Gov. Ron DeSantis is saying that if he becomes President, he will reveal information about a former financial giant who is now best known for sex trafficking.
During an event held by the Never Back Down super PAC, the Governor told an Iowa crowd that he would release whatever details weren’t released about Jeffrey Epstein.
“I don’t know why they didn’t make all that stuff public. You have a right to know what happened with all of that and we will declassify or put out whatever we can on that,” DeSantis said in Le Mars.
DeSantis was never close to Epstein, but the financier’s issues have intersected with the state and its officials to such a degree that the Governor, in his first term, ordered an investigation of Palm Beach County officials in the wake of Epstein’s 2019 death in a jail cell to ensure that the criminal did not get “special treatment.”
Interestingly, DeSantis this summer reappointed a lawyer who negotiated a “sweetheart” plea deal for the Palm Beach billionaire sex offender 15 years ago to one of several commissions responsible for nominating judges in Florida.
DeSantis again named Miami Beach lawyer Lilly Ann Sanchez, a shareholder at LS Law Firm, to the Judicial Nominating Commission (JNC) of the 3rd District Court of Appeal in Miami-Dade County. He first appointed her to the group July 2, 2019.
Sanchez was part of a quartet of lawyers that included Ken Starr, author of the Starr Report that led to the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, who defended Epstein against charges of the statutory rape of numerous underage high school girls.
Epstein ultimately pleaded guilty in 2008 to charges of soliciting and trafficking underage girls, serving just 13 months on work release in a private wing of a Palm Beach jail.
Eleven years later, in March 2019, Sanchez and Starr co-wrote a letter to The New York Times defending Epstein’s light sentence. They contended the “number of young women involved in the investigation has been vastly exaggerated” and that Epstein’s time in prison and “enormous monetary settlements relying on his negotiated agreement” entitled him to “finality like every other defendant.”
Jesse Scheckner of Florida Politics contributed to this report.
October 9, 2023 at 1:01 pm
Another thing nobody cares about – thanks rhonda. Imagine, if you will, a politician who did something that actually benefited the state as a whole then pinch yourself because you’re dreaming. Banging on about this stupid culture war crap to attract small dollar donors is pretty much as good as it gets with these clowns.
October 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm
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October 9, 2023 at 1:20 pm
……as if American families are sitting at the edge of their seats to school themselves on all the details related to groomer in chief, Jeffrey Epstein!
Earl Pitts "Earl Predicts The Future" American
October 9, 2023 at 1:24 pm
OMG America,
The Dook 4 Brains leftist/rino elite in our Great Nation along with …. I believe a few of the Brit Royals are going to decend into a melt down if Desantis gets elected POTUS and follows thru with the Epstein client reval.
At this early stage the elites are just quietly suffering some seceret and uncomfertable sphincter tighting at the thought of being outed.
Its way too early for the eliets to issue orders to the compliant Dook 4 Brains Media any talking points to oppose what the elites hope never happens.
Therefore the general Dook 4 Brains Leftist/RINO Public public, like good ‘Ole Tom, (above), have not yet been told to oppose the big Epstein Client Reveal yet. Tom will be on board when and if his marching orders filter down to his level from his Dook 4 Brains compliant media masters though. At that time, Tom, and other regular Dook 4 Brains Leftys/RINO’s will totally oppose the Epstein Client Big Reveal.
Thank you America,
Dont 4 get to relax your sphincters
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
October 9, 2023 at 1:48 pm
Where you on Epstein Island raping little boys, Earl?
Wouldn’t surprise me at all if you were.
October 9, 2023 at 4:40 pm
There Shitts goes again asking about sphincters.
You Perv Pedo Groomer.
Earl Pitts American
October 9, 2023 at 9:26 pm
Relax your Sphincter JD or you will need to see an expensive Doctor about Roto-Rooting your dook-impacted dook-pipe.
Have an Earl Pitts American Day
October 9, 2023 at 9:34 pm
There you go again trying to put my sphincter in your mouth. Maybe you should be called EarL Feltch Shitts instead.
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 5:55 am
warning ⚠ TROLL comment
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 5:59 am
⚠ ⚠ warning TROLL comment
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 2:24 pm
Sonja Fitch
October 9, 2023 at 1:25 pm
May I make a wish Desantis ? Wish you actually could or would help the citizens in Florida! Covid dud!!! Hurricane lost interest still struggling. Taking books and calling them inappropriate for children ! Ignoring the facts that there are more humans facing exploitation because of their sex! Enough get out Desantis
Charley Cristy
October 9, 2023 at 1:32 pm
Earl your one fart smeller/smart feller.
I never partied with Jeffery.
October 9, 2023 at 4:34 pm
It would be nice if El Jefe D would practice what he preaches and open Florida up to sunshine.
October 9, 2023 at 4:39 pm
You will reveal it? Just like the COVID-19 data that took a LAWSUIT to get revealed?
We don’t believe you – you’ll only release stuff that will hurt your opponents. It’s Twitter Troll Xtina’s speciality. Lapado took her online class.
Oh, STFU Shitts.
Earl Pitts American
October 9, 2023 at 9:29 pm
Thank you JD,
You are the best at making me, Earl Pitts American, look like the Smartest man ever!!!
October 9, 2023 at 9:37 pm
Is that on the alternative intelligence quotient test the FLGOP is trying to adopt? Like the alternative to the SAT no other collegiate system will accept? Sure EarL with the big “L” for LOSER
Unwoke and Going Broke In Florida
October 10, 2023 at 7:28 am
NaziEarl took an SCL-90 for metal assessment.
‘Room for improvement’
Unwoke and Going Broke In Florida
October 10, 2023 at 7:27 am
“I’m going to make the WHOLE COUNTRY LIKE FLoRIda!”
ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Fla. (WEAR) — Three students at a Florida high school were arrested for making a “hit list” and “lethal hit list” targeting multiple students, according to deputies.
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist" American
October 10, 2023 at 2:58 pm
Thanks Unwoke,
I, Earl Pitts American, just confirmed these wayward kids got their Dook 4 Brains leftist ideas from drag quern story-time in thwir Dook 4 Brains Leftist school.
You are welcome UnWoke,
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 6:03 am
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