Former President Donald Trump had a message for Ron DeSantis at his Turning Point USA speech Saturday in West Palm Beach.
That message: to get off the campaign trail where he’s losing, and come home and do the job of Governor of Florida.
“And by the way, in the brand new Florida Atlantic poll, we are totally dominating DeSantis right here in the state of Florida. So we want him to get home and take care of insurance because you have the highest insurance in the nation. And the bill that they passed made it very good for the insurance companies.”
“All the money that he’s using now is stopped because all of the people that were supporting him,” Trump continued. “They’re saying, hey, wait a minute, you’re down by 57 points. You know, they may like him or they may not, but they don’t want somebody that’s down 57 points and you know, they don’t, they’re not stupid people.
“In fact, all of a sudden, I’m getting calls from people. They say, ‘You know, sir, I just called to say hello.’ I said ‘I thought you were a DeSantis follower,'” Trump said.
“But running for hopeless causes, the election should be used to support the party winning against crooked Joe Biden in November 2024. We’ve got to fight together. We have to all get together and we have to fight.”
Trump continued the attack.
“Now is the time when Republicans should be using those funds to build a state of the art vote gathering operation to swamp the Democrats cheating and ballot harvesting. Instead, DeSanctimonious and his establishment handlers are wasting such precious time and resources to divide the party. They’re dividing the party. Although he’s dropping so quickly, he’s probably not going to be in second place much longer,” Trump said.
“I wonder who he’s going to be. Maybe it’s Vivek Ramaswamy. Vivek could be.”
Trump hit a similar theme earlier in the speech.
“In the Fox Poll that was just released, we lead the field by 50 points among young voters, with Trump at 64% and a gentleman named Ron DeSanctimonious at 14%. I don’t know why he’s not here these couple of days, but he should be here. He should be here representing himself,” Trump said, as the crowd booed the mention of the Governor’s nickname.
Trump also revisited other familiar themes in the speech, including the assertion that DeSantis was controlled by “globalists,” and that he would have gotten a job in a “law firm” or a “pizza parlor” had it not been for his endorsement against Adam Putnam and Andrew Gillum.
Chuck Shad
July 15, 2023 at 8:55 pm
Just one a-hole dogging another . Love it ! These two scumbags deserve each other . And come November the American people will deliver the message , as they did in 2020 , that they don’t want either one .
Dont Say FLA
July 15, 2023 at 9:08 pm
Defelonious Javina Trump is still whining about “Democrats cheating and ballot harvesting? Geez I dunno whether he or Rhonda is dumber
My Take
July 15, 2023 at 10:03 pm
“Globalists” in rightwing-speak usually means “Jews.”
Perhaps especially in front of an evangelical audience
My Take
July 15, 2023 at 11:25 pm
A couple of generations ago the trigger expression was “cosmopolitan.”
Florence Hendrick
July 16, 2023 at 9:51 pm
Spoken like a true narcissist. Trump and his family have made billions off our enemy countries. Trump will go down fighting to his death because he is such a prideful man. DeSantis is a real threat to Trump that’s why all the demonization, and vitriol. We have a Spiritual Warfare going on, good against evil. Trump the Drama King, deserves an Academy Award for his portrayal of a President, a nice guy, comedian, showman, and narcissist. This is one very scary man. He has so many people fooled, but in the end, there is the power of pray. There is a group of prayer warriors around this nation that are praying that truth will prevail, all evil will be bound in the name of Jesus. That the USA will regain a respectable status. That honor and dignity will be known as the ruling party in the White House, and that the position will be given to a man that has proven over and over through his lifetime to be the godly man that he is, and that’s Ron DeSantis. Trump is so afraid, that his speech writers have stolen talking points from DeSantis. When ever did Trump care about our children and education? More prayer more power, and in the end, it’s GOD AT THE HELM. Not, a man that pretends that he’s a god…like Trump.
Dont Say FLA
July 17, 2023 at 12:36 pm
Wabbit, got another one for ya!
My Take
July 17, 2023 at 1:45 am
“godly man that he is, and that’s Ron DeSantis”
‘Oh My God’-ly, perhaps.
But DeSSantis is far more wicked than godly.
Hatefilled than loving.
A bully. A thug.
A fascist.
Ron Forrest Ron
July 17, 2023 at 10:09 am
Ron needs to get back home because it’s time for Wapner.
July 17, 2023 at 11:47 am
The real question is when is Ron going to anything for Florida?
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