Public safety has been the leading theme of the Jacksonville mayoral race, and after weeks of attacks on Donna Deegan, a key defender has emerged.
Former Democratic Sheriff Nat Glover is speaking out in a new ad against the attack ads targeting Deegan.
“I do not endorse political candidates, but I must speak up when it comes to these attack ads against Donna Deegan designed to divide our community,” Glover asserts, in a spot underwritten by the Saving Our City PC.
“We must rise above divisiveness,” Glover adds. “Police accountability is essential. We all want safe schools and neighborhoods.”
Glover said he would “not remain quiet and allow this city to go back to the ‘us versus them’ era,” noting that “early voting has begun.”
Early voting has indeed started, and Democrats have a +2.6 percentage point advantage as voter participation approaches the 7% mark, with 14 days to go until Election Day May 16.
Glover’s ad follows on the heels of a barrage of paid media by Davis and the Duval County Republican Party, which contends (without any substantiation) that Deegan wants to “defund the police.”
A spot released in late April juxtaposes news footage from a Black Lives Matter protest event that deteriorated into chaos in 2020, with a clip of Deegan saying she wanted to “hold police accountable.”
Following up on that cognitive dissonance, Sheriff T.K. Waters contends that “we need a Mayor who helps improve public safety, not one who takes it backwards.”
Waters, a Republican unopposed on the 2023 ballot, contends Deegan’s “radical policies would make our families and my officers less safe.”
“That’s why I’m supporting Daniel Davis. He’s the only candidate I trust to make public safety the top priority,” Waters contends.
The dueling Sheriffs would seem to be a set up for an explosive debate confrontation between Deegan and Davis, one which could have happened Wednesday, at an event on First Coast News and WJXT television.
However, Davis opted to have a town hall “conversation with parents” event at the Fraternal Order of Police building instead, leaving the hour for Deegan to take questions solo from a panel of leading Jacksonville journalists.
TK = Baker Client do Boy
May 2, 2023 at 5:55 pm
What will baker, pancake, dean black and davis do when deegan mops the floor with them?
All in 4 Donna. Republican family of 8
Earl Pitts American
May 2, 2023 at 9:11 pm
Good evening America,
I, Earl Pitts American, have often felt that rather than electing our States Sherriffs it would be more of sporting type of event to set two of the candidats out at a time in the local football stadium – sell tickits and concessions and have them duel at 50 yards apart. They will each face off on the opposite 25 yard lines and start blasting at each other with their service weapons until just one is left standing.
Then the winner will remain on the field while we haul off the looser. Then of course bring out the next candidate to face off with the previous winner. And keep on until the last man, our new Sherriff, is the only one left standing. I will use my great influnce to change the law next year so the entire State can participate in this exciting and sporting new method of selecting our County Sheriffs.
Yet another great idea from Earl Pitts “Fight Promoter” American.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts Amerivan
May 3, 2023 at 8:44 am
Well that BLM rally that Donna participated in was coordinated between T K Waters and Fournette. So who is the liberal? Someone who walks in solidarity or someone who actually organized the BLM event? Btw how is TK chasing mini bikes, blocking them in, and PITing them when chasing them for traffic offenses is against his own policy? Just wondering if he will be like Missing Mike and just ignore all the rules.
Gary Smith
May 3, 2023 at 1:16 pm
Donna is a typical Democrat and this will be as it has been in the past a republican stronghold. It’s time to lay the law down. The only thing that Donna braggd about itis that she has overcome cancer 3 times but never has she had any experience.
FOP Retired
May 4, 2023 at 8:50 pm
Nat Glover LOST his Mayor’s race in 2003… Deegan trotting him out is a desperate play
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