The algorithms have spoken and show Florida’s level of patriotism is not so gallantly streaming — but some of the measures in a recent study are stacked against the Sunshine State in ways that have nothing to do with Floridians’ pride of country.
Florida is ranked 46th out of the 50 states in the level of red, white and blue spirit running through it, according to the findings of WalletHub. The personal finance website crunched the numbers on 13 key indicators. Only New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Arkansas had less pride to be an American than Florida.
Key metrics were voter turnout, civic education requirements, jury duty participation and military engagement.
Clearly, fireworks being shot off is not a consideration in this ranking.
WalletHub compared the 50 states in two categories, military engagement, and civic engagement. Scoring perfectly, a state could earn 25 points for the former and 75 points for the latter.
Florida scored in the top half for heeding the call to arms: 19th in military engagement. The study measured that number by scoring according to the number of military enlistees, veterans and active-duty military per 1,000 civilian adults, along with the share of the civilian adult population in the military reserves.
But the study rated civic engagement as having three times the importance of military engagement and, in that, Florida was 49th, likely dragged down by having the lowest volunteer rate in the country.
And some ways the study measured civic engagement were slanted against the Sunshine State.
The share of adults who voted in the 2020 Primary Elections was in the second-most important category for rating civic engagement and, in that measure, making circumstances that have nothing to do with civic pride a factor.
Florida is among seven states with closed Primary Elections, so those with no party affiliation are not eligible to vote in the Primary, thus dragging the share of voters participating in Primaries down.
The volunteer rate is one of the smallest points of consideration in the scoring but the number getting out there puts Florida dead last among the 50 states. The biggest state of volunteerism — Utah — volunteers at three times Florida’s rate, the statistics gathered from a number of sources spelled out.
The five states the study determined to be the most patriotic in the country — Virginia, Montana, Alaska, North Dakota and Maine — wouldn’t seem to have much in common.
The study drew one broad assertion about the results, however.
Left-leaning states are more patriotic than right-leaning ones.
Earl Pitts American
July 3, 2023 at 8:14 am
Good mornting America,
Clearly a bogus total B$ “survay, study, poll” or whatever you want to call it. My, Earl Pitts American’s, advice is just to move on with your life.
Remember you should “stop to smell the roses” as you make your way through life…BUT..
if you often find yourself often “stopping to smell the B$” there is something fundamentally wrong with your thought process which can be self cured if caught in the early stages of the infection.
My life coaching experience indicates that people that are “stopping to smell the B$” are 87% more likely to be infected and suffering from dangerous early stage “Dook 4 Brains Leftism” which is a known cause of a lot of physical and mental health issues in those aflicted with the condition.
As of yesterday Fouchi and the CDC have not developed a mask or vaccine to prevent or cure those afflicted with terminal late stage Dook 4 Brains Leftism.
Act fast and cure yourselves America. And keep an eye on your family, friends, and coworkers for early signs of an early onset of Dook 4 Brains Leftistism. We must stomp down any and all early signs of an early onset before it becomes perminate.
Get yourself out of that habit right away before the Dook 4 Brains Leftism settles into your inner core of your brain. As you likely already figgured out there is no cure for late stage Dook 4 Brains Leftism. The condition will ruin your and your family’s life which is why many familes no longer go to Thanksgiving/Christmas celebrations with their once beloved family members.
Sad but true.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts “Your Life Coach” American
Doctor Anonymous
July 3, 2023 at 8:54 am
Earl we’ve known the health effects along with the mental anguish inflicted on families, friends, and co-workers of those suffering from Stage 4, the terminal stage, of the condition you so eloquantly describe in your public service announcement above. Initially it began as a harmless but well intentioned research project designed to change peoples addictions to harmfull narcotics, inappropriate behaviours, along with cronic masturbation.
Once the administration in power back in 2013 found out how powerfull our research could be in effecting the outcome of National elections, and to a lesser extent local elections, the research was co-opted into a black-ops ultra secret program.
Earl you figgured it out.
I cant go into any details which would incriminate me and my family. But just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know how close to the truth you are.
We actually used the system at first to see what effect it would have on turning the populations views on their toleration and conversion to nonstandard forms of sexual deviance. That was such a roaring success we almost stopped the propagation of newborn Americans. Then we went into willy nilly off the chain expermintation into what other kinds of crazy stuff we could get people to do again with great success.
Earl its gone so far now that we all know we are going to HeII for what we did.
Anyway thanks Earl and early intervention is the only thing which will be effective. God speed Earl.
Dr. A
July 3, 2023 at 8:43 am
Doesn’t surprise me that left leaning states are more patriotic. The GOP leaders are out there for themselves, money, power and the rich. That’s it. As for Florida it doesn’t shock me because there are a lot of immigrants, many don’t speak English and are extremely misinformed. DeSantis has ruined this state …. the exorbitant insurance rates starting as one of a very lengthy list!
Earl Pitts American
July 3, 2023 at 9:25 am
Great news KD,
I’ve contacted your loved ones regarding the benifits of early intervention and they have agreed to help you. So when contacted regarding attending any 4th of July celebration with your former loved ones it is extreamly important that you attend. We can cure you 100% and restore your once wonderfull healthy relationships with your family and friends.
KD just remember the great person you were prior to 2013. We will bring that version of the once great and powerfull KD roaring back into action.
Thank you for reaching out for professional intervention KD,
Earl Pitts “Life Coach” American
July 3, 2023 at 12:21 pm
I question this ranking. How can Florida not be on the top of the list when we have so many good Florida citizens that are a part of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and the various Nazi organizations.
Dave Seminara
July 4, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Totally BOGUS “study.” Democrats are more patriotic? They don’t even CLAIM to be patriotic in polling. Gallup just released their annual survey of patriotism. 60% of Republicans are “extremely proud” to be American, whereas only 29% of Democrats are.
Dont Say FLA
July 6, 2023 at 10:01 am
Dave, patriotism and claims of patriotism are two entirely different things.
In the USA, Democrats behave more patriotic via “civic engagement” as described in this FP post.
Republicans make claims of patriotism while behaving in extremely anti-USA ways. Republicans fly the US flag while taking action to increase Americans demonizing and even killing other Americans here at home in the USA just because those other Americans are different and that makes the conservative Americans experience uncomfortable feels.
July 6, 2023 at 3:32 pm
You have to also keep in mind, Dave, that 90% of Republicans are pathological liars. These people also pretend to be Christians, and well…
My Take
July 5, 2023 at 2:21 am
“We actually used the system at first to see what effect it would have on turning the populations views on their toleration and conversion to nonstandard forms of sexual deviance. That was such a roaring success we almost stopped the propagation of newborn Americans. Then we went into willy nilly off the chain expermintation into what other kinds of crazy stuff we could get people to do again with great success.”
The ORIGENS of Teabaggery and MAGA !!
My Take
July 5, 2023 at 2:27 am
The site may or may not need an EDIT function, but I clearly do.
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