State Rep. Shevrin “Shev” Jones has filed a bill in the state House allocating state funds to compensate the family of Devaughn Darling, a Florida State University football player who died during a 2001 practice session.
Jones’ bill, HB 3517, would complete the long process of relieving Darling’s family for their loss, which according to a Florida court, came at the hands of negligence on the part of FSU.
Darling’s family won a $2 million verdict against the state, but because of a Florida sovereign immunity statute capping plaintiffs’ damages at $200,000, the family has had to wait to receive the $1.8 million balance until the Legislature passed a claims bill specifically appropriating that money.
Thee wait has turned into a 14-year ordeal, their claims bill dying at various stages of the legislative process each year since 2002.
Jones, a West Park Democrat, joins Senate Democratic Leader Arthenia Joyner of Tampa. Joyner filed an identical bill, SB 38, in July.
Joyner’s bill faces a four-committee gantlet to reach a vote before the full Senate. With a projected $1 billion budget surplus to work with this year, Jones and Joyner may be well-positioned to succeed where past efforts to compensate Darling’s parents, Dennis Darling Sr. and Wendy Smith, have failed.
One comment
Nick Miller
August 1, 2015 at 8:12 pm
The sad history of this Claims Bill illustrates why FL politicians are so widely despised and mistrusted. It’s outrageous that they haven’t passed this bill.
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