Ahead of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ State of the State speech Tuesday, a former Governor and current gubernatorial candidate offered his own view.
“While Gov. DeSantis is polishing his radical resume to prepare to run for President, our fellow Floridians are hurting,” said U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist.
Crist, a former Republican Governor who is now a Democrat, issued on Tuesday morning his own version of the speech, one certainly more critical of the Governor’s agenda than the one legislators are hearing this morning.
“Later today, Gov. Ron DeSantis is going to deliver the State of the State speech. I’ve delivered this speech before. I delivered it four times, when I was previously your Governor. It’s a big deal,” Crist said, beginning a speech that ran just shy of three minutes.
Crist contrasted himself to DeSantis, saying he always “listened to the people first,” lamenting that the Governor is “failing” to do the same.
“He’s pushing a partisan agenda that is making Floridians poorer, sicker and more divided than ever,” Crist contended.
Crist honed in on the Governor’s response to COVID-19, “allowing Florida to become the epicenter of the pandemic for months on end” as a cache of up to a million COVID-19 tests formally expired from usability.
“This is Gov. DeSantis,” Crist added. “He’s not there to help unless you cut him a check.”
Though Crist brought the doom and gloom messaging to lead off the video, he couldn’t help but close on a more inspirational note, at least as far as his supporters are concerned.
“The tide is turning. In ten months we will be able to fire this Governor and bring leadership with a heart back to Tallahassee,” Crist said.
“Unlike Gov. DeSantis, I know the state of our state is strong only when our people are strong,” Crist said. “Together we can make it happen.”
Today, Gov. DeSantis is delivering the State of the State. Since he took office he's pushed a partisan agenda that's made Floridians poorer, sicker and more divided than ever.
But I believe in our future — together, we're going to build a Florida where the people come first. pic.twitter.com/WxsU7FBpU5
— Charlie Crist (@CharlieCrist) January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022 at 10:53 am
It’s simple really.
A guy who doesn’t give a shit if you suffocate to death, or one who wants you to get all possible prevention and help.
Ron Ogden
January 11, 2022 at 11:29 am
Crist can’t tell from one day to the next whose ass is the one he’s supposed to kiss.
Just look up the street and see all the people heading here from elsewhere in this beleaguered nation, beset by kindergarten economics and Red Army pols on the left. They are after freedom from oppressive governments, crushing taxes, mental incompetents in office and, yep, Dummocrats in general. They are voting with their feet, and the Demis who populate this page know it.
January 11, 2022 at 11:56 am
And again all you have is your feelings as proof.
The number 1 reason people move to Florida is actually the weather/lifestyle.
Others are family, a new home, and no income tax (which the GOP can’t claim because Florida has never had one), and loads of fun things to do.
And you lied twice this time, first this ^, and then claiming;
“and the Demis who populate this page know it”
How does it feel to be a 3 time proven liar?
January 11, 2022 at 12:09 pm
How is he a three time proven liar? Your stated opinions did not disprove anything. On top of it, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that the population explosion we’ve had in the last 18 months is due to the byproducts of Ron Desantis’ policies. Sure, some people moved for the weather, family, etc., but to say most of our recent growth is because of those reasons and not due to our governmental policies, is utterly ridiculous.
January 11, 2022 at 5:50 pm
Because he can’t show us any evidence of it, which I have previously asked him for repeatedly.
See, the thing is I’m well educated, and well read, and understand things like law, and evidence, and science, and critical thinking/logic that all are based on evidence, which is simply the best way human beings have to find out the truth, bar none.
January 18, 2022 at 11:33 am
January 11, 2022 at 11:57 am
It’s simple, really.
A guy who wants you to be responsible for yourself and make your own decisions, or one who wants to tell you what to do on every level whether it makes sense or not.
January 11, 2022 at 12:06 pm
No one is forcing you to do anything.
You have the choice to follow the science and the experts, or believe what you read on Facebook/was told to you by Trump the pathological liar and the people that love being lied to.
January 11, 2022 at 12:10 pm
A mask mandate IS being forced to wear a mask.
What are you on?
January 11, 2022 at 12:15 pm
It’s called vote with your feet
Don’t go where they are mandated.
If you’re an employee, you can opt to get tested frequently under Biden’s mandate, or find a new job.
It’s your choice.
January 11, 2022 at 12:24 pm
Alex: No one is forcing you to do anything
Me: A mandate is force
Alex: You can move if you don’t like it
Perhaps it is you that should vote with your feet and move out of Florida since you don’t like the way things are done here.
Also, that’s exactly what Ron Ogden was inferring about our population growth and you dismissed it. Come on, man! Stay consistent..
January 11, 2022 at 1:05 pm
If you don’t like the consequences of your choice it’s not my problem, it’s yours.
Ron wasn’t inferring, he was stating it as if it was somehow true, which it isn’t because he and you both live in some weird alternate reality where you can make up facts as you go along.
The GOP is having it’s own little pandemic of idiocy as shown by the lies, the conspiracy theories, and the little demonstration you just gave us of that alternate reality.
January 11, 2022 at 4:42 pm
Ron states that people are moving here basically because of Florida policies under Ron Desantis….Meaning they are voting with their feet.
You say that’s not true, people move here because of weather, family, etc.
I opine that Charlie Crist would likely be pushing lockdowns and mask mandates.
You say that no one is forcing me to do anything.
I point out that a mask mandate would be a use of force.
You then say if I don’t like mandates that I should vote with my feet and move away to a place that isn’t doing them.
Not only are you avoiding the democrat use of force issue by telling me to vote with my feet if I don’t like mandates, but you are also contradicting yourself. Ron was saying that people that don’t like mandates in other states are moving here because we don’t have the mandates. But according to you that’s not true in the case of incoming Florida residents? How does that make sense?
January 11, 2022 at 4:54 pm
I’m not avoiding anything, or contradicting myself liar.
No one is being forced except in your mind.
And you’re putting words in my mouth I didn’t say, which is more lies.
What Ron says is not fact based, but are his feelings, which mean nothing in the real world.
So what do you have?
Nothing but babble.
January 11, 2022 at 5:33 pm
Where did I put words in your mouth? I practically repeated what you said above. Anyone that can read can clearly see that. I’ve given you fairly clear responses, yet you continue to avoid the questions I pose by calling me names, being insulting, and deflecting. So again I ask, where did I put words in your mouth?
January 11, 2022 at 5:38 pm
“But according to you that’s not true in the case of incoming Florida residents?”
I never said that, Ron made that shit up and you attempted a switcheroo to make it mine somehow.
Very, very dishonest.
January 11, 2022 at 6:07 pm
This is a direct quote from you when brushing away Ron’s statement that people are coming here because of Desantis’ policies:
“The number 1 reason people move to Florida is actually the weather/lifestyle.
Others are family, a new home, and no income tax (which the GOP can’t claim because Florida has never had one), and loads of fun things to do.”
Between that and calling him a liar for what he stated, you are implying that new citizens aren’t voting with their feet, hence the question I asked. Or did you happen to miss the question mark at the end of my sentence that you quoted?
By the way…By swinging the conversation to my supposed putting words in your mouth, guess what….You are still avoiding the real issues of this discussion. Those issues being mask mandates and similar measures are a use of force, and that a lot of people from other states have decided to vote with their feet and move here where there are no mandates of the like. Did ALL of them come here because of Desantis’ policies? Of course not, to say otherwise is asinine. But based on the numbers, the window of movement (last 18 months), and how most are registering to vote, it sure looks like most came here because of Desantis’ policies.
January 11, 2022 at 6:15 pm
Thank you for showing I never said that.
What else do you have besides circular arguments/reasoning?
I’m bored.
January 18, 2022 at 11:40 am
Wow another clueless …. Trump hater! If you are so educated why are you so focus ONLY on Trump? They are all demon , lairs, greedy, corrupted. So You need to clear the fog or double check the BS in your education…. 🤔 🙄 A matter a fact where your Bible thats facts!!!@
January 11, 2022 at 3:02 pm
Florida Democrats are definitely hurting. They can’t achieve a majority in the legislature and have trouble electing any Dem to statewide office. That, I suppose, is why they are such whiny, supercilious, snarky little bitches.
January 11, 2022 at 5:27 pm
Do you remember DeDespots winning margin?
I forgot, was it 40%, 4%, or .4%?
Oh yeah, and it needs to be a blowout if he wants to have a sniff at the Presidency.
January 12, 2022 at 3:31 pm
Dave Rubin sums up why he is leaving California and moving his business to Florida. If it was about sunshine, palm trees and the ocean I’m sure he would have stayed in California. He loved California, however, the negatives began to outweigh the positives. I think this is an excellent testimonial from a former Democrat. The one word that sums up his decision is FREEDOM. However, there are a lot of reasons and DeSantis had a lot to do with it. We want to keep our freedom. There are plenty of other places to live if you are looking for a Nanny State. The people in Florida like the freedom to make their own choices. Here is Dave’s video. He is very excited to live in Florida and we are lucky to have him here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmKPFD_3PoQ
January 18, 2022 at 11:48 am
I feel that we all are Americans and patriots and we need to act like it and we need to support one another because we have a foreign entity in our country in our country called marxism that’s trying to take us over divide and conquer just like the devil comes to do to divide and conquer comes the steal kill and destroy. because we shouldn’t have all these issues in our country we should n’t have all the sickness and hungry children and raping and murderer available high technology fancy cars multi million dollar houses and incomes for everyone why Do this country and around the world want to see people hurting and suffering in misery . why can’t we all just get along love and help build together????
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