For deciding which higher education institution to attend, information is king, but it can often be a challenge to gather and compare.
Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) launched a new dashboard this week to increase transparency across independent, nonprofit higher education institutions and ease decision-making for students and families.
The dashboard icuf.org/dashboard aggregates data from 30 independent, nonprofit higher education institutions across the state, allows users to compare tuition, view school performance metrics, and examine post-graduation wage earnings by program.
“The ICUF Dashboard shines a light on opportunities and outcomes across Florida’s independent, nonprofit, higher education institutions, making it easier for students and parents to access information important to their decision-making process,” said Bob Boyd, ICUF president and CEO. “ICUF is dedicated to increasing transparency and highlighting school performance. That’s why we took the initiative to share information through this interactive platform, which includes important information regarding the ICUF talent supply versus employer demand.”
The interactive dashboard will have information for all 30 ICUF institutions at the institutional and programmatic levels in the following categories:
— Expected Wage Data for Programs and Areas of Study for 1-, 5- and 10-Years Post-Graduation — Represents 5,000 programs offered at ICUF institutions.
— Net-Price Tuition Calculator — Demonstrates the actual cost of tuition, including tuition discounts.
— Annual Data on ICUF Performance Measures — Includes graduation rates, retention rates, Pell-eligibility percentages, affordability, and placement or employment rates.
— Pillar of Excellence for Each Institution — Features the institution’s self-identified areas of excellence.
The ICUF Dashboard will help empower students to make informed choices and pursue an institution that best meets their needs. And ICUF says the dashboard sets up a benchmark from which ICUF institutions can show gains and achievements over time.
Accessing vital information about Florida’s independent, nonprofit higher education institutions has never been easier.