Corporations and well-heeled individuals give money to political candidates and expect to receive favorable treatment in return.
Take the Tampa Bay Rays, for instance.
Creative Loafing shared the work of investigative reporter Jason Garcia, who used public records to show that since 2014, the Rays donated $309,630 to various Florida political campaigns. Of that, $182,725 went to conservative politicians or PACs, including more than $67,000 exclusively to Republicans in this election cycle.
They were wrong if they hoped the donations and good relations with top state politicians like Wilton Simpson and Chris Sprowls would give them the needed edge for a pet project.
They wasted their time and money.
Gov. Ron DeSantis red-lined the $35 million budget item approved by the House and Senate to build a youth sports complex in Pasco County. The Rays clearly hoped to move their spring training headquarters there from Port Charlotte.
DeSantis gave two reasons for the veto.
The first: the Governor said he doesn’t “support giving taxpayer dollars to professional sports stadiums, period.”
He’s not wrong there.
But the other reason was more in line with his “think like I do, or else” agenda.
After the massacre in Uvalde, Texas, the Rays donated $50,000 to Everytown for Gun Safety. They tweeted:
“We all deserve to be safe — in schools, grocery stores, places of worship, our neighborhoods, houses, and America,” the Rays posted. “The most recent shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde have shaken us to the core. This cannot become normal. We cannot become numb. We cannot look the other way.”
They added, “We all know, if nothing changes, nothing changes.”
The Governor, who favors no-license open so-called “constitutional carry” in Florida, was not amused. Since he said he planned to veto the ballpark plan anyway, why not use it as an example for those who disagree with him.
DeSantis said it was “inappropriate to subsidize political activism of a private corporation. So I think, either way, it’s not appropriate.”
Just ask the Walt Disney Co. about its return on investment after it got crossways with the Governor. We remember that, right?
POLITICO reported in April that Disney donated $190,000 to help elect Republican lawmakers in Florida. The company received a sharp stick in the eye after it opposed DeSantis’ so-called and contentious “Don’t Say Gay” law.
GOP lawmakers quickly fell in line with the Governor and turned Disney into a punchline for daring to advocate repeal of the law.
DeSantis’ supporters can point to these things as proof that corporations can’t buy him. And it’s not like he or the Republican Party will miss the money from the Rays and Disney. They’ve got plenty of dough.
On the other side, though, companies in the future may wonder if maybe they should back the other side. Cash-poor Democrats might welcome the help, but there’s a danger there. They could look like sellouts for taking corporate money after DeSantis took what his supporters would call a principled stand.
He’s feeling an adrenaline rush too.
Last week, DeSantis threatened the Special Olympics with a $27.5 million fine if it didn’t drop its COVID-19 vaccination requirement for the USA Games competition in Orlando.
Olympic organizers gave in because they really had no choice. The Governor could again beat his chest, this time for keeping those Special Olympics rebels in line.
Who’s next? No telling.
The message to corporations should be loud and clear though.
Donate all the money you want, but unless you’re all in and do exactly what DeSantis says, you’re out.
Jody Mcbride
June 6, 2022 at 10:20 pm
It’s too bad Joe Henderson can’t be a reporter. He has to put his Progressive slant on everything. It’s not working anymore Joe the people are own to your act.
Good for me
June 7, 2022 at 5:50 am
I’m fine with Florida losing money like it’s Ron’s wife’s cancer lol
Fox isn’t news
June 7, 2022 at 1:12 pm
It’s too bad you don’t know the difference between an op-ed and reporting.
June 7, 2022 at 2:45 am
This is exactly true DeSantis is the worst of the Republicans. I’m an independent and dont even like the way biden is handling things in office nor anything either side stands for anymore. I used to be democratic for many years but have now been so disgusted by both parties that I went independent and in the next vote wont vote for either party. Biden is screwing a lot up. Desantis acts like trump who is more like a child in a grown ups body throwing fits on social media when stuff doesnt go his way. I lean liberal and more middle of the road. Abortion but to 12 weeks yes but afterwards unless it’s an extreme danger to mother then no. LBGTQ it’s not like it’s a choice to be they are alk born that way and god makes all his children so he made each of us the way we are, so yes I support the rights of LGBTQ. Race has been an issue from the dawn of time as well as Classes where the poor get poorer and the rich get richer literally the Dems were supposed to help the poor so far inflation is causing more people to become homeless and without food than any other time throughout the past 50 years. Republicans at least kept inflation at bay so it seems throughout every time a democratic is in office prices go up and every time a Republican is in office prices dont go up. Democrats make baseless excuses with no resolve to the issue causing the poor to get poorer. Gas for instance everytime a Democrat is in office we pay nearly to even over 5 dollars a gallon on gas and when a Republican is in office the gas prices drop. Biden is a pawn and his party controls the pawn that has little to no say in the running of the country. Trump had a big mouth and was child like but his party feared and fears him even though the idiot instigated a riot on the Capitol building egging it on like it was game to be played he kept prices down and us out of war, when biden is ready to defend Taiwan and is not looking to defend Ukraine against russia though when why not do both Ukraine and Taiwan not just one. Russia is just starting at Ukraine and my husband and I feel Putin is the next Hitler but let’s just wait and see what he does next and wait until Putin fires the long range missiles at us to react to our sanctions that are making it hard for russia to pay for its unwarrented war against Ukraine claiming that “Ukraine was practicing genocide it why they started the war” watch vice news one of the March or April addition on the war and the interview with someone working in high ranking russia. Oh yeah see the news raw from the source the journalists themselves not the censored mainstream news outlets that buy the news from the journalists on the ground then they censor it to fit there media outlet company per censoring it. Yet we have so called freedom of speech which is not so much. I see things for what they are I’m a realist. I hear all sides, and I get the USA news from other English speaking countries that dont censor other countries news so much as well as get my news from Reuters and the A.P. itself. It’s a the myans put it the last age of humans. The pandemic was meant to thin the 6 to 7 billion heard of wasteful destroying humans we destroyed the world and not enough humans care to fix it either or to slow down the death of the earth hence the let’s look for a new one but not make it widely known we are doing that the reason for private companies doing space race now. The fictional movies and tv are always based off some fact even if it’s not realized at the moment of release most of the tech is developed years down the line and some of the scifi stuff actually comes to pass. So this report from its author is based on a fact more than ppl care to see. The government prefers its citizens dumb less resistance that way ever here of the “dumbing down society” before? How about the Georgia guide stones for example of the pandemic or revelations in the bible of the plaques well covid and its many mutations to thin the heard of humans and now monkey pox. I’m waiting for the vaccine to turn humans into ppl like in the movie “I am legend” why cant the vaccinated work around the vaccinated? It’s what came out in medical companies to their employees when the mandates came out last fall. I have many friends in the medical community that work in various fields that were told the unvaccinated could not work with the vaccinated quite literally so it posed the question why? What’s wrong with that picture?
No difference here
June 7, 2022 at 5:47 am
Ron DeSantis does what he thinks is right, regardless of who it offends. That is why we respect him. He is honest and straightforward. Kinda like Trump. What is Henderson and his ilk, on the other hand? One thing he will never be is a person like DeSantis, one who makes a difference.
June 7, 2022 at 7:08 am
As someone who has observed politics for 6 decades, I can tell you, Ron DeSantis certainly doesn’t do what he “thinks” is right. How is it right for a supposed Republican to punish businesses for free expression? There are plenty of business who take the prejudicial hateful stands against others- Chick Filet, Hobby Lobby, and whoever that Mexican food company was that Ivanka was touting come to mind.. Ron only does what he “thinks” will garner him the most support among the red meat base and give him a national profile- no matter who he offends. And offends he might- he better be careful. His red meat base is already there, but those suburban Moms, the independents who aren’t Trumpers, the teachers, not just the LGBTQ , but their family members, too, and even the middle of the road Republican members of my family. Trump lost by more than 7 million votes. Ron would do well to take heed and start doing the “right:” thing for once.
June 7, 2022 at 7:25 am
I reiterate, Ron DeSantis does what he thinks is right. He just doesn’t do what YOU think is right. That’s okay. You can fix it! Just announce your candidacy for governor. You’ve got a few days left. After all, if you think that you have the right angle on things. . . .PROVE IT! Otherwise, as my old Borscht Belt heroes said so many decades ago: “Shaddup yo’ mouth!”
It works
June 7, 2022 at 7:48 am
You don’t have to run against him. Just hurt him an his voters. Just think of a way. His loss your gain Lol
June 7, 2022 at 8:29 am
It’s simple. DeSantis is punishes free speech. Its a move to satisfy the perpetually offended right wing snowflakes..Hes using state power to punish private institutions. Do the math, where do you think this goes if left unchecked? If you believe in America this should concern you.
June 7, 2022 at 11:56 am
One last ignoramus to rebut.
Tal52, you replace bill and misbeliever.
He the Gov, America’s Gov vetoed a tax payer monies giveaway to a billionaire business. How ignorant are you? I mean you Manchurian nation would rather cut off your nose to spite face. Sports teams in blue states have bled taxpayers for their bottom line. Go away, take bill and misbeliever too. Henderson did a mis service with this. My goodness.
June 7, 2022 at 7:25 am
This middle of the road, suburban mom would support him in a heart beat. I’m not a trump supporter but I know a lot of former trump ppl that want DeSantis to run for president. Even though he says he won’t.
June 7, 2022 at 7:35 am
Using the levers of government to punish businesses for exercising their first amendment rights doesn’t sit too well with me and I don’t like bullies. Just one independent vote that won’t go his way but as you say, there might be a lot more when everything is said and done.
June 7, 2022 at 7:44 am
Total and typical misbeliever misinformation.
Let’s get this straight you moron, you wanted the Gov to give a billion dollar business enterprise a bailout of $35 million, of our taxpayer monies.
Oh I get it misbeliever, your hate for America’s Gov and his integrity boils your balls! LMAO
You and your Manchurian nation get your ass kicked daily. You can’t touch America’s Gov, just like Henderson.
What a pile of Adam Schiff you outline. You are deranged, it was a giveaway to a enterprise that is not deserving period! Public sports teams do not deserve tax payer monies, nor does Florida deserve that kind of blue state debt!
You are the village idiot! Misbeliever.
Memo: chameleon or fraud getting ass kicked! Bigly, enjoy it.
June 7, 2022 at 7:53 am
I know I am correct with 2 replies below when duo morons, bill and mis believer advocate for public funds.
We’re you both invited in Henderson’s box. What a crock of Adam Schiff!
Pathetic. Misbeliever, your 6 decades of mental political moron observations cry’s for Govs mental health advocacy, you should thank him. Typical babble from bill.
What’s next? Ryan from Tampa’s whining. My gosh, Florida politics the wayward home for liberal hand towel wringers. America’s Gov, the best as always on the side of the peeps!
June 7, 2022 at 8:49 am
I’m happy he’s not wasting taxpayer money on a baseball stadium but the culture war stuff just gets old. You vote for him, I’ll vote against him and we’ll just cancel each other out. See how easy that is.
June 7, 2022 at 11:47 am
As I stated above, your duplicitous ignorance is twice fold.
You and misbeliever are full of Adam Schiff on a stick. You cancel nothing out.
I’m on the winning side. Plus 54% for Gov re-elect. Independents love Gov, high 50’s. Hispanics love Gov, mid 50’s. Repub.. Love Gov, mid 90’s.
You are looking at Repub. avalanche.
So America’s Gov says no to corporate welfare and Henderson, along with you two crazies whine.
Unbelievable Dan. As the old time hockey announcer use to say.
Keep going
June 7, 2022 at 5:57 am
Hope he keeps making enemies and has no friends except the old dying boomers his state takes in lol
June 7, 2022 at 7:31 am
Joe, really?
You really want to walk the edge over this?
Professional sports teams do not deserve or need state or local govt funding, normally bond purchase of debt to finance. Good for America’s Governor, Gov Veto Corleone strikes again.
Joe, I hope you didn’t have seats behind home plate for the new facility. My goodness.
As for pac contributions, the process played out. The Gov made his decision regardless. It’s called integrity. America’s Gov sheets on the side of the peeps.
Gonna be good
June 7, 2022 at 7:51 am
Enjoy your five dollar gas.
Can’t wait till it is 20 lol
June 7, 2022 at 7:58 am
U can Thank AOC, Bernie Sanders no green deal, anti carbon campaign.
The Dems are getting annihilated, period. You have destroyed America and you will lose 30 to 70 house seats, 6 to 8 Senate seats. America’s Gov wins bigly. If recession, you won’t have a party left. America’s Gov wins bigly, Marco big, over Dum Dum Demings. Enjoy!
The good fight
June 7, 2022 at 8:12 am
Actually I hope you pay 30 dollars for gas lol
Joe Henderson
June 7, 2022 at 9:56 am
Why don’t you read the WHOLE column for once, Tom? I specifically said I didn’t have a problem with him saying no taxpayer money for a pro team’s stadium. But you go ahead and howl at the moon.
June 7, 2022 at 12:10 pm
Not howling Joe. Hey kat, shove it pal. No meds and the racism hostility coming from supposed liberal hypocrites on FP is appalling. I am the legend of FP, proven daily with rebuttals and slanderous attacks.
I suffer your all gladly, happily.
Gov Ron is the real deal.
The issue was funding an ill advised tax payers scheme to build that center, which admittedly was to be used for spring training games. So save it Kat, your rectum knows not what it speaks. Billionaires don’t need tax payer monies period!
Blue states have bled state legislatures dry, while education and other vital needs get overlooked.
DeSantis is America’s Gov. as only Manchurians like Kat will be the last to know. Get your facts straight.
I expect better from you Joe.
I drop the mic!
June 7, 2022 at 10:21 am
Tom needs to calm down and take his meds. (Btw, Tom, DeSantis is only Florida’s governor.) As for DeSantis, while he may be right about not finding professional sports facilities (especially for spring training), funding a youth sports complex is different. The facility would have benefited more than just the Tampa Bay Rays. And to use political pressure once again as his agenda for denying it is vindictive and unreasonable. Corporations are entities who have every right to free speech per the Constitution. Disney and the Tampa Bay Rays organization both can say or donate whatever they want and should be free of reprisals from any government, in any way. Same goes for any other business operating within the borders of Florida. Heaven forbid DeSantis becomes president if this how he reacts to people or businesses who disagree with him as governor.
June 7, 2022 at 2:21 pm
Kay, you are an idiot!
I rebutted you period, full stop!
along with Joe H.
You fascist liberal.
America’s Gov kicks your ass and Dums every day. Wait for Election Day.
Period. Gov DeSantis, do for America what you have done for Florida! Kay you are not in my league, I am FP legend.
June 7, 2022 at 10:26 am
Why are so called conservatives OK with the Governor punishing companies. What happened to you. This is dangerous. Do you want a Democrat doing the same things when they are back in power. You all are nuts.
June 7, 2022 at 5:54 pm
He didn’t punish anyone you idiot!
He vetoed a gross and awful bill.
Baseball billionaire teams, owned by millionaires do not need or deserve millions granted by govt, so as to build a spring training facility, under the guise of a kids center.
Regardless of legislative intent, it’s wrong to dedicate $35 million towards this. The Gov, America’s Gov did the correct thing.
Joseph, Kat, bill, misbeliever snd others 0n this page are wrong to be critical. It is wrong to try to suggest anything else as motivation. It’s a binary choice. Gov is on the side of peeps not extremists. Good for him.
June 7, 2022 at 2:28 pm
Where’s Dr. Carl Weiss when we need him so badly?
Ryan in Tampa
June 7, 2022 at 7:39 pm
Love how retaliation is somehow not illegal. It’s obvious he’s making laws and throwing weight around to single out individual entities that even smell like they are supporting something anti what he thinks is his base is at the time. Here comes the Gustapo, everyone better pretend we all have free speech that is miraculously only provided by our current overlords until you say something he doesn’t like. Looks like the 90 knots between Cuba and Florida is getting shorter since he’s really picked up on how Castro used to do things. What a joke.
June 7, 2022 at 8:17 pm
Was awaiting for you Ryan in Tampa. Total stupidity from you and Dumcrats above in Manchurian nation. Are you serious?
$35 million from state treasury for a $ billionbaseball team, owned by millionaires. Are you kidding me you idiot. You don’t have a choice, either you sign or veto it Ryan in Tampa. If you sign it, you authorize a spring training stadium, youth center. What a dam joke. You ignoramus, he has to sign it or veto. That’s how it becomes a law or not. The legislature passes the bill, legislation. He signs or vetoes.
Are you morons serious ? With all the challenges you shout about. Housing, H O insurance, and other issues and the Rays want a spring training, youth center.
My goodness, your hate is overwhelming the facts. You all fail civics. He protected all of us.
Joe Henderson, you owe an apology.
Ryan in Tampa
June 7, 2022 at 8:37 pm
Surprised you are still alive after I buried your a** last time you tried s***posting against me. For those that didn’t see Tom get crushed, feel free to view the Kamala vs DeSantis article. Also, as I mention every time. You are a psychopath. For someone that talks non stop, you are really awful at English so I can’t read your crap. I’m sure whatever you said was fun for you but torture for English speaking Americans. You are plain and simply, an idiot Tom 100%. You even rightfully love to call yourself special and the way it’s said you mean it in the worst way, mentally, which actually fits. I’m sure gestapo/nazi tactics are what you are used to in your country of birth and even what you aspire to. But here in the USA, very much frowned upon.
June 7, 2022 at 9:56 pm
Right loser, it’s called legend.
Which I am. What a crock of Adam Schiff. You did nothing of sort.
DeSsntis defeats giggles as he did Gillium.
You can’t misinform here.
You are a loser, who doesn’t even know basic civics. Your mental hate does not allow you to be objective to understand what a veto is, Gov signs or vetoes. You are ignorant, plain and simple. DeSantis vetoes $35 million for a stadium play center and dumb ass Manchurian nations grovel like seals. You are pathetic.
Go change your underwear, your Adam Schiff is showing.
Ryan in Tampa
June 8, 2022 at 7:21 am
I stopped reading at legend (first sentence, shocking). I’m guessing you mean that in the way where you have taken on a different personality, back story etc. You know, like under cover KGB agents pretending to be US citizens posting disinformation and hate on US based websites. If you mean that in a way where everyone knows you in a positive way where your stories are written in songs and books because you post hateful messages on a website covering the politics of one out of fifty states; you are an idiot. It doesn’t make any sense. You should be using the word villain if anything, because if people know about you at all, it’s not in a positive way.
June 8, 2022 at 7:34 am
Ryan, As usual you obfuscate and say nothing, your attempts to attack me fall short. I am the legend, saved FP from pathetic liberal haters like you and other Manchurians.
You and the rest of your Adam Schiff panties don’t even know civics or what or how a veto is used.
You dumb ass liberal tards can’t even say thank you for a veto of $35 million for multi millionaires and it’s billion dollar business.
You are a pathetic dog. I called you out the first time weeks ago as a liberal moron, you don’t disappoint.
No one defends incompetent giggles Kamala except you on FP. You are deranged. No one!
America’s Gov, Adam Schiff’s on you and your Manchurian nation daily.
Only extremists on this page would lie about a veto that protects every child’s future and hard working Floridians. God Bless this Gov, wife Casey and family. Protect us from the scum like yourself and other Manchurians. Loser!
Ryan in Tampa
June 8, 2022 at 7:55 am
I stopped reading at another delusions of grandeur, legend reference. You see Tom, the difference between the two of us, is you keep reading my stuff. I just see that you posted something, make an attempt to decipher and move on. You seem to care a lot more about me than I do about you. I think that says everything that needs to be said.
June 8, 2022 at 8:30 am
I don’t care what you do or not read.
You are just an ignorant bastard.
You haven’t said anything you can articulate, anything of substance. Just like the rest of Manchurian nation. That’s why I reign and serve as the legend. I’ve dwelt with a lot worse compared to you on FP. You are easy.
You don’t even understand basic civics but you chant Soros Manchurian babble. Your non substantive and inarticulate whining proves the point.
This whole thing was about a baseball stadium bailout, guided for kids. Thank God America’s Gov stages up to you loser bastards and multi millionaires looking to fleece the public.
For someone who claims not to care, your Adam Schiff is flowing. You child, go pick up a civics book. I have to teach you Manchurians on all topics. LMAO.
Ryan in Tampa
June 8, 2022 at 9:06 am
Wow Tom, do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Grade school was a long time ago but I seem to remember similar childish temper tantrums and name calling from back in those days. What’s it like having someone live rent free in your head Tom?
June 9, 2022 at 7:52 am
You can kiss my ass!
You offer nothing.
Just an empty headed Manchurian, awaiting hour talking points. No clue.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Did you say something Trash Troll Tom who doesn’t know how to properly articulate words. Trash Troll Tom who gets upset when others treat him the way he treats other people? Keep crying Tom. Nobody cares because you are nothing but an a-hole.
Ocean Joe
June 8, 2022 at 9:50 am
Some of these comments sound like “Brain Tumors Gone Wild.”
Let’s face some basic facts:
1. Our governor really is vindictive. No serious debate.
2. Tom IS a legend, unlike Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, he haunts the FP fawning over Mr. Desantis, instead of the swamps.
3. The First Amendment is alive and well here, a lot of sites have put up paywalls, or have closed their comment sections because they can’t handle the give and take that has been a part of American culture since the beginning. We have a lot to say.
Thanks FP
Ryan in Tampa
June 8, 2022 at 11:57 am
In response, if I may, and no offense is meant.
1. I agree, that’s all I said. So, I expect Tom to rant and obsess that someone agrees on this point for a couple of days.
2. I respect that you feel this way. This is your post. I have more of an overview viewpoint. Tom is the bully every single high school in America has at least one of. Legend implies something special or unique, but there is nothing special or unique about Tom. He is a narcissist that can’t stand that other people have a viewpoint different than he does and resorts to childish name calling and put downs. He’s like the thousands of other trolls that think they are somehow special or unique. And yet, each political website has at least one. As far as trolls go, he/she is quite simply, not worth reading, and so I don’t. His posts aren’t funny or smart. The only joke is Tom.
June 9, 2022 at 6:20 am
Typical fool, you accuse me of everything you say or do yourself.
What a joke. This was always bout the rightly veto of an erroneous $35 million appropriation for a spring training stadium, and apparent youth center.
You and other Manchurians made it about some sort of vindictive act. Your lack of civics is overwhelming, either you veto or sign it, and your attempts to personalize this demonstrates that. You lost period.
I could care less what you think, say or do as it is clear you suffer inferiority. My comments are a top read as my voice has encouraged other like voices to join in and counter the far leftist extremists who have tried to silence with fascist acts.
Your attempt to do so is not new. I defeat all of your type happily, easily, and with joy. America’s Gov is worth defending as he will advance in November and beyond. That’s why I am a FP legend. Long list of Manchurians challenging me and failing is well known.
Just for your edification, Gov Ron Vetoed another bad bill, his commitment to Lake O, waterways is another example of his being the best Gov. on the environment in 40 years. As a Repub. he’s an A, for Dems media he’s a B.
You are the only fool who has defended Kamala Harris, her incompetence and failures are overwhelming. America’s Gov would defeat her easily.
Ryan, you are way over your head. It’s easy to read and see. Clueless, especially with civics.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 7:51 am
Tom, I have a feeling because of the way other people treat you and the few comments that I have read, that I’m dealing with someone protected under the ADA. So I’ll make this as concise as possible. I’m not going to engage with you, or read your posts that are filled with rubbish buffoonery until you learn how to make an argument without ad hominem, because that is all you will get back from me when you do. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I’ll trust you can google it.
June 9, 2022 at 8:05 am
Please don’t, you keep on doing do. LMAO. You are clueless.
Your inability to address issues and personally attack is hysterical.
Google civics you clown.
Look up veto, look up appropriation. Look up executive authority. You need a tutor.
DeSantis saved the state from a blue state bailout. The N Y acting Govs husband is connected with the Buffalo Bills, the state bailed them. Typical blue so blue state corruption.
Call Kamala, your hero,
You and other thankless ingrates.
Go away.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 8:21 am
I stopped reading at: “Please don’t , you keep on doing do”. What is that supposed to mean Tom. Please enlighten me on what that is supposed to mean, but this time in English.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 8:23 am
This is what I mean by it’s not worth the time. Like WTF with this idiotic crap. I’m supposed to take anything you say seriously? GTFO.
June 9, 2022 at 7:58 am
Ok ocean. I’ll call Gov Veto Corleone and ask him to place the ridiculous baseball appropriation and tax on you and this fool Ryan’s property tax. My goodness.
Is he vindictive over the Veto of the bad Lake O bill. You haters really don’t know how to separate your mental deficiency.
You guys need help. Spare us.
God bless this wonderful Gov.
Do for America what you have done for Florida. America’s Gov!
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 9:23 am
Tom. I’ll respond in a way that is not ad hominem, because that is what adults are supposed to do. I and probably Ocean (I’m guessing, don’t want to speak for him/her) don’t have a problem with the action of not appropriating funds to the baseball team. The issue is that the action itself wasn’t motivated by non partisan politics. Doing the right thing for the wrong reason is at best morally ambiguous, at worst, illegal in some cases. My civics grades were perfect in college, albeit a long time ago, thanks for the inquiry though. Being able to persecute your political opponents for your own gain is what 3rd world countries do. Even you should be able to understand that doing so is morally corrupt no matter what party is doing it. And I’m not a registered democrat even though you keep trying to call me that for some reason. You also just tried to argue with me on Kamala. My stance being that Kamala and or Biden would not be able to get the moderate vote in 2024 no matter who was on the other side. So saying Kamala is my hero flips that mental deficiency comment back on yourself. Also you were just re-using my comment about the fact that you are probably protected by the ADA. Try to at least be original in your ad hominem.
June 8, 2022 at 10:26 am
Gotta love the reaction when a republican politican finally grows a spine and uses their own tactics against them.
They flat out don’t know what to do. They’ve been conditioned by the kinzingers and romneys to accept nothing but total cultural domination.
June 9, 2022 at 1:10 pm
This was only bout the veto for me.
Please stop replying.
You profess not to read or want to.
I don’t care what you think or say.
You openly lie and are deceitful.
You now suggest you are aligned with Joe. Ocean is a traditional liberal. We disagree many times, respectfully. You need professional help. Referring to the ADA is ridiculous on your part. Why the hell for? Ad hominem.?
To suggest he did anything but address on merits is appalling. Shut the hell up. You never made this bout the merits, you and the rest of the Manchurians are full of hate. Henderson was wrong to make this bout other issues.
Do you know that 5 Tampa players refused to wear pride colors to play. Enough from you Manchurians trying to make us like China.
This was only about the veto with me. Only!
He vetoed Lake O too. I’m sure that’s a conspiracy. You have no understanding of civics. Enjoy. God bless.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 1:57 pm
You want me to reply Tom or not. You say: “Please stop replying” then you ask questions and keep on spouting hateful name calling and attacks. The only hate I’ve sent your way has been because you’ve done it first. I’ve literally told you several times I’m not going to read that trash but you keep pushing. I don’t care if the Tampa players refused to wear pride colors, sounds like a freedom of speech and religion issue. Sounds like a good thing DeSantis vetoed the Everglades bill. You keep bringing in issues and insults that in no way relate to my posts. I referred to the ADA, because the words you write and the way you write them could only possibly come from someone that is a non native English speaker, or someone that would be covered by the ADA because of their mental capacity. I’ve probed but can’t get a fix on which way that would go. I can also see that everyone treats you with kid gloves, so do you want to be treated with kid gloves or do you want to be treated like a fully functional adult?
“To suggest he did anything but address on merits is appalling”. His staff literally said they wouldn’t have looked at the Disney laws if they wouldn’t have opposed HB1557 bill. Straight from his staff. Still appalled? No of course not, I’m sure you’ll come up with some way of justifying it.
I need help? More re-using my insults. Try more original lines like how Adam Schiff’s name is a pun for sh*t. That was definitely funny in a mature way the first few hundred times you used it.
June 9, 2022 at 7:05 pm
Treat me any way you wish, I don’t care. You have no real meaning to me.
You are clueless, I’ve had epic battles with several Manchurians. No one treats me with kid gloves, you are delusional.
Btw, your comments bout me are condescending, racist and inappropriate.
You now bring up Disney. Disney deserved what they got. I spoke to that multiple times. ADA, who are you to pass judgement on someone you don’t know.
My English is clear that the Gov was correct on the veto of a $35 million stadium. All of you including Henderson, who I told was incorrect, u all claimed conspiracy. Ridiculous, stop lying. You are all incorrect. You suggest you know what Desantis is thinking on what he does. Take him on his actions and word, not conspiracies.
On Disney he was 100% correct! Disney was way out of line.
Lake O is another example of his willingness to stand up to Big Sugar, on behalf of the environment and peeps. The Repub. Senate President sponsored it. I doubt Dem Gov would veto a Dem President.
On Disney he stood up for young kids and parents, the peeps. On the Rays and the $35 million spring training stadium, stood for the peeps. If you disagree, so be it. I’m not interested.
You defended Kamala vs DeSsntis.
You are not going to change me by attacking me personally. Save it.
I’m Done.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 7:21 pm
Racist? Wow what did I say that was racist? You know non native English speaking doesn’t have a race right? Pretty sure I’ve called you potentially Russian multiple times (still my go to theory). Tom, you are a bully plain and simple. I can’t stand bullies. I could care less about your race, or political affiliation, but now that you are being treated like you attempted to treat me and everyone else you disagree with, you can’t take the heat. You replied to my post originally in this article and the Kamala article without any provocation, in which I clearly implied Kamala and Biden was the worst candidate dems could put forward for 2024. You have done nothing but call me names and rant against me. Now you go so low as to call me a racist. You proved me right, you really are a trash person, I really mean that in every way. Do everyone a favor and stay out of the comments because you can’t take being treated the way you treat others. You are definitely done.
June 9, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Wah, Wah and Wah,,
RAcist, liar and racist.
You defended Kamala, you are a liar.
You said she would defeat America’s Gov. liar.
You ridiculed and questioned the Govs veto, you questioned his motives along with the other liars on this page.
You openly did not know of civics constitutional executive authority, the veto. You lied that the Gov makes laws. He does not. He vetoed a sweet heart deal for millionaire owners, who make billions. You are a liar.
You openly used racist terms and attempted to slander with medical terms.
Don’t you ever threaten me about anything, ever you lying, deceitful, scurrilous, person.
You are clueless, your attacks and lies are full of references to Putin and irresponsible racial and uninformed and irresponsible medical claims.
This was always about a veto and nothing else, you with malice made this personal. Go to hell you piece of garbage. You are a racist and pathetic being. Go to hell!
Ryan in Tampa
June 10, 2022 at 7:23 am
Tom, you can literally go to the Kamala vs DeSantis article and read exactly what I said. Lying about it here doesn’t help. I’ll lay off you because I want nothing to do with that racist label even though I have no idea where that came from and have to conclude that it’s complete BS libel unless you can provide a specific example. I encourage you to go back and re-read exactly what I wrote. I am simply trying to figure out why someone thinks that commenting on other peoples posts so nasty with all the name calling is acceptable. To me it only makes sense if you are a Russian troll or something else is at play. If it’s not a Russian troll then what is your deal. This behavior is not normal in the US. And you attacking and verbally berating me without provocation needs an explanation. Yes maliciously calling me a racist has definitely gotten under my skin as it should anyone and I’ve tried to figure out what I could have possibly said to illicit that. I admit I’ve reacted poorly and immaturely to it.
Ryan in Tampa
June 9, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Proof I haven’t been reading your replies. I didn’t catch this gem in your earlier response to me: “No one defends incompetent giggles Kamala except you on FP. You are deranged. No one!”
I definitely would have responded because I didn’t realize you were so illiterate. Go back and read my original post on the Kamala v DeSantis article you decided to ambush me on, and anything I’ve said ever. I have defended her zero times. Quite the opposite.
June 9, 2022 at 10:01 pm
Racist liar, you dishonest human.
Ryan in Tampa
June 10, 2022 at 5:13 am
What did I lie about, and more importantly how am I racist? What you are saying is slander and I take it very seriously. If I said something ignorant I will definitely apologize for it.
Ryan in Tampa
June 10, 2022 at 5:52 am
Racism has no place in my home or the human race. It’s a zero sum ideology not just for me personally but for everyone. So I truly hope I haven’t said something abhorrently ignorant, but calling someone racist just to try to trump an argument, is up there as well. Someone from FP may want to step in and moderate here.
Ryan in Tampa
June 10, 2022 at 5:55 am
What I mean by zero sum ideology, and I think I said this incorrectly, is that there are no winners.
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