest of the nation in defending freedom as it comes under assault has become par for the course with Governor DeSantis,” reads an email making the rounds with the advertisement to his store.
What materials these balls are made of, it doesn’t say. It does say that they are TaylorMade TP5X Golf Balls with a DeSantis logo.
A 22-second video on Twitter has the DeSantis-marked ball getting airborne to rocking music.
“Leadership in Democrat states is weak,” the video declares as the shot gets lined up and a golf club swings.
It goes airborne to more words: “But not in Florida …”
This isn’t the first time DeSantis’ fundraising has used some edgy merchandise. A beer koozie offered for sale in July leaned into scorn that Dr. Anthony Fauci was prescribing masks to save lives.
“How can I drink a beer with a mask on?” DeSantis is quoted as saying on the koozie.
But then the delta variant hit, prompting Sen. Annette Taddeo, now running for Governor, to become one of a number who skewered DeSantis regularly for his insensitivity to the ongoing crisis. She tweeted almost daily about the count of days since he started selling anti-Fauci gear along with the number of Floridians who have died from COVID-19.
She got up to 94 days and 57,700 Floridians dead from the virus.
The koozies are gone from the Ron DeSantis store. These balls are also “Limited Edition: Fortified in Florida.”
A.G. Gancarski contributed to this report.
November 17, 2021 at 5:28 pm
Perfect clothing options for the next trailer park klan tea dance!
Impeach Biden
November 17, 2021 at 6:03 pm
Uh huh. You and your arrogant Dumbecrats. The ones that brought us the inflation we are all dealing with. The ones that have allowed nearly 2 million illegals into this country. Fuel prices alone will take down Dementia Joe’s reign of incompetence and that other nut from San Francisco will be turning in her gavel as well next year. And Schumer? No. Ord whiny speeches from his sorry ass either..Bye bye.
November 17, 2021 at 6:31 pm
As warned by every reputable economist Trump’s tariffs and Republicans Covid incompetence has caused inflation.
Impeach Biden
November 18, 2021 at 7:29 am
Nice try. I took a picture of fuel prices at my gas station on 15 Jan 2021. $2.13 a gallon under Trump. Today it is over one dollar per gallon more. Do the math. I just rented a car in February and it’s 100% more expensive than last year. I won’t even mention all of the other inflationary pressures brought on by Dumb and Dumber. The good thing though is that Nancy will be passing the gavel to a Repub next year and whiny Schumer will get displaced as well.
November 18, 2021 at 10:36 am
If you can’t afford the gasoline for you short supply rental vehicle….. maybe you should stop driving.
Impeach Biden
November 18, 2021 at 10:41 am
Stop driving Peter H? That’s your arrogance and that attitude right there is going to cost your arrogant party in 2022. Looking forward to it. By the way it’s not the gas that has gone up 100% it’s the rental itself.
November 18, 2021 at 10:48 am
People who can’t afford cars or the price of maintaining them take busses for transportation. Stop being a complaining spoiled brat and learn to live within your financial means.
Gubberment is not here to rescue you.
Impeach Biden
November 18, 2021 at 10:55 am
Government is not here to rescue you. I completely agree with that statement. So let’s get rid of the “Rescue Plan” your socialist arm is promoting. Speaking out of both sides aren’t we?
Concern Citizen
November 18, 2021 at 1:24 pm
Impeach Biden
Can you explain what policies that the Biden administration has put in place that are causing inflation?
And what can this administration do to bring inflation down to2% or less level?
November 18, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Yep. Florida Man DeSantis is just such a classy guy….
November 18, 2021 at 9:38 pm
Your damm right he’s a class act and compared to the garbage you hang with the classiest act.
November 18, 2021 at 12:15 am
Go F yourself peter h the Lincoln org advocate
Not true, not one serious economist has suggested that garbage.
Dr Lawrence Summers has forewarned for months bout this reckless spending.
Biden incompetence prevails.
November 18, 2021 at 7:36 am
I was wrong. Serious economists recognize that the Covid economy has caused inflation. And any Federal spending before October 1, 2021 was money approved by the Trump administration , not the Biden administration, in their budget process.
November 18, 2021 at 7:03 pm
Ignorant imposter, what a child as you can’t place your real identity behind your ignorant comments. Your flattery is overwhelming.
Sleepy Joe signed and Pelosi and schumer passed in March, $ 2 trillion In corrupt pay off spending. You own it. Nice try fake Identity.
Wah, wah, can’t blame Trump anymore. You are a fake liar.
November 18, 2021 at 7:30 pm
Bipartisan Two trillion earmarked for infrastructure OVER THE NEXT TEN YEARS OF SPENDING.
……. Trump tried ….. but Trump failed! Wingnut should say thank you to Nancy!
November 18, 2021 at 9:28 pm
You are a dumb ass peter h, pathetic liar. $2 trillion passed in March.
This ain’t infrastructure that passed you dumb ass. $1.5 trillion giveaway.
That’s $ 3.5 trillion total you fool.
Build back worse is even worse. We are Venezuela now. No supplies like the old Soviet Union. Pelosi, Hoyer, Clyburn are old Bolsheviks.
You are the Lincoln predator.
November 18, 2021 at 9:44 pm
Tom’s latest ‘fake news alert! It’s a shame he can’t comprehend even the most simplistic details of economic policies. So sad …… so stupid! That’s what happens when you try to synthesize policy from an armchair in Tom’s trailer park “living room!” LOL
Impeach Biden
November 18, 2021 at 8:28 am
Maybe Nikki Fried will buy some.🤣
November 18, 2021 at 8:36 am
Hey Tom stop breeding stop the stupid
Impeach Biden
November 18, 2021 at 8:59 am
Advice that hopefully Jayapal, Omar, AOC, Bush, Tlaib, etc. will follow.😜
November 18, 2021 at 9:29 pm
Go scratch derik,
November 19, 2021 at 2:12 am
Looks at Florida-men commenting on FL politics.
Laughs in New Yorkese.
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