Supporters of Ron DeSantis convened Thursday via Zoom to pray for him ahead of yet another appearance on Fox News.
This time around, he’s debating California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and a series of pro-DeSantis preachers hope that appeals to a divine power to drive Florida’s chief executive to victory, or some equivalent thereof, during the 90-minute tete a tete hosted by Sean Hannity.
Along the way, the prayer warriors urged God to stand by the Florida Governor during his extended cable news hit, while undermining his opponent from the West Coast.
The most prominent name on the call, of course, was that of Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nuñez, taking time away from official duties with the Governor out of state yet again to host a call with the DeSantis national political operation.
Nuñez urged pastors to use their “tremendous bully pulpit,” a term more commonly associated with executive branch politicians, to accomplish their political goals.
“So we’d ask that you communicate with your communities that you try to make sure that people understand that elections have consequences. And I think the most important thing we can do is ensure that the faith community turns out in a major way on caucus day and then on the primaries that follow,” the LG said.
Nuñez said that many of those on the call “lament what we’re seeing in society,” adding that’s why a “strong leader” like the Governor is needed to “fight the fight.”
“He will put on the full armor of God,” she said, using a phrase that DeSantis himself uses with religious audiences.
Nuñez also dabbled in parable, invoking the example of Lazarus and Christ’s reputed resurrection of the leper.
“Jesus went to the tomb, he raised Lazarus from the dead. And what that story really represents to me is what Mary and Martha wanted was healing,” the LG said. “But instead Jesus wanted a resurrection. And I think that at this time, at this juncture, that is absolutely what we all need, a resurrection of our hearts, of our souls, of this country.”
Pastors also had their say, with the most quotable of them being Jack Hibbs of Chino Hills, California, who called for a divine smiting of his state’s Democratic Governor.
Hibbs urged God to “do a very, very powerful work in the undoing of Gavin Newsom’s tongue,” along with undoing “his train of logic and thinking.”
“Father, he has been the most violent pro-choice Governor, I think perhaps in our nation’s history. He has loosened the laws in the state against pedophilia and all sorts of crimes. God, he has done one horrible thing after another,” Hibbs urged.
“And then finally, Lord, I just want to ask that you would release every spiritual power of blessing upon the Governor and that you would bring every demonic power to be held captive,” Hibbs added, calling for a “great unraveling of Gavin Newsom.”
“Lord, he’s a man full of himself and he despises you,” Hibbs contended.
Ocean Joe
November 30, 2023 at 3:10 pm
Ain’t nothing going to raise Desantis’ campaign from the tomb, not even if Trump gets “a bad call from the doctor.”
November 30, 2023 at 3:58 pm
The single individual that has done more to undermine and destroy DeSantis Administration now calling for prayer to save his campaign for President and her selfish ambitions to inherit the Governorship. Talk about hypocrisy from a very evil woman. Both are done in Florida elected political office.
November 30, 2023 at 10:06 pm
I’d like to hear more about the shy, retiring Red-baiter and BFF of Manny Diaz. She has to hope Dee will vacate the Big Chair early. Is this some kind of Gold Coast thing to which you refer?
Michael K
November 30, 2023 at 4:06 pm
I’m sure these “prayers” work as well as the ones after every episode of mass murder by guns.
My Take
December 1, 2023 at 2:06 am
The “prayer shield” those other Elmer Gantrys put around Trump didn’t seem to work for
Impeach Biden
November 30, 2023 at 4:23 pm
DeSantis doesn’t need any prayers tonight against that soft, metrosexual Newsom. Just focus on how screwed up Kalifornia is and the success of Florida.
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist Emeritus" American
November 30, 2023 at 5:21 pm
Please impart the wisdom of the Heavens on all the women of our Great Nation to realize that Ron DeSantis is the exact type of man you would wish for you own precious Daughter to marry and raise a beautiful family of Grandbabies for you to love and cherish.
Please impart the same wisdom on the women of our Great Nation to realize that Gavin Newsome would like to engage in inappropriate Mano y Mano relations with your son, have his weiner removed, give your son an incurable STD, get your son on fyental – living and pooping 💩 in the streets, dying an early and horrible death and all kinds of perverse cray-cray shizz like that.
Thank you America,
rick whitaker
December 1, 2023 at 9:28 pm
My Take
November 30, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Smite him, Lord. We beseech You, smite him mightily !!
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist Emeritus" American
November 30, 2023 at 7:16 pm
Thank you My Take for finally casting aside your sick addiction to “Dook 4 Brains Leftism and joining the side of “The Good Guys”.
You are my new Patriot friend My Take and together we will banish Dook 4 Brains Leftism from our Great Nation and punish all Dook 4 Brains Lefty world wide.
Welcome my new Patriot My Take,
Earl Pitts American
rick whitaker
December 1, 2023 at 9:31 pm
My Take
December 1, 2023 at 1:11 am
Send a loathesome bòil, oh Lord, just as You did to wicked Dub.
My Take
December 2, 2023 at 6:07 am
God does not hear the prayers of wicked Hibbs.
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