U.S. Sen. Tim Scott said neither Gov. Ron DeSantis nor former President Donald Trump has a winning message in 2024.
Speaking to a Republican gathering in the state both pols call home, Scott said only he delivers the optimistic vision the GOP needs.
“We need a total focus on Joe Biden, a conservative warrior who created a red wave up and down the entire balance,” Scott said, “and we must win back the White House.”
The South Carolina Senator spoke at the Florida Freedom Summit in Orlando, a home state crowd for some of his biggest competitors for the Republican nomination. There, he was among the only candidates on the stage to call out competitors by name.
He suggested both DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy wrongly suggested America had entered a state of decline. While he praised DeSantis’ record as Governor of Florida, he said that message hasn’t played nationwide, and with good reason.
“He doesn’t have a forward-looking aspirational vision about where our country should go,” Scott said of DeSantis.
As for Trump, Scott said he was happy to work during the former President’s first term to advance a social conservative agenda. That included fighting to put 300 conservative judges on the federal bench. But it’s clear, he said, that Trump can’t advance the interests of Republicans nationwide.
“Our party has been underperforming for three consecutive national elections,” he said. He blamed that on Republicans losing not only the presidential race but Senate contests in 2020 in once-red states like Georgia and Nevada.
Scott also attacked fellow South Carolinian Nikki Haley, a former Palmetto State Governor and Ambassador to the United Nations. While he worked on numerous issues with his now-competitor, he suggested Haley now was running as a moderate in the “Never Trump” lane.
“We can’t win with a moderate,” Scott said, arguing that will divide the party.
He said his own life as a Black conservative winning a Senate seat in the Deep South undermines the message of liberals that all minorities are victims. Now he’s ready to take that message to every part of America.
“I don’t just want to win the battle against Joe Biden,” Scott said. “I want to win the war for Christian conservative values that transformed my life and transformed and built America.”
November 4, 2023 at 6:04 pm
“A optimistic vision is what will lead Republicans to victory, the South Carolina Senator said.”
“I want to win the war for Christian conservative values that transformed my life and transformed and built America.”
““We need a total focus on Joe Biden, a conservative warrior who created a red wave up and down the entire balance,”
“Our party has been underperforming for three consecutive national elections,”
This is a few hundred word summary of a longer speech. Did he continue to contradict himself like this?
Michael K
November 4, 2023 at 7:45 pm
DeSantis traffics in an apocalyptic narrative of America and has infected Florida with his dystopian, destructive policies.
The Republican party has not, will not, and cannot win the popular vote, as it has morphed into the MAGA cult. DeSantis is trying to straddle the middle, thinking he can outsmart Trump (he cannot) and fool the rest of America (and he is failing in that effort).
White Christian Nationalism is not a winning strategy either, and Ron’s coddling nazis is backfiring on him, as it should.
November 7, 2023 at 3:47 am
Untrue. If he weren’t a public figure, you could be sued for slander and defamation successfully. I would like to think you’re being hyperbolic in a literary sense to make a point, but you’re not. You’re simply being dishonest. Shame on you.
November 4, 2023 at 8:12 pm
Republican 2024 campaign fighting and Republican House fighting …. Ultimately is good for America!
What the infighting shows is that the Republican Party, America’s third Party of choice, is incapable of leading our great nation!
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 4, 2023 at 8:51 pm
Good evening America,
Dang Tim “Slamed” us.
Now we gotta find another candidate to consider as our VPOTUS.
But who do we like after Tim just shot himself in the foot by dissing “The Ronald”?
Dang we dont really like any of the other candidates.
Thats it America:
I, Earl Pitts American, am calling Pam Bondi. Dont worry America, “The Ronald” wont have any problem with Pam.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Geo Soros
November 4, 2023 at 9:00 pm
Sage wisdom Earl,
Even though I hate you and all you stand for I’m putting 2M. on Desantis before the online odds makers find out about the Desantis/Bondy tickit.
I dont have to like you Earl to make money off you.
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:27 pm
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:25 pm
Ocean Joe
November 5, 2023 at 2:19 pm
The Green Mile man needs to drop out
EARL PITTS " Relax Your Sphincters With Ron & Pam" AMERICAN
November 5, 2023 at 3:09 pm
Good afternoon America,
Once Trump has his fun whizzing off all the Dook 4 Brains Lefties and withdraws from the race pledging all his voters to Desantis the HOT MlIF, Pam Bondy, as the second 1/2 of The Desantis/Bondy tickei will gurantee the 8 years of peace and prosperity we have all prayed for.
So America, what time is it???
Why yes my beloved Patriots, I know it’s been a minute, but yes America you are all cleared at this time to relax your sphincters.
You are so welcome my Patriots,
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:28 pm
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 6, 2023 at 8:22 am
Thank you my beloved Son, Rick, your wacky leftist contrarian commentary has sky-rocketed my ratings to the point of receiving substantial monitary dividends. My CFO, Earline Pitts American, will be getting with you later on our additive to your pay envelope.
Rick Whitaker
November 6, 2023 at 3:27 pm
quit hitting on me you pervert. i keep telling you i’m a straight man. if i was gay, you would be too stupid for me.
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