Expect smoother rides on a stretch of road in Nassau County soon.
House and Senate committees have agreed to slot $285,000 for a road resurfacing project in Hilliard.
“The funding should be used to enhance infrastructure needs that are tied to economic development activities in and around 6th Street in the Town of Hilliard. The funding is to be used to pave 370 feet of 6th Street in the Town of Hilliard … in the next 18 months from the date of appropriation … to complete engineering and paving,” reads the Local Funding Initiative Request from Sen. Clay Yarborough.
The road connects the Hilliard Elementary School to U.S. 301, and if the anticipated completion date of July 2024 is met, then students and parents will have a less bumpy ride in the 2024-25 school year.
The project will include sidewalks, allowing for easier pedestrian access for young learners in and out of the “targeted economic development zone for housing.” Affordable housing will be a priority in the area served, the funding request notes.
In addition to benefiting students, “Elderly persons, persons with poor mental health, economically disadvantaged persons” are all expected to be helped by the project.
Budget conference subcommittees will meet throughout the week to resolve differences in each area.
When remaining issues reach an impasse, they will be “bumped” to the full budget conference committee.
Lawmakers must reach an agreement on a final spending plan by May 2 to meet the 72-hour “cooling off” period required by the state constitution before they can vote on the budget to avoid pushing the Regular Session past its scheduled May 5 end date.