Florida government vehicles will remain hooked to the filling station, not the charging station.
Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed a bill (SB 284) on Wednesday that sought to smooth the way for state agencies to incorporate electric vehicles into their fleets.
The measure was sponsored by Sen. Jason Brodeur, a Sanford Republican, and received only one nay vote, from Rep. Yvonne Hinson, a Gainesville Democrat.
It would’ve required state agencies to buy vehicles that use ethanol and biodiesel blended fuels, as well as natural gas fuel, when possible. Those who purchase vehicles for state agencies also would’ve been required to consider the entire lifetime cost of the vehicle, not just the purchase price, when evaluating bids.
Agencies are currently required to consider fuel efficiency when buying vehicles, but in an Orlando Sentinel op-ed piece last month Brodeur called that criterion “an outdated and ineffective way of evaluating vehicle performance and financial benefits.”
Brodeur pitched the bill as one that would save the state millions of dollars over the next decade while not imposing any concrete mandates on the state or consumers.
“As electric vehicle technologies prove themselves in the market and costs go down, Florida will be positioned to take advantage of market innovation to save money for taxpayers and make us less reliant on out-of-state fuel sources,” Brodeur wrote. “Florida will continue to invest responsibly in smart infrastructure that makes it possible for our residents and visitors to choose the vehicle technology that’s right for them.”
The bill also directed the Department of Management Services to make recommendations to other departments on how to include electric vehicles and vehicles using alternative forms of energy into their fleets by July 1, 2024.
DeSantis did not explain why he rejected the bill in his veto message.
Another provision of the bill would have allowed property owners to contract with private companies to inspect the installation of electric vehicle charging stations. Currently, local government code inspectors must review the devices.
It’s the sixth bill DeSantis has vetoed this year. He has signed 325 bills and there are 10 waiting on his desk.
June 28, 2023 at 7:23 pm
I wonder which lobbyist bought this veto.
Earl Pitts American
June 28, 2023 at 7:36 pm
Good evening Ametica,
Attention voters in the Sanford, Florida area:
That guy Jason Brodeur which you chumps elected…well I, Earl Pitts American, always hate it when I must take a dump on a chump. Even worse is when I am forced to take several dumps on a whole bunch of chumps.
That being said:
Jason Brodeur is a Dook For Brains RINO as evidenced by The VETO of The Next POTUS “THE RONALD”.
Sorry about that you Chump Voters.
Hey y’all may want to check yourselves I mean like what the heck were you chump voters thinking? Hey chumps dont get mad dont get sad but someone has to step up here and shoulder responsability. Guess who? Its you chump voters DO BETTER.
Thank you chumps,
Earl Pitts American
Joe The Plumber
June 28, 2023 at 7:54 pm
Earl it takes a great man to take a dump on a chump.
A far greater man to take several dumps on several chumps.
You my friend just broke the Book of World Records by taking a massive multi dump on a deserving entire Florida voting district of chumps.
I’m proud of you Earl.
Those voters who voted for the chump got some soul searching to do.
Dook 4 Brains RINO politicians dont just spring up out of nowhere. No Sir they are elected by chump voters. For Shame you chump voters your fault. GUILTY.
Great and appropriate chump call out Earl.
June 28, 2023 at 7:43 pm
Electric vehicles rely on huge government subsidies because they are not competitive in the market. Our electric grid is stretched as it is and look at the idiots who want to increase the usage – and then who will they blame for the inevitable ‘brown outs’ like California has???
If you want clean, dependable energy, you will be pushing natural gas and nuclear energy.
June 28, 2023 at 7:58 pm
Are those narratives still true?
Increasingly there are more and more EV’s added to competition (and not just from China).
The national grid can handle EVs according to the Dept of Energy.
And lets ask this: should oil become prohibitively expensive due to whatever, what can we make more of here on the home front? Oil or electricity?
Electricity using both natural gas and nuclear.
Earl Pitts American
June 28, 2023 at 8:33 pm
Good evening JD,
Typical gas vehicals can go 200,000 miles with a proper maintenance program typical with most City/County procedures in Florida. Then are auctioned off to the public.
Your City/County purchases 30 EV’s for 50,000 each. Thats an initial investment of 1,500,000.
At 70,000 miles the batterys need replaceing thats 25,000 for each thats 725,000.
No one wants to purchase a worn out EV and replace those expensive batterys. Lots will purchase a worn out gasoline truck, sink some cash on a new engine for around 3500 and drive it another 150,000 miles.
Are you thinking with your brain or your feelings?
Thank you JD,
Earl Pitts American
June 28, 2023 at 8:48 pm
Your math might be off a hair.
It’s $13,000 for a battery replacement according to JD Power. Granted that’s more costly than a $3500 engine, but that’s not a true price – the average price for an ICE engine is $4000 for a 4 cyclinder and higher for trucks with v-8s cresting $8500 to $10K for a diesel.
And car and driver has done multiple comparisons of the costs of ownership and operations and it’s alway cheaper with the EV, especially over 3 years.
Are you sure it’s not your feelings about ideology doing your thinking?
Earl Pitts American
June 29, 2023 at 8:39 am
Well JD you are hopeless and live in a fantastic world of glitter and unicorns.
Crack open a Bud Lite and enjoy your self,
Earl Pitts American
June 30, 2023 at 7:31 am
You should do some research on a Chinese company called BYD (Beyond Your Dreams) which are producing EVs that are cheaper than gas cars. Elon Musk has already recognized that BYD is Tesla’s biggest threat. Ford and GM are not even in Tesla’s radar.
Here is a hard reality. The EU and the Asia are moving to EVs regardless of what the America does. Worse yet, Ford is losing market share around the globe. The sales are so bad it is ending production in most if not all foreign markets. If Ford and GM stick to producing gas cars, the companies will be out of business by the end of the decade.
July 12, 2023 at 11:15 am
check you tube on the Chinas electric car suddenly bursting into flames. as well as the thousands and thousands of ev car share cars rotting away since it was not a car sale to public but a investment scam
which followed there bicycle share fraud and there cities without residents or buildins which suddenly fall down
Dont Say FLA
June 29, 2023 at 4:39 pm
Rhonda won’t be having the State of Florida fleet go EV until the moment Elon Musk says they’re ready to deliver the Teslamobiles.
July 12, 2023 at 11:22 am
state and local gov don’t get any direct subsidies the also don’t get the tax benefit of depreciation and one part of ev in the public state and federal lose millions in gas taxes. and no one takes the fact
EV use battery charge every day its sitting not used one model of tesla was said to use 100% in 15 days unused
so it makes 0 sense for people who dont drive much like retired who use the car 1x week to shop or dr. 2x momthe they have to pay for electricity they never used gas cars evaporation is tine amount
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