Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to urge restraint when it comes to American troop commitments on the behalf of Israel.
Asked on Monday night whether the United States should take an active role in supporting Israeli offensives against their enemies, DeSantis suggested that the U.S. shouldn’t get “enmeshed” in the Middle Eastern war, given the looming threat of China, which DeSantis has consistently said is America’s major strategic competitor at present.
“I think that we have to be careful about getting enmeshed in a war in the Middle East, partially because China is really going to take advantage of this situation and you just find yourself $33 trillion in debt as it is (with) a very weakened defense industrial base,” DeSantis said on Newsmax Monday night.
The Governor alleged that President Joe Biden “not leading on anything … is an invitation for Chinese aggression.”
“We’ve got to be careful about how that plays out, but I do think Israel is, is capable of defending itself the way it needs to in this situation without needlessly provoking some type of wider war,” DeSantis added.
This is the second time in recent days in which DeSantis has tried to put limits on how far American forces would go.
During a NewsNation interview last week, he was asked specifically about “Special Forces,” and while the Governor didn’t rule that out either, he stressed that any U.S. military entanglement would be “classified and secret.”
“Or others who can be involved in hostage rescue attempts and there may be something where this is being done by Israel and that wouldn’t be necessary,” DeSantis said. “All that, of course, would be something that would be classified and secret as it should be.”
Though DeSantis left the door open to the American military being engaged in “hostage rescue attempts,” he stressed then that any engagement should necessarily be in a limited, support role, and that “you wouldn’t see ground troops fighting in Israel if I were President.”
My Take
October 23, 2023 at 11:13 pm
It’s hard to argue against “being careful.”
At least in the general sense.
But the specifics?
October 24, 2023 at 8:24 am
Ron, just be careful how you talk about this. Publicly you need to support Israel and make Israel’s enemies believe that we will support Israel as far as it requires so that Israel can avoid a protracted war and has the leverage for a Peace. When you make statements like this, even when I would agree that WWIII should be avoided if possible, you may actually invite WWIII by showing weakness and limits to your support before you actually must make a choice.
October 24, 2023 at 8:27 am
The real way to handle this we intend to give Israel anything it asks for to get Peace. This is a strong statement of support. It still allows you to later decide that what Israel asks for is not going to create “Peace” you could deny a request.
rick whitaker
October 24, 2023 at 9:24 am
well said lex
October 25, 2023 at 11:03 am
It appears the Israeli hawks intend to cause as much damage to Hamas as possible before they reach the point of invading Gaza. Unfortunately the collateral damage from carpet bombing an urbanized area is already disproportionate to the victims of the savagery of Hamas. (BBC reported on TV yesterday that Israel had already exceeded the total number of bombs dropped during the US invasion of Iraq.)
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