Thousands of nursing home and assisted living facility staff who care for the poor elderly and disabled have been impacted by Hurricane Ian according to the Florida Health Care Association (FHCA).
Through its 501c-3 tax exempt organization, the Florida Health Care Education and Development Foundation, the FCHA established a “Hurricane Relief Fund” to help assist its nursing home members’ staffs who have been adversely impacted by the devastating storm. All proceeds will be directed to the long term care workers.
Donations can be made online here or mailed in along with the donation form.
Hurricane Ian left a path of damage and destruction along many areas of Florida, impacting the lives of thousands of heroic caregivers working in our member nursing centers and assisted living facilities,” the FHCA said in announcing the establishment of the fund. “Our goal is to assist as many of them as possible through your generous donations. All donations we receive will go directly to those in need.”
The FHCA said that as of Thursday morning there were upward of 20 nursing homes in Southwest Florida that had lost their power and were relying on generators.