Gov. Ron DeSantis is accusing the Joe Biden White House of playing “footsie with the Ayatollah,” as he continues to argue that Washington snubbed the Saudis.
DeSantis was addressing a crowd Sunday in Bal Harbour, where he renewed his attacks on the Biden administration over negotiations with Iran.
“They’re going to beg the Saudis for oil, and what do the Saudis do? OPEC cuts production, and people say ‘well, you know, the Saudis are playing politics against Biden” by doing all this stuff.”
“They probably are playing politics against him. He’s playing footsie with Iran and of course they don’t like that, Iran is their enemy, and it’s our enemy too,” DeSantis said to a rousing ovation.
The remarks Sunday track with comments DeSantis made at an official press conference last week, where he again offered a sympathetic read on the Saudi position as an architect of oil supply cuts.
“(P)eople will say, ‘Well, the Saudis are doing this for political reasons … to go at Biden.’ And you know what, they probably are doing that. But here’s the thing: because Biden’s playing footsie with Iran, (who is) their arch enemy,” DeSantis said. “So I don’t think the Saudis like Biden.”
DeSantis’ sharp words on this subject present a contrast to his immediate reaction to the decision of the OPEC cartel two weeks ago to cut production by 2 million barrels a day, when talking oil prices on Oct. 6 in the immediate wake of Biden’s visit to storm-ravaged Southwest Florida.
Indeed, on that occasion he extolled low gas prices, celebrating the state gas tax holiday in effect through the end of the month.
“I actually saw it at $2.99,” DeSantis said as the crowd whooped. “I have not seen it under $3 in a long time. Certainly, I don’t think, since Jan. 20 a year and a half ago.”
Joe Corsin
October 23, 2022 at 6:43 pm
Says Saudi Arabian puppet Abu Bakr Al-Desantis and his Russian asset propagandist dog Christina “Puntina” Pushaw.
October 23, 2022 at 8:10 pm
Well Joe, it’s obvious you’re a leftist. Name one thing F Joe Biden has done for America and American citizens.
Joe Corsin
October 23, 2022 at 9:47 pm
He saved the planet from crime spree Trump. However, it’s hard to get things done in government with Republican obstruction and sabotage of government happening. One day GOP empty suits and derelicts will be sent back to the states and county governments where they barely belong. Let the idiots who vote for them deal with them. No business in national government at all.
Mr. Haney
October 24, 2022 at 3:28 am
It’s obvious that you’re an idiot.
Name one thing you’ve don’t for America and American citizens comrade.
M Trahan
October 23, 2022 at 8:04 pm
All this coming from a guy with zero foreign policy experience, this is what rookies do mock people with experience. Biden isn’t perfect, but he has far more experience than Desantis does. Desantis needs to focus on Florida issues, not national politics. And I’m a republican.
Brandon Bitczboiforze
October 24, 2022 at 1:15 am
Yes, Biden has extensive experience in criminal corruption and payola from foreign sources. So does Hunter. Yes, Joe Biden is on the Chinese Communist Party payroll and does their bidding. Through Hunter, they use Ukraine for money laundering.
F Joe Biden is a criminal and following America-Last policies as ordered by his CCP masters.
Biden’s “Foreign Policy” is only about personal enrichment.
Mr. Haney
October 24, 2022 at 3:25 am
Yet another Republican idiot.
Elliott Offen
October 23, 2022 at 11:32 pm
In other news, GOP’s finest Trump has got a rape case going, an election fraud case going, tax evasion case, various other frauds and thefts. What’s the status on that Espionage Act violation? I don’t see a lot of Trump signs up anymore accept for trailer park terrorists. Looking like all the sht he caught for four years wasn’t for nothing! Nobody has anything to say now?
Mr. Haney
October 24, 2022 at 3:27 am
DeSantis needs to do his job instead of running for President. If he wants to run for President, he needs to resign as Governor of Florida instead of using it as a prop for his political aspirations.
October 28, 2022 at 3:50 pm
The only way for crist not to lose by double digits is for Desantis to campaign on his behalf for the next two weeks.
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