A Florida man prosecutors say is affiliated with the Proud Boys extremist group was sentenced on Friday to five years in prison for attacking police officers with pepper spray as they tried to defend the U.S. Capitol against supporters of President Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021.
Barry Ramey, an aircraft mechanic who was convicted of assault and other crimes in federal court in Washington, D.C., also tried to intimidate an FBI agent investigating him before his arrest. Ramey anonymously called the agent and recited the agent’s home address over the phone, prosecutors say.
Ramey has been locked up since his April 2022 arrest. His attorney wrote in court documents that Ramey “has understood the gravity of his actions and is ready for a change with support standing by to help him through it.”
There was no immediate response Friday to an email sent to his attorney seeking comment.
Prosecutors say Ramey joined a large group of Proud Boys on the morning of Jan. 6 before heading toward the Capitol, where lawmakers were meeting to certify President Joe Biden’s election victory over Trump. As another rioter charged a police line, Ramey lifted his arm and began spraying, hitting two officers, according to prosecutors.
After the officers were sprayed, rioters managed to push past the police line and up the stairs toward the Capitol, authorities say.
Ramey’s lawyer noted in court documents that her client didn’t enter the Capitol, steal anything or “remain defiant following January 6th—as many have done.” His attorney disputed prosecutors’ characterization of Ramey as a member of the Proud Boys on Jan. 6. She said there’s no evidence he was part of any chats that “planned a coup on democratic government” or came to Washington prepared to stop the certification of the vote.
A slew of Proud Boys leaders, members and associates have been charged with federal crimes in the riot. Former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio and three other leaders were convicted in May of seditious conspiracy for what authorities said was a plot to halt the transfer of power from Trump to Biden.
Jay Smif
July 8, 2023 at 2:23 pm
And you worthless conservatives claim you “back the blue.”
I hope this domestic terrorist dies in his cage.
Eduardo Slaveen Salahuddin 👍
July 8, 2023 at 3:26 pm
Florida Man goes to jail..what else is new. Half the state has been to jail so how is this relevant anymore in this right wing police state? No wonder wages so low in Florida. They can justify it by all the criminality and of course the mental health epidemic.
Say Hello To Ashlii Babbit 💥🎁
July 8, 2023 at 3:27 pm
No Qristian backs LEOs…that whole ‘sovereign citizen’ Qristian bull.
Die in jail, Qanon loser.
My Take
July 8, 2023 at 4:11 pm
I’m sure an aircraft mechanic will make a good truck mechanic in a prison shop.
A garbage truck won’t be a Cessna but it still needs servicing.
July 8, 2023 at 4:29 pm
Fun fact:
Proud boys and Oath Keepers are American terrorist….. not patriots.
Dont Say FLA
July 8, 2023 at 7:38 pm
Oh, threatening somebody with their address? Who is that around here always posting “IP Address” … Bet we don’t see that person’s comments for a while now they are apparently off to prison for five years.
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