Florida Chamber of Commerce leaders will not enter the debate between Gov. Rick Scott and Cabinet members about longtime state Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty.
Chamber President Mark Wilson told reporters that McCarty was “doing a good job,” during the tenure of Gov. Charlie Crist, who Wilson called “the worst governor” in U.S. history.
However, Wilson clarified that the entire agency failed to do a good job overall during Crist’s time in office, saying McCarty’s performance now is more “consistent.”
Chamber policies do not depend on who is the insurance commissioner, Wilson said.
On Thursday, Scott and the Cabinet will consider a number of proposals to update the method of appointing and reviewing Cabinet-level agency hires.
Scott is calling for the Cabinet to consider dismissing three agency heads: McCarty, Drew Breakspear of the Office of Financial Regulation Commissioner and Department of Revenue executive director Marshall Stranburg.
At Tuesday’s Florida Chamber Insurance Summit in Lake Buena Vista, McCarty – who has been insurance commissioner since January 2003 — received a warm welcome.
Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater does not anticipate any final decision during Cabinet meeting Tampa on Thursday. Atwater said he would continue to work on several issues with McCarty.