Now that Gov. Kim Reynolds has explained why she’s endorsing Gov. Ron DeSantis’ campaign for President, his new campaign ad features everyday Iowans doing the same.
The 30-second ad, “Iowans for Ron,” features a half-dozen people telling why they are voting for DeSantis as opposed to that guy leading in the Republican Primary polls.
Their endorsements come out like one continuous stream of thought in front of a rising, percussive beat that works up to the sound of cheering.
“I definitely voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020,” says “Anthony,” a small business employee.
“But we’ve got to move on,” says “Ross,” identified as a fifth-generation Iowa farmer before “Anthony” can say where he stands now.
“Gov. DeSantis has proven himself in Florida,” Ross adds.
The Iowa caucus, the first test of the 2024 presidential election, hits Jan. 15 and DeSantis has invested bigly, or, uh, a lot.
The Florida Governor’s campaign bought $2.3 million in airtime to start blanketing the broadcast and cable TV with DeSantis campaign ads. The first one, “Fight. Win. Lead.,” began running Nov. 1 and it looks ahead to the assumed General Election contest, drawing the contrast between Florida’s Governor and President Joe Biden.
“While Biden fails, DeSantis leads,” that ad says. It launches with a static picture of a contemplative Biden with a face mask hung around his neck before transitioning to DeSantis in motion, shaking hands as he works his way through a cheering crowd.
The polls show a Biden-DeSantis match-up is nowhere near a certainty as Trump’s poll numbers dwarf those of all other candidates. Trump has lost one point of support since Nov. 1, drawing 47% of the electorate, according to RealClearPolitics’ polling average. DeSantis’ RCP average, meanwhile, has remained virtually unchanged at 17.3% while former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s support has risen 2 points, within 3 points of DeSantis.
The latest ad seems to allude to criticisms of the other leading Republican candidate — the one who was President before.
No direct attacks, though.
“He fights, he knows how to win,” says “John,” a combat veteran, talking about DeSantis, perhaps referencing the “culture of losing,” that DeSantis has said has gripped the party since Trump became its putative leader.
‘Kristine,” identified as a “proud Iowan,” also seems to be contrasting DeSantis with another candidate.
“He’s drama-free, an effective and proven leader,” she says of DeSantis.
It echoes Reynolds’ Nov. 6 endorsement when she said the next President should be “someone who puts this country first, not himself.”
Now, who might these women be drawing the contrast to?
December 4, 2023 at 8:19 pm
At the end of the Republican Primary if either Desantis or Trump is the Republican nominee…… Biden will capture 10,000,000 votes! Voters who are on the fence, especially Independent voter, will not be voting for either of these two Republicans!
Impeach Biden
December 4, 2023 at 8:43 pm
Bottom line is that “Dementia” Joe has gotta go. His giggling sidekick “Fweedom” is just as bad. Look no further than inflation, the border chaos, the Ukraine, the Middle East, crime in this country among many others why incompetent Joe has gotta go.
December 5, 2023 at 7:38 am
So we’ll replace them with fascist Trump and VP MGT – there’s some forward progress for you. I’ll stick with the fairly competent ‘weekend at bernies’ guy thanks. Not my first choice but if that’s the best America has to offer, it is what it is.
Jay Smif
December 6, 2023 at 10:22 am
The choice is literally Biden or Hitler. I’m with you.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Scientist/Advisor Emeritus" American
December 4, 2023 at 8:47 pm
Good evening to all white Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s,
There are not enough of y’all to really win anything. Blacks are going Republican. Your side went too far with your crazy this time.
Y’all may be loosing about 1/2 of your white base too. And I would estimate American Jews are realizing Republicans are looking pretty good at this point too.
Honestly white Democrats even amoung your own white Dook 4 Brains friends and family there is going to be a significant number quietly voting Republican. They are just not going to talk about it or festoon the hatchbacks of their Suburu SUV’s with EARL PITTS AMERICAN bumper stickers.
Y’all need to pay close attention to who’s NOT talking politics at your Holiday gatherings.
If your loud mouth politically obsesed Uncle Shlomo always ruined every Holiday gathering in years past with loud Democratic Retoric …. BUT ….. this year Uncle says basically NOTHING political ….. there you have it ….. Uncle Shlomo’s 100% voting Republican for the first time in his life.
Powerfull Sage Wisdom From Earl Pitts American.
rick whitaker
December 4, 2023 at 8:51 pm
Michael K
December 4, 2023 at 8:25 pm
I think he needs a “third party” endorsement by his besties at Moms for Liberty to spice up an otherwise dull monotonous ad.
Florida Follies presented by AG and Peter
December 5, 2023 at 4:35 am
It’s fun to watch the MAGGATs panic; 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄
Your children will be taught Whites are inferior and you cannot stop it.🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
Baby Doc
December 5, 2023 at 7:17 am
Whites are inferior in Rap Music, smash n grab, flash mobs, resisting arrest, burning and destroying inner cities, police cars and such. Everything else is debatable. For instance let’s take a look at Haiti in regards of how to mismanage an entire country, steal from its people, and such. Remember the DR is right next door. Such huge differences.
EARL PITTS "Dook 4 Brains Lefty Expert" American
December 5, 2023 at 8:05 am
Good Mornting America,
FL Follies and Baby Butcher Doc (above), are both prime examples of suicidal white Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s [if they believe the political vomit they both spew].
Both postings were made by the same fat fool holed up in Momie’s basement toutching himself inappropriotly an average of 6.35 hours out of each day.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
rick whitaker
December 5, 2023 at 8:49 am
Richard C Russell
December 5, 2023 at 11:28 am
Ricky, your Mommy didn’t give you looks or brains – poor baby. Keep on sucking at the Democrap tit for as long as you can. Trump will be shutting it off in 2025!
rick whitaker
December 5, 2023 at 7:20 pm
richard russell, looks don’t matter to me, so i don’t care what a redneck like you thinks, why should i. you must be gay to be commenting on my looks. back off, i’m a straight man. as far as brains go, well based on your inane comments, i would put my iq and education against yours any day. maga cultist’ nationwide are known for being undereducated and subject to belief in conspiracy theories due to their lack of critical thinking capability . erudition is definitely not the best card in your deck. i judge people primarily on their words and works. i know nothing about your works, but your words say a lot.
Richard C Russell
December 5, 2023 at 11:37 am
Ronny has a record in Florida, but he has been an absent Governor – how’s that for leadership? Trump was on top of everything and produced great results for the entire 4 years and will do it again starting in 2025. Ronny makes promise, Trump delivered on promises. I’m going with the one who has the track record for AMERICA: Donald John Trump!
December 5, 2023 at 2:48 pm
I must be getting old but I can’t seem to recall a single thing he did. Walls maybe? Healthcare reform? I know he cost me around $10K a year with his tax breaks for the rich so I looked it up.
Seems like he didn’t do much at all to me but hey, I don’t expect politicians to do much either way.
It's Complicated
December 5, 2023 at 3:26 pm
The winner in the 2016 & 2020 POTUS races was perceived by voters as the lesser of two evils, essentially, the one who was disliked to a lesser degree. The same may hold true in 2024, with Biden currently 22 points underwater @ Approve 37%/Disapprove 59%, and Trump currently 11 points underwater @ Approve 42%/Disapprove 53%. Whichever party musters the courage to nominate a candidate who is disliked the least by the electorate in Swing States will likely win.
December 6, 2023 at 7:55 am
Sadly, it’s a binary choice and you’re correct.
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