Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to reserve comment on antisemitism in Jacksonville, where he was Saturday at the Georgia-Florida Game, in the wake of messages on overpasses and downtown buildings before and after the game.
General election opponent Charlie Crist is having no part of it, blaming the Governor’s “absolute failure of leadership” for facilitating the displays before and after the event.
“I am disgusted and horrified at the hateful, antisemitic rhetoric that was displayed in Jacksonville this weekend. Hate should have no home in Florida, period,” Crist asserted.
“But while antisemitism is spreading in our state, Governor DeSantis refuses to condemn it – even when it’s broadcast on the side of a stadium he is in,” Crist added. “It’s a disgusting and absolute failure of leadership. Today and always, I stand with our Jewish neighbors in Florida and across the nation.”
DeSantis was at Saturday’s Georgia-Florida game before heading to New York state to campaign with Lee Zeldin. He thus far has not offered comment.
The antisemitic messages first surfaced on a overpass on I-10 in western Duval County. A banner urged drivers to “end Jewish supremacy” and “honk if you know it was the Jews.”
Another one surfaced on Arlington Expressway, extolling Kanye West for being “right about the Jews.”
After the football game downtown, similar messages were broadcast on the stadium and other downtown buildings.
Crist isn’t the only former Governor to make his outrage known. Sen. Rick Scott made his position clear during a CNN interview Sunday morning.
“It makes you mad,” Scott told host Dana Bash. “I became Governor in January 2011, and we were dealing with this at one of our universities. I dealt with it as Governor.”
“Antisemitism: it’s disgusting, it’s wrong, we have to push back against it,” Scott said, adding that the country is “blessed” and that “we need to accept people.”
“We need to, we can cherish our differences, but let’s accept people,” Scott said. “So let’s quit dividing ourselves and quit attacking other people, and let’s talk about how we make this a better place.”
October 30, 2022 at 11:25 am
Gerrymandering, abstaining from debates, voter suppression, cultural wars, racist dog whistles, controlling women’s reproductive health decisions and irrational gun legalization are all weapons in the Republican arsenal to win elections.
Charlie Crist
October 30, 2022 at 11:27 am
Ron, Tom, and Paul Pizzarelli are antisemitic conspiracy theorists, supporters of terrorism, and supporters of election crime. Vote for me or this country will fall to the neo nazis.
October 30, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Shut the hell up corsin the moron!
Chameleon is toast as you are.
The far left extremists are being shown for their destruction of America.
Joey bot, boy, everyone knows you are a fraud, like chameleon and Dumings.
I am Semitic and I support Israeli democracy, DeSantis campaigned for Zeldin yesterday. Hardly anti!
You, Offen, the Squad are haters and anti Semitic. The Dem, Dum caucus are anti Israeli.
Go enjoy alzie Joe, on nov 1. He will yell and scream, go have a ice cream with him! All 10 of you. LMAO
Day D political day Joey boy! 11-8
Enjoy the blue blowouts!
Charlie Crist
October 30, 2022 at 12:13 pm
The right wing in America loves the Jews because they perceive that Jews hate Muslims, because they are in the Bible, and because there are a lot of right wingers in Israel. But as soon as an American right winger finds out that a Jew is left leaning, them out comes the antisemitism and the “Jews will not replace us.” That’s how that works Tom. You people are fucked in the head basically.
October 30, 2022 at 4:04 pm
You used to be a Republican. I do not trust you.
October 31, 2022 at 9:44 am
Yet DeSantis, whom you call Anti-Semitic, signed an anti-semitism bill, record funding for jewish schools, punished companies that boycotted Israel, traveled to Israel and strengthened economic ties with Israel. Yep, he’s really an anti-semite [ Sarcasm]
You are just a freakin’ moron if you believe he’s anti-semitic. Charlie Crist is a flip-flopping idiot.
Impeach Biden
October 30, 2022 at 11:39 am
Desperation time for the SS Democrat Titanic. The Red Tsunami is going to capsize that ship. If only AOC and the squad, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Cantrell, Guam Johnson, Waters, Lightfoot, and so many others were on board as it sinks, this country would be in a far better place. Really looking forward to Nov 8 and the aftermath on the 9th.
Joe Corsin
October 30, 2022 at 12:08 pm
If they take Congress then it will just be more of nothing getting done and more obstruction and sabotage of government. What’s so great about that? Why is an impotent governing body so amazing? How is nothing really something?
Charlie Donkey
October 30, 2022 at 10:23 pm
Old Donkey Charlie is desperate.. Bye Bye Charlie
freedom of speech
November 1, 2022 at 3:00 am
Charlie wants to take away the freedom of speech. you might not like people saying they don’t like Jews, but, it is their right.. Just like those who love their ancestors who fought for the Confederate States of America, have to listen to blacks and those with white guilt call us names. we have to witness the Northside coalition of jacksonville stand outside cit hall with posters saying we are traitors and worse, but, it is their freedom of speech, the ole double standard we. have to put up with again and again
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