A case challenging the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s vaccine mandates will not be heard immediately by the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit and Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to ramp up his rhetoric in response.
During a national interview on Sunday, the Governor blasted the court’s decision to refer the case to a three–udge panel for preliminary review, calling it a “terrible decision.”
DeSantis progressed from a fairly mild position earlier in the week to a more strident tone Sunday. His intensified rhetoric doesn’t seem to reflect any change in the case itself in recent days.
“Well, first of all, on the OSHA mandate, I thought it was a terrible decision. This is just a three-judge panel. I thought the whole Circuit in the 6th would have certainly struck this down. I do think we’re going to get positive relief from the U.S. Supreme Court on that,” DeSantis said on the Fox News Channel’s Sunday Morning Futures program.
DeSantis noted Florida’s law against vaccine mandates, but said it was “important” nonetheless the mandate not be allowed to stand.
“We absolutely need to win that case at the Supreme Court,” DeSantis added.
The rhetoric has become more urgent from DeSantis, though the reasons why are unclear given the decision to refer the case to the panel was rolled out days ago.
On Friday in Ocala, the Governor contended the panel, “which may not be representative of the full court,” could temporarily reinstate the mandate, which is stayed for the time being.
“I was surprised at that. You could end up with what I consider an adverse ruling on the panel,” DeSantis warned. “And then it maybe goes to the full court, and then the rule is ruled to be unconstitutional. But I’m confident of the ultimate result. How you get there is a little bit of a curveball.”
“Who knows, they could lift the stay on this. I hope not,” DeSantis added. “I’m not predicting that. But I think it’s something that didn’t need to necessarily go there.”
DeSantis offered similar warnings at another news conference Thursday, saying he was a “little bit surprised” and “disappointed” to see the court’s 8-8 vote to refer the case to a three-judge panel, even though that’s its custom.
“But you know, there’s a lot that could potentially be riding on this, and if they were to reverse the stay or reverse the injunction, boy,” the Governor said in Yulee.
The rule would affect major companies in the new year, compelling companies with at least 100 employees to require full vaccination or weekly testing for those deemed not fully vaccinated.
Florida banned employer vaccine mandates, but much of the country has not.
December 19, 2021 at 11:05 am
See Guv, you needed to find some right you and your base has that is more important than protecting public health, and you couldn’t because no such right(s) exist.
Oh, and your base can opt out, no one is being forced to vaccinate.
I guess that JD from Harvard really was a waste.
December 19, 2021 at 12:51 pm
The President is not a dictator, not even during an emergency is the president a dictator. There is absolutely nothing in the constitution that grants emergency powers during a crisis. The 10th amendment is clear that anything not delegated to the federal government by the constitution is reserved to the states.
The stay will be reimposed by the full 6th circuit or the Supreme Court in the coming weeks. Almost a guarantee. The 8-8 en banc vote last week was before this decision and the 3 judges on this panel were no’s (because they didn’t rule yet). The decision on the 3 judge panel was 2-1, so that Trump judge that voted no makes the 6th circuit vote 9-7 in favor of a stay if the en banc question is reintroduced. Justice Kavanaugh can force en banc on his own, or put the stay back in on his own, or have the full SCOTUS issue the stay.
So this right now is likely only a temporary victory for Biden.
December 19, 2021 at 1:22 pm
Our anti-vax facebook scholar is in the house.
Todd Campbell
December 19, 2021 at 2:17 pm
I always love to see a resident cuckold who lives in the comments section. Do you wear your obedience mask when your wife’s boyfriend leaves in the morning?
December 19, 2021 at 2:38 pm
Troll in the house.
Todd Campbell
December 19, 2021 at 5:11 pm
You’re a cuckold. Do you make coffee for your wife’s black boyfriend when he leaves in the morning, beta cuck filth? Answer the question, BOY.
Alex Gomez
December 19, 2021 at 10:32 pm
lmao get rekt nerd
Goober Simpson
December 19, 2021 at 1:51 pm
I agree Jerry, don’t get the vaccine, we need to purge the dumbassas from the Gene Pool.
Todd Campbell
December 19, 2021 at 2:20 pm
Yes, cuckold. Wear your obedience mask and get your mystery juice injection, not once, not twice but thrice and ad infinitum. That said, I am quite sure that people like Jerry and me who either had this virus or just simply abstain from getting it and relying on our immune system will not get the heart, lung and other problems this injection causes.
December 28, 2021 at 12:46 am
You Trumpcucks really love projecting.
Todd Campbell
December 19, 2021 at 2:26 pm
Good comment, Jerry. Thanks. I thought the next step would be the Supreme Court, but this en banc session could be the next step. Interesting that you bring up Kavanaugh, since he is the Justice over this district and has actually been a very big opponent of the ‘Chevron Doctrine’ and he is inclined to limit or overturn that horrible decision all together.
Kesia Melo
December 19, 2021 at 2:15 pm
Oh I can’t wait to see this POS GOVERNOR gone!!!! All he’s worried about is money. He could careless about the people of FL. I hate him so much!!!
Todd Campbell
December 19, 2021 at 2:23 pm
Good. I am glad you hate him, because the Democrats pulled funding out of the state to run a Democrat against him. He is going to win reelection, likely in a walk. Then you will have 4 more years of telling the feds to fck off, keeping his economy open and running, and allowing people to make their own health decisions and to stop being a bunch of frightened little p@ssies over risk in their lives.
Frankie M.
December 19, 2021 at 6:51 pm
Does this mean Ronnie’s in favor of expanding the Supreme Court?
December 19, 2021 at 8:56 pm
Problem for you Manchurian Dumcrats is that you have nothing to run and defeat him with.
America’s Gov is the best. Leads on all issues, with dynamic energy and focus. Seniors vaccines, monoclonal Regeneron, recently announced second new one. Education school vouchers, environmental policy, economy jobs 4.5% unemployment, kept schools open, and more.
Gov Ron busts liberals balls with a smile daily.
Nikki Frauds corrupt , crispy critters and tarantula. LMAO! U got nothing.
November re elect bigly!
Govs mansion, Tallahassee to DC, WH.
December 21, 2021 at 2:43 pm
I’m not a Rep or a Dem, nor L or R. But, as a lifelong Floridian, I wish the Governor would spend his time solving real problems such as the dying Indian River Lagoon, homelessness, gun violence, etc instead of globetrotting to raise money, hamming it up on Fix News, commenting on National issues. Moreover, it would be nice if Americans showed some respect for our President; you can disagree with his administration without being disrespectful, can’t you. Our Country’s enemies are happy to see our Nation self-destruct thanks to rampant hate-mongering such as the juvenile posts on this thread. Peace on Earth; Goodwill to Men!
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