Palm Bay Republican Rep. Randy Fine was victorious over Democrat Anthony Yantz to hold his House District 33 seat, taking 56% of the vote to Yantz’s 44%, according to state election results.
Fine outspent Yantz by nearly 17-to-1, splashing $235,000 between his political committee and campaign account combined, overwhelming his opponent’s $14,000.
“I am humbled and honored to have won my fourth and final election to the Florida House,” Fine wrote on his Facebook page. “Very proud of the work we have done to improve education, clean the Indian River Lagoon, and keep our economy thriving. I will redouble those efforts for the next two and look forward to keeping Florida the best place in America to start a business, raise a family, and enjoy a retirement.”
Although Democrats would’ve cherished toppling Fine, who has drawn their ire for threatening to withhold K-12 school funding from 12 districts that imposed mask mandates on students during the COVID-19 pandemic, the makeup of District 33, in deep-red southern Brevard County, made that all but impossible.
Before redistricting, Fine’s seat voted for Donald Trump over Joe Biden in the 2020 election 53%-42%. The district now includes part of Melbourne, Melbourne Beach and Palm Bay, but has lost the Grant-Valkaria area at the southern tip of Brevard County through the redistricting process.
The partisan makeup and the disparity in campaign resources made for tough sledding for Yantz.
The results mean Fine will head back to the House for a fourth term.